

单词 on your bike
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HIT〕Make sure the lights on your bike are working. I don't want you getting run over. 要确保自行车上的灯可正常使用,我可不希望你被汽车撞倒。朗文写作活用〔bomb〕I saw you bombing along the street on your bike.我看见你骑着自行车沿街飞驰而过。麦克米伦高阶〔job〕Will you be able to carry all the shopping back home on your bike, or will it have to be a car job (= will you need the car)? 你能把买来的东西都用自行车带回家吗,是不是还得用汽车?剑桥高阶〔right〕Something isn't quite right with the brakes on your bike.你的自行车车闸不好用了。剑桥高阶Something isn't quite right with the brakes on your bike.你自行车上的刹车不太好。剑桥国际You'll need to shift to a low gear on your bike on the next hill-- it has a real steep grade.你将需要在下一个山头把你的自行车调到一个低速档----那真是一个很陡的斜坡。剑桥国际




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