

单词 promontory
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Fear〕A promontory on Smith Island off the coast of southeast North Carolina at the mouth of the Cape Fear River.菲尔角:开普菲尔河的入海口,是离开北卡罗来纳州东南海岸的史密斯岛上的一个岬美国传统〔Gris-Nez〕A promontory of northern France extending into the Strait of Dover near Calais. It is the nearest point to the island of Great Britain.格里内兹角:法国北部的海峡,靠近加来伸入多佛海峡。为最靠近大不列颠岛的地点美国传统〔Hafun〕A promontory of northeast Somalia on the Indian Ocean. It is the easternmost point of Africa.哈丰角:索马里东北部伸入印度洋的一个海角,它是非洲的最东点美国传统〔Henry〕A promontory of southeast Virginia at the entrance to Chesapeake Bay east of Norfolk.亨利角:美国弗吉尼亚州东南部的岬角,位于诺福克以东的切萨皮克湾入口处美国传统〔La Hague〕A promontory of northwest France at the northwest tip of the Cotentin Peninsula on the English Channel.拉哈格岬:法国西北部的一个海角,位于科唐坦半岛西北端,与英吉利海峡相临美国传统〔North Cape〕A promontory on an island of northern Norway west of Cape Nordkyn. It is considered the northernmost important extremity of the continent of Europe.新西兰北岛的北端:北挪威诺尔辰角西部岛上的海角,被认为是欧洲大陆最北的重要末端美国传统〔Race〕A promontory of southeast Newfoundland, Canada, on the coast of the Avalon Peninsula.莱思角:加拿大纽芬兰省东南部一海角,位于亚法隆半岛沿岸美国传统〔Ray〕A promontory of extreme southwest Newfoundland, Canada, on Cabot Strait.雷角:加拿大的纽芬兰西南顶端卡伯特海峡的一个突出部美国传统〔Wrath〕A promontory at the northwest extremity of the Scottish mainland.拉斯角:苏格兰大陆西北端的海角美国传统〔bluff〕A steep headland, promontory, riverbank, or cliff.悬崖,峭壁,陡岸,绝壁美国传统〔foreland〕A projecting land mass; a promontory.岬,海角:一大块凸出的陆地;海角美国传统〔headland〕A point of land, usually high and with a sheer drop, extending out into a body of water; a promontory.海岬:尤指高地并有大幅度落差的伸入一片水域的土地的一点;岬美国传统〔point〕A tapering extension of land projecting into water; a peninsula, cape, or promontory.角,岬,半岛:伸入水中的一块逐渐变得尖细的陆地;半岛、角或岬美国传统〔shoot〕The land shoots into a promontory.这片陆地伸入岬角。英汉大词典〔stick out〕There's a rocky promontory that sticks out from the shore.一处岩岬在海岸上突兀而立。外研社新世纪〔tongue〕A spit of land; a promontory.岬:一点点土地;尖端美国传统The mansion was on a promontory, high over the Pacific. 该宅邸高高地座落于太平洋的一个海角上。译典通There's a castle built on the promontory overlooking the cliffs.一座城堡建造在悬崖上,俯视着峭壁。剑桥国际




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