

单词 must
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ARRANGE〕things that must be arranged for something to happen 为使某事发生所必须作的安排朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕something that must happen before something else can happen 在某事发生以前必须发生的事朗文写作活用〔DEAL WITH〕when there are difficult problems that you must deal with 遇到必须处理的难题时朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕to tell someone that they must not do something 告诉某人不可做某事朗文写作活用〔HURRY〕to be in a situation in which you must hurry 处于必须赶紧的情况下朗文写作活用〔IF〕why something must be true 某事肯定是事实的原因朗文写作活用〔INSIST〕to say firmly that someone must do something or that something must happen 坚决表示某人必须做某事或某事必须发生朗文写作活用〔LAW〕an official rule that everyone must obey 法律朗文写作活用〔LEGAL〕when the law says you must do something or have the right to do it 法律认为你必须做某事或有权做某事朗文写作活用〔MUST/DON'T HAVE TO〕when a job, plan etc includes something that you must do 工作、计划等中包含必须做的事朗文写作活用〔MUST/DON'T HAVE TO〕when you must not do something 不可以做某事朗文写作活用〔PAY〕a piece of paper that shows how much you must pay 表明必须支付金额的单据朗文写作活用〔PRISON〕the period of time that someone must spend in prison 某人必须在狱中度过的一段时间朗文写作活用〔REMIND/MAKE SB REMEMBER〕to make someone remember something that they must do 使人记起必须做的事朗文写作活用〔account〕a sight one must on no account miss 人们决不可错过的胜景英汉大词典〔argue〕to argue that the news report must be wrong论证此项新闻报道必定错误21世纪英汉〔arrived at a decision〕a split-second decision [=a decision that must be made in an instant] 必须在瞬间做出的决定韦氏高阶〔close〕stay / keep close We must all stay close.我们都必须紧紧地呆在一起。朗文当代〔compliance〕procedures that must be followed to ensure full compliance with the law 为确保严格遵守法律所必须遵行的程序牛津高阶〔crude〕must face the crude truth.必须面对真相美国传统〔cult〕the 1980s cult movie 'The Gods Must Be Crazy' 20 世纪 80 年代风靡一时的影片《上帝也疯狂》朗文当代〔cutoff〕the cutoff date by which all applications must be received 收到所有申请的截止日期麦克米伦高阶〔drop behind〕a league encounter that the champions must win to avoid dropping further behind their rivals一场卫冕冠军队必须获胜以防进一步落后于其他对手的联赛比赛外研社新世纪〔err〕a gauge that must not err by more than 0.01 mm.误差不得超过0.01毫米的量规英汉大词典〔gallery〕but I must tell you that in my opinion you're both now playing to the gallery.但是,我必须告诉你们,在我看来你们俩都是在哗众取宠。柯林斯高阶〔grant〕must accord the senator the respect she is due; 必须给予议员她应有的尊敬;美国传统〔hurdle〕hurdles A race in which a series of such barriers must be jumped without the competitors' breaking their stride. hurdles 跨栏跑:一种赛跑,参赛者必须动作连贯地跨过一系列这种障碍美国传统〔important〕an important message that must get through; close friends who are important to me.必须传达的重要的消息;对我来说非常重要的亲密朋友美国传统〔keep〕kept the change; must keep your equanimity.保管零钱;务必保持冷静美国传统〔learn〕learn to do sth Young hairdressers must learn to treat the client as a person, not a head of hair.年轻的发型师必须认识到要把顾客看作是人,而不是只把他们当作一头头发来处理。朗文当代〔learn〕learn what Youngsters must learn what is dangerous and what is not to be feared.小孩子必须要知道什么有危险,什么不要害怕。朗文当代〔mail〕if a report must be electronically mailed to an office by 9 am the next day.如果一份报告必须在次日早晨9时之前以电子邮件的形式发送至办公室柯林斯高阶〔marketable〕the legal safeguard that goods must be of marketable quality商品必须达到可销售的质量这一法律保障外研社新世纪〔muster〕muster stations(= parts of a building, a ship, etc. that people must go to if there is an emergency) 集结站牛津高阶〔must〕must books [subjects] 必读之书[必修科目]文馨英汉〔must〕a must book for the student of aerodynamics 研究空气动力学的人必读的书英汉大词典〔must〕a new book that is must reading; a list of must legislation for the session.一本不可不读的新书;开庭不可缺少的立法一览表美国传统〔must〕on [in] must 正在发情期,变狂暴的文馨英汉〔ordinance〕a city ordinance that says parks must be closed at 11 p.m.规定公园于夜间 11 点钟必须关门的城市条例朗文当代〔paramilitary〕a law which said that all paramilitary groups must be disarmed.规定所有非法军事组织必须解除武装的法律柯林斯高阶〔paramilitary〕a law which said that all paramilitary groups must be disarmed规定所有非法军事组织必须解除武装的法律外研社新世纪〔pay〕a legally binding international treaty that establishes who must pay for environmental damage.规定谁该为环境破坏买单的有法律约束力的国际条约柯林斯高阶〔posterity〕a priceless work of art that must be kept for posterity 必须保存好留给后人的一件无价艺术品朗文当代〔premise〕a theory based on the simple premise that what goes up must come down 基于凡升者必降这一简单前提的理论韦氏高阶〔prescription〕a prescription charge(= in Britain, the money you must pay for a medicine your doctor has ordered for you) 处方药费牛津高阶〔presupposition〕the presupposition that human life must be sustained for as long as possible.人的生命一定可以尽可能延长的假设柯林斯高阶〔presupposition〕the presupposition that human life must be sustained for as long as possible人的生命肯定会尽可能长地维持下去的假设外研社新世纪〔rank〕a performance of heroic calibre that must rank with the most memorable in international rugby.必被列为国际橄榄球赛中最令人难忘的一场荡气回肠的比赛柯林斯高阶〔rank〕a performance of heroic calibre that must rank with the most memorable in international rugby一定是国际橄榄球赛中最令人难忘的一场荡气回肠的比赛外研社新世纪〔recognition〕lead to a recognition by the superpowers that arms talks must be continued 导致超级大国认识到军备谈判必须继续英汉大词典〔remind〕must remind him to call; reminded her of college days.必须让他记着打电话;使她回想起了大学里的日子美国传统〔remorseless〕a remorseless teacher insisting that all the work must be done again 一个坚持所有功课必须重做的铁石心肠的教员 英汉大词典〔sample〕the restaurant critic who must sample a little of everything.餐馆品尝员必须把每样东西都尝一点美国传统〔slog away〕keep slogging away! You must achieve success.坚持苦干吧!你一定能取得成功。21世纪英汉〔stand〕must take a stand on environmental issues.必须在环境问题上表明立场美国传统〔state〕of affairs I must say this is a very unsatisfactory state of affairs.我得说,目前的局势令人很不满意。朗文当代〔whosever〕whosever book you use, you must take care of it无论你用谁的书, 你都必须保管好。外研社新世纪〔world〕a mature performance which must have done his career prospects a world of good.肯定为他的事业打开了一片坦途的成熟表演柯林斯高阶a legally binding contract (= that must be obeyed because it is accepted in law) 具有法律约束力的合同牛津商务creditors falling due within one year (= debts that must be paid within a year) 债务一年之内必须偿付牛津商务




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