

单词 nail
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔clippers〕nail clippers 指甲剪麦克米伦高阶〔clipper〕nail clippers 指甲剪朗文当代〔clipper〕nail clippers.指甲刀美国传统〔clipping〕nail clippings.剪下的指甲柯林斯高阶〔clout〕clout a nail with a hammer 用榔头敲钉子英汉大词典〔cosmetic〕lipstick, nail polish, and other cosmetics 口红、指甲油和其他化妆品韦氏高阶〔dint〕to dint the nail into the wood用力把钉子敲入木头21世纪英汉〔draw〕draw a nail (a cork) 拔出钉子(软木塞) 英汉大词典〔drivable〕to drive a nail through a wall把钉子钉穿墙壁21世纪英汉〔drive ... home〕to drive a nail home把钉子敲进去21世纪英汉〔drive〕drive a nail home 敲紧钉子 英汉大词典〔drive〕drive a nail with a hammer 用铁锤敲钉子韦氏高阶〔drive〕to drive a nail into a piece of wood 把钉子钉进一块木头牛津高阶〔feel〕feel a nail in a shoe 觉得鞋里有钉子英汉大词典〔gun〕a nail gun 射钉枪朗文当代〔hammer〕to hammer a nail straight把钉子锤直21世纪英汉〔head〕the head of a nail 钉子的头牛津高阶〔home〕hammer a nail home 把钉子敲到头 英汉大词典〔ingrowing〕an ingrowing nail 长到肉里去的指甲英汉大词典〔matrix〕nail matrix 甲床(或爪床)英汉大词典〔nail down〕nail down a decision 明确地做出决定韦氏高阶〔nail polish〕nail polish remover 洗甲水韦氏高阶〔nail polish〕nail polish/varnish remover 洗甲水牛津高阶〔nail polish〕pink nail polish 粉红色指甲油朗文当代〔nail polish〕red nail polish 红色指甲油韦氏高阶〔nail scissors〕a pair of nail scissors 一把指甲刀牛津高阶〔nail〕nail a bird in flight.击下空中的飞鸟美国传统〔nail〕nail a house together 钉装房子英汉大词典〔nail〕nail a lid on a box 给箱子钉上盖子英汉大词典〔nail〕nail a smash 挡住扣杀英汉大词典〔nail〕nail clippers 指甲刀剑桥高阶〔nail〕nail clippers 指甲钳牛津高阶〔nail〕nail down prohibitions against the use of chemical weapons 明确规定禁止使用化学武器英汉大词典〔nail〕nail down sb.'s consent 准能得到某人的许可英汉大词典〔nail〕nail down the championship 稳拿冠军英汉大词典〔nail〕nail sb. in the head with a rock 用石块砸某人的头英汉大词典〔nail〕nail the truth 挑明真相 英汉大词典〔nail〕nail up a window.钉牢一扇窗户美国传统〔nail〕a nail file 指甲锉剑桥高阶〔nail〕a three-inch nail 3英寸长的钉子剑桥高阶〔nail〕be finished to the nail 彻底完蛋英汉大词典〔nail〕drive (或knock) in a nail 钉钉子英汉大词典〔nail〕nailed the senator in a lie; nail corruption before it gets out of control.查出并揭露参议院议员的谎言;在失去控制前查出并揭露腐败美国传统〔nail〕the final nail in his coffin 导致他失败的最终因素朗文当代〔nail〕to nail the lid on a box给箱子钉上盖子21世纪英汉〔nail〕want to nail what is another's 想窃取别人的东西英汉大词典〔off〕take one's hat off a nail 从挂钉上取下帽子 英汉大词典〔parings〕nail parings 剪下的指甲朗文当代〔paring〕nail parings.剪掉的指甲柯林斯高阶〔paring〕nail parings剪下的指甲外研社新世纪〔punch〕punch a nail in 用起压钉器将钉子压入英汉大词典〔remover〕nail varnish remover 指甲油清除剂牛津高阶〔run〕run a nail into a board 把钉子敲入木板英汉大词典〔run〕run one's stocking on a nail 在钉子上把长统袜钩得抽丝英汉大词典〔rusty〕a rusty nail 生锈的铁钉朗文当代〔stick〕a nail sticking on the wall钉在墙上的一颗钉子21世纪英汉〔tap〕tap a nail into a wall 把钉子敲进墙壁英汉大词典〔toed〕a toed nail 斜钉的钉子英汉大词典〔up〕nail (lock) up the door 把门钉(锁)牢英汉大词典〔work〕to work a nail loose使钉子松动21世纪英汉




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