

单词 navigable
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Humber〕An estuary of the Trent and Ouse rivers in northeast-central England. It is navigable for large vessels as far inland as Hull.亨伯河三角洲:特伦特与乌斯河的一个三角洲地区,在英格兰中部东北。大船可以由此向内陆航行至赫尔美国传统〔Vänern〕A lake of southwest Sweden. It is the largest lake in the country and navigable for small oceangoing ships via the Göta Canal.维纳恩湖:瑞典西南部的一个湖,它是此国最大的湖泊并且可以航行通过哥达海峡进行远洋航行的小船美国传统〔carry〕A portage, as between two navigable bodies of water.水陆联运:两条通航的水路之间的联运美国传统〔channel〕The deeper part of a river or harbor, especially a deep navigable passage.深水航道:河流或港湾较深部分,尤指深水航道美国传统〔chart〕The navigable channels have all been charted.所有可以通航的水道都已在海图上标出来。21世纪英汉〔fairway〕A navigable deep-water channel in a river or harbor or along a coastline.航路:河流、港口或沿海岸的深水可航航道美国传统〔mare clausum〕A navigable body of water, such as a sea, that is under the jurisdiction of one nation and closed to all others.领海:归某国管辖而不对其它国家开放的可航行水域,比如海洋美国传统〔mare liberum〕A navigable body of water, such as a sea, that is open to navigation by vessels of all nations.公海:一片对所有国家的船只开放的可航行水域,如海洋美国传统〔mare nostrum〕A navigable body of water, such as a sea, that is under the jurisdiction of one nation or that is shared by two or more nations.共有海:一个由一国管辖或由两个或两个以上国家统辖的可航行水域,比如海洋美国传统〔navigable〕Boston is easily navigable on foot, making it the perfect place for a short break.波士顿步行即可游览, 因而成为短期休假的理想之地。外研社新世纪〔navigable〕That stretch of river is too shallow to be navigable.那段河道太浅,不能通航。剑桥高阶〔navigable〕The marsh was navigable only by canoe.只有独木舟才能在这片湿地航行。韦氏高阶〔navigable〕There are only a few navigable passes.可通行的关口只有几个。外研社新世纪〔navigable〕This is an admirably clear and navigable website.这家网站结构明晰、极易浏览。外研社新世纪〔navigable〕Without a rudder the ship was not navigable.这船没有舵无法驾驶。英汉大词典〔river〕The river is navigable by vessels of up to 90 tons.90 吨以下的船只可以从这条河通过。牛津搭配〔waterway〕A navigable body of water, such as a river, channel, or canal.航道:可航行之水体,如河流、海峡或运河美国传统That stretch of river is too shallow to be navigable.这段河道太浅,不能通航。剑桥国际The river is navigable during the rainy season. 该河在雨季可以通行。译典通We bought charts showing the navigable stretches of water in this area.我们买了显示这个地区可通航的水道的地图。剑桥国际Without a rudder the ship was not navigable. 这船没有舵无法驾驶。译典通




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