

单词 summary
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEGINNING〕Speakers often give an overview at the start of a lecture and a summary at the end. 演讲者经常在讲座开始时作一个概述,结尾时再作一个总结。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕I'm handing round a summary of last week's lecture. 我要发给大家一份上星期课堂的摘要。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕For those of you who may not be familiar with the play I'll give a brief summary of the plot. 你们中有些人可能不熟悉这剧本,我来对情节作一个简单的介绍。朗文写作活用〔LATER〕Later on, I'll be interviewing the Prime Minister, but first here is a summary of the news. 稍后我将采访首相,现在先来看新闻摘要。朗文写作活用〔SHOULD/OUGHT TO〕It is the judge's duty to give a fair summary of both sides of the case. 法官有义务给控辩双方的案情陈述作一个公正的总结。朗文写作活用〔SUMMARIZE〕I've made a summary of the main points in the Secretary General's speech. 我给总书记的讲话要点写了一个摘要。朗文写作活用〔SUMMARIZE〕In summary, don't waste your money on this book. 概括地说,不要把金钱浪费在这本书上。朗文写作活用〔SUMMARIZE〕In its report on the speech, the radio carried a brief summary, but did not broadcast the whole thing. 这个广播节目在报道这次演讲的时候只有一个简短的摘要,没有播出全部内容。朗文写作活用〔SUMMARIZE〕There will be a news summary at 9.05. 9点05分将播出新闻综述。朗文写作活用〔SUMMARIZE〕Write a two-page summary of the results of your research. 给你的研究结果写一篇两页长的总结。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕The publishers wanted a summary that afternoon, so I dashed it off in an hour or so. 那天下午出版商需要一篇摘要,于是我花了一个小时左右的时间匆匆写了一份。朗文写作活用〔anchor〕Viewers saw him anchoring a five-minute summary of regional news.观众们看到了他主持一档五分钟的地区简要新闻节目。外研社新世纪〔anchor〕Viewers saw him anchoring a five-minute summary of regional news.观众看见他主持一个5分钟的地方新闻摘要节目。柯林斯高阶〔apiece〕The students are allowed to have an hour apiece to write a summary of this article.每个学生可以有1小时的时间来写出这篇文章的梗概。英汉大词典〔argument〕A summary or short statement of the plot or subject of a literary work.情节:文学作品的故事梗概或简短内容提要美国传统〔assort〕This summary attempts to assort the thinking of these critics.小结尝试把这些批评家的想法分类。外研社新世纪〔body〕Give an introduction, followed by the body of the material, then a brief summary.先做介绍, 再提供主要材料, 然后做简短总结。外研社新世纪〔body〕Give an introduction, followed by the body of the material, then a brief summary.首先写序言,接下来是内容的主体部分,然后作简短的总结。柯林斯高阶〔box score〕A printed summary of a game, especially in baseball, in the form of a table listing the players and their positions and recording individual performance.分数表:印制的比赛一览表,多用于棒球,以表格形式列出运动员及其位置和记录个人表现美国传统〔breakdown〕An analysis, an outline, or a summary consisting of itemized data or essentials.分析,概要:一个包含逐条列出的数据或要素的分析、纲要或总结美国传统〔breakout〕A classified summary of statistical data.对统计数据的分类总结美国传统〔brief〕A brief summary of this article is given here.这里是这篇文章的简短摘要。麦克米伦高阶〔bulletin〕A brief update or summary of current news, as on television or radio or in a newspaper.新闻快报:电视,广播或报纸上的热门新闻的简短报导美国传统〔capitulation〕An enumeration of the main parts of a subject; a summary.摘要:对一个论题的主要部分的列举;概要美国传统〔catechism〕A book giving a brief summary of the basic principles of Christianity in question-and-answer form.教义问答手册:以问答形式简要说明基督教的基本教义的书美国传统〔compress〕In this chapter we compress into summary form the main issues discussed so far.在这一章节里,我们把到目前为止所讨论的主要问题压缩成概要形式。朗文当代〔concise〕Your summary should be as clear and concise as possible.你的总结应该尽可能地简洁明了。朗文当代〔conclude〕Each chapter concludes with a short summary.每一章节都以一个简短的概要作为结束。朗文当代〔conclude〕The author concludes the chapter with a brief summary of her research.作者对她的研究作了简要总结来结束这一章。麦克米伦高阶〔curriculum vitae〕A summary of one's education, professional history, and job qualifications, as for a prospective employer.简历,履历:关于某人所受教育、专业经历以及工作资格的简要说明,如即将被雇用的雇员的履历美国传统〔docket〕A summary or other brief statement of the contents of a document; an abstract.摘要:文件内容的提要或其他简短说明;摘要美国传统〔drumhead court-martial〕A court-martial held for the summary trial of an offense committed during military operations.战地军法审判:对军事行动中的犯罪行为进行审判的军事法庭审判美国传统〔emphasis〕The book is a brief and effective summary of major geographic emphases prior to the 1970s.本书简略精辟地概述了20世纪70年代之前重点发展的主要地区。外研社新世纪〔emphasize〕I must emphasize that this is only a summary, 我必须强调这只是个摘要。牛津搭配〔epitome〕A brief summary, as of a book or an article; an abstract.梗概:一本书或一篇文章的大致总结;摘要美国传统〔execution〕Human rights organizations have accused the army of summary executions.人权组织控告军队草菅人命。牛津搭配〔fair〕The report is a fair summary of the issues facing us.这份报告是对我们所面临的问题所作的一个公正的总结。朗文当代〔fill-in〕A short, informative summary.摘要,总结:精炼且信息量大的总结美国传统〔following〕The following is a summary of events.现将重大事件综述如下。牛津高阶〔glaring〕There is still one glaring omission from his summary of events.他对事件的总结仍然有一个明显的疏漏。外研社新世纪〔introduction〕Ellen Malos, in her introduction to 'The Politics of Housework', provides a summary of the debates.埃伦·马洛斯在她为《家务政治学》一书所作的序言中对这些争论进行了总结。柯林斯高阶〔justice〕Civilians were not subject to summary justice.平民不适用即决裁判。牛津搭配〔make a meal (out) of sth〕I only asked for a summary of the main points but she's making a real meal out of it.我只要个提纲,可是她弄得过于详细。剑桥高阶〔minute〕A note or summary covering points to be remembered; a memorandum.备忘录:涵盖需要记住的要点的笔记或总结;备忘录美国传统〔news〕Here is a summary of the news.现在报告新闻提要。文馨英汉〔outline〕A summary of a written work or speech, usually analyzed in headings and subheadings.提纲:书面材料或演讲的概括,通常以标题和副标题出现美国传统〔overview〕A summary or review.总结或回顾、复习美国传统〔proscribe〕Torture and summary execution of political prisoners are proscribed by international law.国际法禁止对政治犯严刑逼供或草率处理。剑桥高阶〔prosify〕His summary prosifies the poem.他的摘要把诗散文化了。21世纪英汉〔précis〕A concise summary of a book, an article, or another text; an abstract.摘要,梗概:书、文章或另一文本的扼要总结;摘要美国传统〔recapitulate〕To make a summary.总结:作扼要概括美国传统〔recapitulation〕A summary or concise review.总结:扼要的总述或简洁的回顾美国传统〔reference〕The summary should be comprehensible without reference back to the source work.摘要应明白易懂,无需再提及原文。牛津搭配〔report〕The chairman's report provides a summary of operations.董事长的报告对各种业务进行了总结。牛津搭配〔rundown〕A point-by-point summary.扼要报告:一个要点接一个要点的梗概美国传统〔short〕Could you give us a short summary of what happened? 你可以简要说明一下发生了什么事吗?麦克米伦高阶〔snappy〕Each film gets a snappy two-line summary.每部影片都配有简洁明快的双行内容提要。柯林斯高阶〔snappy〕Each film gets a snappy two-line summary.每部电影都有两行简洁的剧情梗概。外研社新世纪〔state〕The article provides a useful summary of the current state of play in the negotiations.这篇文章对谈判的现状作出了有用的总结。剑桥高阶〔story〕Now for a summary of tonight's main news stories.现在是今晚主要新闻综述。牛津高阶〔summarize〕To make a summary or make a summary of.总结:做概括或做总结美国传统〔summary〕A brief summary is given on a separate sheet.摘要写在单独的一页上。朗文当代〔summary〕At the end of the news, they often give you a summary of the main stories.在新闻结束的时候,他们常常会总结一下主要的新闻内容。剑桥高阶〔summary〕Could you make a short summary of this article for me? 你能为我写一个这篇文章的概要吗?牛津搭配〔summary〕He concluded the report with a brief summary.他以简短的总结结束了报告。韦氏高阶〔summary〕He has provided a useful summary of the main categories.他提供了一份关于主要分类的有用概要。牛津搭配〔summary〕He only reads the executive summary of reports.他只读了报告的执行概要。牛津搭配〔summary〕Here is a summary of the plot.下面是情节概要。外研社新世纪〔summary〕Here's a summary of the day's news.下面是今日新闻简报。柯林斯高阶〔summary〕I made a summary report for the records.我对记录内容做了扼要报告。牛津高阶〔summary〕In summary, do not sell your shares.总之,不要卖掉你的股份。朗文当代〔summary〕In summary, his views are out of date.总而言之,他的观点过时了。牛津搭配〔summary〕In summary, it is my opinion that he should not be released.总而言之, 我的看法是不应该释放他。外研社新世纪〔summary〕In summary, it is my opinion that this complete treatment process was very successful.总的来说,我认为整个治疗过程非常成功。柯林斯高阶〔summary〕In summary, nobody knows where the disease originated.总的来说,没有人知道病源。麦克米伦高阶〔summary〕In summary, they decided against the proposal. 总而言之,他们决定反对这项提议。剑桥高阶〔summary〕In summary, this was a disappointing performance.总的来说,这场演出令人失望。牛津高阶〔summary〕Is that a fair summary of the situation? 这是对整个形势的恰当概括吗?牛津搭配〔summary〕It says torture and summary execution are common.那上面称酷刑和草草处决很常见。柯林斯高阶〔summary〕Luckily it was one of those academic texts which carried summary pages at the end of each chapter.幸好这是篇中规中矩的学术文章, 每章末尾都有小结。外研社新世纪〔summary〕Milligan gives a fair summary of his subject within a relatively short space.米利根用比较小的篇幅对他的课题作了一个清晰简要的概述。柯林斯高阶〔summary〕She decided not to include this incident in her summary of the day's events.她决定不在当天的事务总结中提及这件事。牛津搭配〔summary〕Soldiers were accused of summary executions of civilians.士兵们被指控草率地处决平民。麦克米伦高阶〔summary〕The following is a summary of our conclusions.现将我们的几点结论综述如下。牛津高阶〔summary〕The four men were killed after a summary trial.草草审判后, 这四个人就被处死了。外研社新世纪〔summary〕The four men were killed after a summary trial.草草审讯后这四个人即被处死。柯林斯高阶〔summary〕The group produces a monthly summary of their research.该小组每个月出一份研究总结。朗文当代〔summary〕The information is shown in summary form in the following tables.信息以摘要形式列在下表中。牛津搭配〔summary〕There is no doubt that some considered that a beating was no more than summary justice.毫无疑问,有人认为拷打比草菅人命好不到哪去。柯林斯高阶〔summary〕They gave a summary of their progress in building the bridge.他们扼要地说明了大桥建设的进展情况。韦氏高阶〔summary〕What follows is a brief summary of the findings.接下来是调查结果的简短概述。牛津搭配〔summary〕What follows is a brief summary of the process.接下来是对此流程的一个简短概括。柯林斯高阶〔summation〕A concluding part of a speech or an argument containing a summary of principal points, especially of a case before a court of law.总结:讲话或论证的结论部分,包括要点的总结,尤指法庭上辩论的总结美国传统〔summing-up〕A summary, often including an assessment.总结,概括:总结,通常包括评价美国传统〔sum〕To give a summary of; summarize.概括;总结美国传统〔syllabus〕An outline or a summary of the main points of a text, lecture, or course of study.提纲,摘要:课文、演讲或研究课题的要点的概要或提纲美国传统〔syllabus〕Law A short statement preceding a report on an adjudged case and containing a summary of the court's rulings on each point involved.【法律】 简要说明:在关于判决的案子报告前的简短声明,包括对法庭关于裁判要点的说明美国传统〔synopsis〕A brief outline or general view, as of a subject or written work; an abstract or a summary.大纲,概要:某项课目或写作作品的简要提纲或概况;摘要或小结美国传统〔synoptic〕Of or constituting a synopsis; presenting a summary of the principal parts or a general view of the whole.大纲性的,概要的:大纲的或构成大纲的;展示主要部分的总结或整体概况的美国传统〔trial〕The rebels were brutally executed after summary trials.即决审讯后反叛者被无情地处决了。牛津搭配〔useful〕It can be useful to write a short summary of your argument first.先把你的论点纲要写下来可能会有帮助。牛津高阶〔wrap-up〕A brief final summary, as of the news.综合报道:最后简明的总结,如新闻美国传统At the end of the news, they often give you a summary of the main headlines.新闻报道结束时,他们常会向你概括一遍主要内容。剑桥国际Curtis has said that he plans to appeal against his summary dismissal.柯蒂斯说他打算就他被简率开除一事提起申诉。剑桥国际He gave a pithy summary of his political views: “I want a government that takes less of my money in taxes”.他对自己的政治观点做了一个简洁有力的概括:“我希望一个少收我税的政府。”剑桥国际He made a summary of the case. 他为这个案件做了一个摘要。译典通I'd read the plot summary before I saw the play.看戏前我读了故事梗概。剑桥国际In summary, the outlook for today is cloudy and dry at first with showers later.总之,今天的天气趋势起先是多云干燥,随后是阵雨。剑桥国际In his summary statement, the defense lawyer rebutted all the accusations against his client. 在最后的陈述中,辩方律师举出证据反驳了所有对他当事者的指控。译典通Lead the discussion off /Lead off the discussion (= Begin the discussion) with a summary of statistics.以对统计资料的概述来开始讨论。剑桥国际No brief summary can possibly do justice to the depth of this report.简单的概括不可能公正地反映这一报告的深度。剑桥国际The audience received a summary of the plot with their tickets, so they had time to mug up on the action in advance.观众凭票领到一份剧情梗概,以便事先了解剧情。剑桥国际The following is a summary of our conclusions.下面是我们对结论的摘要。牛津商务The government took summary action to aid the earthquake victims. 政府即刻采取行动救济地震灾民。译典通The new law gives the police summary powers to expel suspected terrorists from the country.新法律使警方获得将可疑的恐怖分子驱逐出境的即决权。剑桥国际Violence and theft may result in summary (= instant) dismissal.犯了暴力和盗窃罪可能会被立即开除。牛津商务Witnesses presented accounts of summary executions and torture by the secret police.目击者叙述了关于秘密警察就地处决和拷打犯人的情况。剑桥国际




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