

单词 paving stone
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bullnose〕A rounded edge, corner, or projection, as on a stairstep or paving stone.外圆角:如楼梯或铺路石上的圆边、圆角或圆形突出美国传统〔cobblestone〕A naturally rounded paving stone.圆石块:自然形成的圆形铺路石头美国传统〔flagstone〕An evenly layered sedimentary rock that can be split into paving stones.薄砂层岩,板层砂岩:一种有整齐分层的能打砸成铺路石的水成岩美国传统〔flush〕Make sure the paving stones are flush with the lawn.务必要使铺路石和草坪齐平。牛津高阶〔granolith〕A paving stone of crushed granite and cement.人造铺地石:用花岗岩碎屑和水泥造的铺路石美国传统〔level〕Level the ground carefully before you start to lay the paving stones.先把地仔细整平再开始铺石头。麦克米伦高阶〔nakedness〕The hot paving stones scorched my naked feet.烫人的铺路石灼烤着我的一双赤脚。柯林斯高阶〔naked〕The hot paving stones scorched my naked feet.我光脚走在滚烫的铺路石上, 脚烫得生疼。外研社新世纪〔pile〕The paving stones were still there, neatly piled against the hedge.铺路石还在那里,整整齐齐地靠近树篱堆放着。麦克米伦高阶〔seed〕The plants have seeded themselves (= their seeds have fallen) into the cracks between the paving stones.植物的种子在铺路石的缝隙中落地生根。剑桥高阶〔uneven〕Be careful on that path - the paving stones are uneven.走那条路时要小心——铺路石很不平。剑桥高阶Take care when you walk on that path--the paving stones are rather uneven.在那条路上走时要当心----铺路石很不平坦。剑桥国际The plants have seeded themselves (= their seeds have fallen) into the cracks between the paving stones.植物的种子落进了铺路石的缝隙中。剑桥国际




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