

单词 pouch
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕Kangaroos carry their young in a pouch. 袋鼠把小袋鼠放在育儿袋里带在身边。朗文写作活用〔a〕He produced a pipe and pouch from his pocket.他从口袋里掏出烟斗和烟袋。英汉大词典〔bag〕An object that resembles a pouch.囊状物:类似袋子的物体美国传统〔bag〕An organic sac or pouch, such as the udder of a cow.(牛的)乳房:有机体器官的液囊或袋,如牛的乳房美国传统〔bag〕To cause to bulge like a pouch.使鼓胀:使象囊一样鼓出美国传统〔belly pack〕A waist pack, especially as worn with the pouch over the stomach.腰包:腰包,尤指在胃部位置系有小袋的腰包美国传统〔bunt〕Nautical The middle portion of a sail, especially a square one, that is shaped like a pouch to increase the effect of the wind.【航海】 帆的鼓起部分:帆的中央鼓起部分,尤指形状象袋子似的用来增加风力的矩形帆美国传统〔diverticulum〕A pouch or sac branching out from a hollow organ or structure, such as the intestine.憩室,支囊,膨部:从肠之类的中空器官或结构上分支出来的袋或囊美国传统〔external〕Female kangaroos carry their young in pouches that are external to their bodies.雌袋鼠把幼崽放在体外的育儿袋中。剑桥高阶〔fanny pack〕A waist pack, especially as worn with the pouch over the buttocks.后腰包:腰包,尤指围在臀部上的小袋子美国传统〔hydrocele〕A pathological accumulation of serous fluid in a bodily cavity, especially in the scrotal pouch.水囊肿:囊状体腔内浆液性积水,尤指阴囊积水美国传统〔marsupium〕A temporary egg pouch in various fishes and crustaceans.(鱼类和甲壳类动物的)临时卵袋美国传统〔pocket〕A pouch in an animal body, such as the cheek pouch of a rodent or the abdominal pouch of a marsupial.袋形构造:动物身体里的肚袋或腹带,如齿类动物的颊囊成有袋类动物腹部的袋子美国传统〔pouched〕Having a pouch, as a gopher, pelican, or marsupial.有袋的:有袋的,如地鼠、鹈鹕或袋鼠美国传统〔pouch〕All our electric shavers are supplied with a free travel pouch.我们的电动剃须刀都免费提供一个旅行套。剑桥高阶〔pouch〕Food sealed in foil pouches lasts for a long time.密封在箔纸袋中的食物可以放很长时间。剑桥高阶〔pouch〕He pouched all the money.他把所有的钱收进袋中。英汉大词典〔pouch〕He pouched his tobacco.他把烟草放入烟袋。外研社新世纪〔pouch〕He pouched the money.他把钱放入衣兜。外研社新世纪〔pouch〕He carried his money in a small leather pouch in his pocket.他把钱放在衣服口袋中的小皮包里。韦氏高阶〔pouch〕I will pouch up no such affront.我决不能容忍这种公开侮辱。21世纪英汉〔pouch〕I will pouch up no such affront.我决不能容忍这种公开侮辱。英汉大词典〔pouch〕Ill health had pouched the loose flesh under his eyes.健康不佳使得他眼下面的肌肉松弛。21世纪英汉〔pouch〕Kangaroos carry their young in pouches.袋鼠将它们的幼崽放在育儿袋中。剑桥高阶〔pouch〕Lockhart pouched the final catch.洛克哈特接住了最后一个球。外研社新世纪〔pouch〕On my belt in its little leather pouch was my Swiss penknife.我的瑞士小折刀放在腰带上的小皮袋里。外研社新世纪〔pouch〕She pouched her lips at her father's words.她一听到他父亲的话后就噘着嘴。21世纪英汉〔pouch〕She kept her money in a pouch around her neck.她把钱装在脖子上挂的荷包里。牛津高阶〔pouch〕She wears a dress pouched over a belt.她穿着腰带上方蓬松如袋的连衣裙。21世纪英汉〔pouch〕The boss pouched all the money.老板把所有的钱收进袋中。21世纪英汉〔pouch〕The dress pouched in the middle.裙子的中部宽松地垂下。外研社新世纪〔pouch〕The garment was pouched above the belt.衣服腰带以上的部分宽大蓬松。外研社新世纪〔pouch〕The mail was sorted and pouched by 6 a.m.到凌晨六点邮件已经分类装袋了。21世纪英汉〔pouch〕The marsupial wolf carried its young in pouches.袋狼把幼仔装在育儿袋里。外研社新世纪〔pouch〕They pouched the change.他们把找零放入口袋。外研社新世纪〔pouch〕To assume the form of a pouch or pouchlike cavity.成袋状物:成袋状外形或袋状的窝美国传统〔pouch〕To cause to resemble a pouch.使成袋状:使变得象袋子美国传统〔pouch〕Under my eyes the pouches were heavy.我的眼睛下,垂着沉重的眼袋。英汉大词典〔pouch〕When I was travelling, I always carried my jewellery in a little pouch.旅行时, 我总是把首饰放在一个小袋子里。外研社新世纪〔purse〕A small bag or pouch for carrying money.钱包:用来携带钱的小包或小钱袋美国传统〔purse〕Something that resembles a bag or pouch.和包或钱袋相似的东西美国传统〔saccate〕Having a pouch or sac.有袋或囊的美国传统〔saccate〕Shaped like a pouch or sac.囊状或袋状的美国传统〔sacculate〕Formed of or divided into a series of saclike dilations or pouches.囊状的:由一系列膨胀的囊或袋子组成的或分成一系列膨胀的袋或囊美国传统〔sac〕A pouch or pouchlike structure in a plant or an animal, sometimes filled with fluid.囊:动物或植物身上的小袋子或袋状结构,有时装有液体美国传统〔saddlebag〕A pouch hanging from a saddle or over the rear wheel of a motorcycle or bicycle.挂包:摩托车或自行车的鞍座或后座上挂着的袋美国传统〔saddlebag〕One of a pair of pouches hanging across the back of a horse behind the saddle.鞍囊:马鞍后横放在马背上的两个袋子之一美国传统〔sous vide〕The cooking of various ingredients in a plastic pouch.真空烹饪:一种把各种各样的成分放在塑料袋里烹饪的方法美国传统〔sporran〕A leather or fur pouch worn at the front of the kilt in the traditional dress of men of the Scottish Highlands.毛皮袋:一种系于褶裥短裙前的革的或毛皮的袋子,苏格兰高地男子传统服装美国传统〔utricle〕A small vestigial blind pouch of the prostate gland.前列腺囊:前列腺的一个小的发育不全的囊美国传统A kangaroo carries its young in a pouch. 大袋鼠以肚袋装小袋鼠。译典通All our electric shavers are supplied with a free travel pouch.我们的电动剃须刀都免费提供一个旅行袋。剑桥国际Animals that carry their young in pouches are called marsupials and include kangaroos and koala bears.将幼仔放在育儿袋中的动物就叫有袋动物,包括袋鼠和树袋熊。剑桥国际Female kangaroos carry their young in pouches that are external to their bodies.雌袋鼠把小袋鼠放在身体外面的育儿袋里。剑桥国际Female kangaroos carry their young in a pouch on their stomachs.母袋鼠把幼袋鼠放在腹部的育儿袋里。剑桥国际Food sealed in foil pouches lasts for a long time.密封在锡箔袋中的食物可以放很长时间。剑桥国际For many years, art schools used male models who hid their genitalia in posing pouches.多年来,艺术学校使用男模特时让他们都戴着男性生殖器保护袋来遮掩。剑桥国际He has pouches under his eyes. 他的眼睛下面垂著眼袋。译典通The mail was sorted and pouched by midnight. 邮件在午夜前分拣装包。译典通The old man is always carrying a tobacco pouch with him. 这老汉总是随身带著烟袋。译典通




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