

单词 napoleon i
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bonapartist〕A follower or supporter of Napoleon I and his policies and dynastic claims or of the Bonaparte family.波拿巴主义者:拿破仑一世和他的独裁政策及其帝王专断以及波拿巴家族的支持者或追随者美国传统〔Charles Louis〕Austrian archduke and military leader who modernized the Austrian army, creating a formidable force that contributed to the downfall of Napoleon I.查理·路易斯:奥地利大公爵和军队统帅,他将奥地利军队现代化,创建了一支战斗力强的军队,这对拿破仑一世的倒台起了很大作用美国传统〔Marie Louise〕Austrian archduchess who became empress of the French as the second wife of Napoleon I.玛利·路易斯:奥地利女大公,作为拿破仑一世的第二个妻子成为法国皇后美国传统〔consulate〕The Emperor Napoleon I crowned himself later that same year – the consulate had passed away in favour of the Empire.皇帝拿破仑一世于同年晚些时候加冕——执政府统治期已经结束, 帝国时代到来了。外研社新世纪




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