

单词 boxer
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔armed〕a long-armed boxer 手臂长的拳击运动员韦氏高阶〔battered〕the bruised and battered face of a boxer 拳击手青肿受伤的脸韦氏高阶〔boxer shorts〕a pair of boxer shorts 一条平脚短内裤牛津高阶〔boxer shorts〕a pair of boxer shorts 一条男士宽松短内裤韦氏高阶〔boxer〕a professional/amateur/heavyweight boxer 职业╱业余╱重量级拳击运动员牛津高阶〔boxer〕the Boxer Rebellion 义和团之乱(1900年)文馨英汉〔camp follower〕the famous boxer and his camp followers 著名拳击手和他的追随者韦氏高阶〔chairborne〕a chairborne boxer 拳击理论家(不会拳击者)文馨英汉〔champion〕a champion boxer 得冠军的拳击手英汉大词典〔champion〕a champion boxer and skier.拳击和滑雪双料冠军柯林斯高阶〔fighting〕a boxer at fighting weight 体重符合参赛标准的拳击手英汉大词典〔fighting〕a boxer in fighting condition 健康状况可以参加比赛的拳击手英汉大词典〔handle〕handle a boxer 训练拳击运动员 (并在比赛时充当其助手)英汉大词典〔jab〕a boxer with a good left jab 打出一记漂亮左刺拳的拳击手朗文当代〔lightweight〕a lightweight boxer 轻量级拳击手韦氏高阶〔master〕a master boxer 身手不凡的拳师英汉大词典〔overtrain〕a boxer who overtrained.进行过度训练的拳运动员美国传统〔professional〕a professional boxer (politician) 职业拳击手(政治家) 英汉大词典〔pro〕a pro boxer 职业拳手文馨英汉〔pro〕a young boxer who's just turned pro 刚转为职业选手的年轻拳击手牛津高阶〔punch〕a boxer who knows how to take a punch 一位知道如何对付对方重拳的拳击手牛津搭配〔punch〕a boxer with a strong punch 出拳有力的拳击手英汉大词典〔redoubtable〕a redoubtable amateur boxer 凶狠勇猛的业余拳击手英汉大词典〔scientific〕a scientific boxer 技巧熟练的拳击手英汉大词典〔second〕a second to a boxer in a fight.一场拳击赛中拳师的助手。牛津同义词〔slaphappy〕a slaphappy boxer 被打得眩晕的拳击手韦氏高阶〔small-time〕a small-time boxer 二流拳击手英汉大词典〔that〕the greatest boxer that ever lived 有史以来最伟大的拳击手朗文当代〔time〕the greatest boxer of all time 有史以来最伟大的拳击手麦克米伦高阶〔trainer〕the boxer and his trainer 拳击手和他的教练韦氏高阶〔weight〕a heavy-weight boxer (体重175磅以上的)最重量级拳击运动员英汉大词典




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