

单词 正规军
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔fall〕Snipers and irregulars fell on the hapless patrol.狙击兵和非正规军袭击了巡逻队美国传统〔home guard〕A volunteer force formed to defend a homeland while the regular army is fighting elsewhere.国民自卫军:一支志愿组成的军队,在正规军在别处战斗时以保卫国土美国传统〔irregularity〕At least 17 different irregular units are engaged in the war.至少有 17 个非正规军部队参战。柯林斯高阶〔irregular〕A soldier, such as a guerrilla, who is not a member of a regular military force.非正规军:非正规军队成员的士兵,如游击队队员美国传统〔irregular〕At least 17 different irregular units are engaged in the war.至少有17支不同的非正规军部队参加了这场战争。外研社新世纪〔militia〕A military force that is not part of a regular army and is subject to call for service in an emergency.预备役部队:不作为正规军的一部分,准备在紧急情况下服役的武装力量美国传统〔paramilitary〕Of, relating to, or being a group of civilians organized in a military fashion, especially to operate in place of or assist regular army troops.准军事的,辅助军事的:属于、有关或是由群众成的军队形式的,尤指代替或帮助正规军队作战的美国传统〔regular army〕The permanent standing army of a nation or state.正规军:一个国家或州的常备军美国传统〔regular〕A soldier belonging to a regular army.正规军士兵美国传统〔regular〕Belonging to or constituting the permanent army of a nation.正规军的:属于或构成一个国家的常备军的美国传统〔regular〕In October 1980 Iranian main forces took on the Iraqi regulars.1980年10月,伊朗主力部队迎战伊拉克正规军。英汉大词典〔regular〕The regulars were called to battle.正规军人应召参战。韦氏高阶〔standing army〕A permanent army maintained in time of peace and war.和平时期和战争时期的正规军美国传统〔transformation〕Delegates also discussed transforming them from a guerrilla force into a regular army.代表们还讨论了把他们从游击队武装改造为正规军的问题。柯林斯高阶




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