

单词 orient
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Occident〕The Occident and the Orient have different ideas and customs.西方和东方的思想、习俗不同。英汉大词典〔Oriental rug〕Any of numerous kinds of rugs made by hand in the Orient.东方地毯:产于东方的各类手工地毯美国传统〔Orientalism〕A quality, mannerism, or custom specific to or characteristic of the Orient.东方风格:一种代表了东方特有的或具有东方特色的风格、生活方式或风俗美国传统〔Orient〕In the Orient, one of the chief reasons for desiring children is that there may be someone whose duty it is to perform the burial rites.在东方, 想要孩子的主要原因之一是可以有个人能承担操办葬礼的责任。外研社新世纪〔Orient〕We're planning a trip to the Orient.我们正计划着到东方去旅游。韦氏高阶〔axis〕An unlimited line, half-line, or line segment serving to orient a space or a geometric object, especially a line about which the object is symmetric.轴:用于给空间或几何体定位的无限直线、射线或线段,特别是关于对称物体的线美国传统〔diageotropism〕The tendency of growing parts, such as roots, to become oriented at right angles to the direction of gravitational force.横生,横向地性:生长部分在地心引力的作用下倾向于适当角度,如植物的根美国传统〔heterosexual〕Sexually oriented to persons of the opposite sex.异性恋的:对异性者有性倾向的美国传统〔misorient〕To orient incorrectly or inappropriately.使定向错误或使定向不当美国传统〔nematic〕Of or relating to the mesomorphic phase of a liquid crystal in which the molecules are oriented in loose parallel lines.向列型的:液晶体的液晶态阶段的或与其相关的,其分子呈松散的平行列美国传统〔orientation〕The act of orienting or the state of being oriented.向东:定向的行为或被定向的状态美国传统〔oriented〕A lot of the younger students don't seem to be politically oriented at all.这些年纪稍小的学生中有许多人似乎都对政治完全不感兴趣。朗文当代〔oriented〕Fewer young fledged from southerly oriented nests than from those oriented north.从向南的鸟巢出窝的幼鸟要少于从向北的鸟巢出窝的幼鸟。外研社新世纪〔oriented〕His motive was politically oriented.他的动机趋向于政治。文馨英汉〔oriented〕It seems almost inevitable that North African economies will still be primarily oriented towards Europe.北非经济体仍将以欧洲为主要导向, 这看来几乎是不可避免的。外研社新世纪〔oriented〕It seems almost inevitable that North African economies will still be primarily oriented towards Europe.看来北非经济体几乎注定还将以欧洲为主导。柯林斯高阶〔oriented〕Make sure all the components remain correctly oriented.要保证所有的零件都放置正确。牛津搭配〔oriented〕Most students here are oriented to computers.这里的大多数学生很熟悉电脑。外研社新世纪〔oriented〕Most students here are oriented to computers.这里的大部分学生都对计算机感兴趣。柯林斯高阶〔oriented〕The audience was academically oriented.听众都是关注学术的。韦氏高阶〔oriented〕The country's economy is export oriented.该国的经济是出口主导型。朗文当代〔oriented〕The organization is not politically oriented.这个组织没有政治目标。牛津搭配〔oriented〕The service is not sufficiently oriented to the needs of those who use it.这种服务没有足够重视使用者的需要。牛津搭配〔oriented〕The union is oriented towards welfare capitalism.该工会是以福利资本主义为导向的。外研社新世纪〔orient〕Orient The countries of Asia, especially of eastern Asia. Orient 东亚各国:亚洲的一些国家,特别是东亚的国家美国传统〔orient〕Orient the map so that north is at the top.把地图中的北方放在上方。韦氏高阶〔orient〕Orient the swimming pool north and south.把游泳池建成南北向。英汉大词典〔orient〕Anxiety comes from not being able to orient yourself in your own existence.不能适应生活便会产生焦虑。柯林斯高阶〔orient〕Anxiety comes from not being able to orient yourself in your own existence.焦虑的来源是不能适应自己的生活。外研社新世纪〔orient〕Education was oriented to theory and distant facts.当时的教育以理论和久远的资料为方向。英汉大词典〔orient〕He oriented himself by finding a familiar landscape.他寻见一处熟悉的景色,从而确定自己所处的方位。英汉大词典〔orient〕It took him some time to orient himself in his new school.他经过了一段时间才熟悉新学校的环境。牛津高阶〔orient〕My Russian course is heavily oriented towards grammar.我的俄语课程非常注重语法。麦克米伦高阶〔orient〕Our students are oriented towards science subjects.我们教的学生都适应学理科。牛津高阶〔orient〕She lay still for a few seconds, trying to orient herself.她静静地躺了一会儿,试图弄清自己的方位。柯林斯高阶〔orient〕She lay still for a few seconds, trying to orient herself.她静静地躺了几秒钟, 试图弄清自己身在何处。外研社新世纪〔orient〕She looked at the street names, trying to orient herself.她看了街名,想要确定自己的方位。朗文当代〔orient〕The authors oriented the text to/toward high-school students. = The text is oriented toward high-school students.作者使用的是适于高中学生水平的文本。韦氏高阶〔orient〕The discussions helped me orient myself to the language.这些讨论帮助我适应了这种语言。外研社新世纪〔orient〕The freshman took a while to orient himself.那大学新生花了一些时间熟悉环境。英汉大词典〔orient〕The house is oriented so that it faces west.房子定位成坐东朝西。韦氏高阶〔orient〕The mountaineers found it hard to orient themselves in the fog.登山者在大雾中很难辨认方向。牛津高阶〔orient〕The news programmes are increasingly oriented to what we call ‘infotainment'.新闻节目越来越偏重我们称之为“信息娱乐”的东西。麦克米伦高阶〔orient〕The organization is strongly oriented towards research.该机构非常注重研究。朗文当代〔orient〕The program is intended to orient students toward a career in medicine.这门课程旨在引导学生从事医学事业。韦氏高阶〔orient〕The stadium is oriented south and north.那个体育场是南北走向。21世纪英汉〔orient〕We must orient our work to the needs of the markets.我们必须调整我们的工作,以适应市场的需要。21世纪英汉〔orient〕We run a commercially oriented operation.我们经营一个商业性的企业。牛津高阶〔orient〕You can easily orient yourself in the city by the famous buildings.利用城内的著名建筑物,你可以很容易地确定自己的方位。21世纪英汉〔orient〕You will need the time to orient yourself to your new way of eating.你还需要一些时间才能适应新的饮食方式。柯林斯高阶〔orient〕You will need the time to orient yourself to your new way of eating.你还需要一些时间来适应新的饮食方式。外研社新世纪〔pearl〕Singapore is sometimes described as the pearl of the Orient.新加坡有时被形容成东方之珠。麦克米伦高阶〔photomap〕A map made by superimposing orienting data and markings on an aerial photograph.照相地图:根据航空照片上附加的导向数据和标记而绘制成的地图美国传统〔spirituality〕Our whole programme is spiritually oriented but not religious.我们的整个节目都是关注心灵的,但却不是宗教性的。柯林斯高阶〔touch〕Visually impaired people orient themselves by touch.有视觉障碍的人通过触觉确定自己的方位。朗文当代〔unifacial〕Having, presenting, or oriented toward a single face.具有单面的,呈现单面的,朝向单面的美国传统〔unpolitical〕Not politically structured, oriented, or focused; not interested in politics.非政治的:非政治的,无政治目的的,或并非以政治为中心的;对政治没有兴趣的美国传统An editor must be detail oriented. 校订者一定要仔细。译典通Ginseng has been used for over 5000 years in the Orient as a restorative and preventive remedy.人参作为一种滋补与防病的药品已在东方使用了5000多年。剑桥国际He oriented himself by finding a familiar landscape. 他发现一处熟悉的景色,从而确定了自己所处的方位。译典通He believes that the West has created unfair myths of the Orient.他认为西方人编造了不公正的东方神话。剑桥国际He said that parents should be able to opt for either an academic or a vocationally oriented education for their children.他说父母亲应当能够为他们的孩子选择究竟是接受学术性的教育还是职业性的教育。剑桥国际I'd love to travel on the Orient Express.我想乘《东方特快》列车旅行。剑桥国际She enjoys wearing orients. 她喜欢戴优质珍珠。译典通She had lived in the Orient as a child.童年时她住在远东。剑桥国际The Orient has been playing an active role in the world economy. 亚洲一直在世界经济中发挥积极作用。译典通The orient shone on her face. 珍珠的光泽映在她的脸上。译典通The orient sun is so radiant. 正在升起的太阳如此光辉灿烂。译典通The freshman took a while to orient himself. 那位大学新生花了一段时间才熟悉了环境。译典通The rising sun is orient in the blue sky. 在蓝天里初升太阳光辉夺目。译典通The union is oriented towards welfare capitalism. 工会以福利资本主义为其奋斗目标。译典通The vase seems to have an orient origin. 这花瓶好像来自东方。译典通They love paintings from the Orient. 他们喜欢来自东方的绘画。译典通




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