

单词 opposed
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔abortion〕demonstrators opposed to abortion 反对堕胎的示威者韦氏高阶〔arbor〕pl. ar.bo.res[ärʹbə-rēz'] A tree, as opposed to a shrub.【复数】 ar.bo.res[ärʹbə-rēz'] 乔木:与灌木相对的树美国传统〔body〕the body of a thesis as opposed to the footnotes 区别于脚注部分的论文正文英汉大词典〔body〕the body of the thesis, as opposed to the footnotes相对于脚注而言的论文正文外研社新世纪〔diametrically〕diametrically opposed 完全对立的文馨英汉〔diametrically〕diametrically opposed views 截然相反的意见英汉大词典〔entertainment〕a serious novel as opposed to an entertainment 一本严肃的小说而非消遣读物英汉大词典〔implacable〕to be implacably opposed to the plan 坚决反对这个计划牛津高阶〔labor〕a proposal that is opposed by Labour 工党反对的一项提案韦氏高阶〔left-winger〕a policy opposed by left- wingers 遭到左派人士反对的政策韦氏高阶〔mindful〕mindful that this newspaper has opposed racial discrimination 注意到这家报纸是反对种族歧视的英汉大词典〔modification〕people opposed to the genetic modification of plants 反对改造植物基因的人牛津搭配〔novelistic〕the novelistic form as opposed to the dramatic or short-story form 与戏剧或短篇小说样式相对的长篇小说英汉大词典〔opposed〕a conflict of directly opposed aims直接对立的目标之间的冲突外研社新世纪〔opposed〕people with policies almost diametrically opposed to his own.提出与他几乎截然相反的政策的人柯林斯高阶〔opposed〕people with policies almost diametrically opposed to his own提出与他几乎截然相反的政策的人外研社新世纪〔opposed〕psychological as opposed to physical dependence心理上而非身体上的依赖外研社新世纪〔opposed〕the party most openly opposed to military rule 最公开地反对军事统治的政党牛津搭配〔opposed〕two opposed characters 两个对立的性格文馨英汉〔opposed〕two bitterly opposed schools of thought 两种激烈对抗的学派英汉大词典〔opposed〕two directly opposed concepts 两个截然相反的概念麦克米伦高阶〔oppose〕was opposed to nuclear reactors.反对核反应。美国传统〔preacher〕clergymen who adamantly opposed women preachers 坚决反对女性传教士的牧师牛津搭配〔pure〕technology as opposed to pure science subjects 相对于纯理论学科的技术牛津高阶〔real-life〕textbook problems as opposed to real-life problems 与实际问题相对而言的教科书中的问题英汉大词典〔regulation〕those opposed to tighter regulation of banks 那些反对对银行加强监管的人牛津搭配〔right-winger〕a policy opposed by right- wingers 遭到右翼人士反对的政策韦氏高阶〔rigid〕rigidly opposed to all new ideas 顽固地反对一切新思想朗文当代〔sport〕a demonstration by people opposed to blood sports (=sports that involve killing animals) 反对猎杀动物运动的人士举行的示威游行朗文当代〔stridently〕a man who is stridently opposed to abortion坚决反对堕胎的人外研社新世纪〔tribalism〕a nationalist movement opposed to “tribalism” and devoted to national consolidation 反对“宗族主义”并致力于巩固民族团结的民族主义运动英汉大词典




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