

单词 one side
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SIDE〕A small river cuts through the property with the house on one side and the gardens on the other. 一条小河穿过这个庄园,小河的一边是房子,另一侧是花园。朗文写作活用〔amble〕To move along at an easy gait by using both legs on one side alternately with both on the other. Used of a horse.骝花蹄:前进的轻松步伐,一侧的两腿同时举起在两侧轮流向前。用于指马美国传统〔caress〕Margaret took me to one side, holding my arm in a gentle caress.玛格丽特将我拉到一边,轻轻地抚摸着我的胳膊。柯林斯高阶〔caress〕Margaret took me to one side, holding my arm in a gentle caress.玛格丽特把我拉到一边, 轻轻地抚摸我的手臂。外研社新世纪〔cock〕He cocked his head on one side with a slight frown.他把头歪向一边,皱了皱眉。剑桥高阶〔cock〕He cocked his head to one side.他把头转到了一边。韦氏高阶〔cock〕She cocked her head to one side and looked at me.她抬起头侧向一边看着我。牛津高阶〔cock〕The Brigadier thought about this for a moment, head cocked to one side.这位陆军准将把头侧向一边, 就此事考虑了一会儿。外研社新世纪〔come down on one side of the fence or the other〕The election is next week, so you'll have to come down on one side of the fence or the other by then.下周就要选举了,因此你到时必须在两者中作出选择。剑桥高阶〔concavo-convex〕Concave on one side and convex on the other.一面凹进一面凸起的美国传统〔direction〕Each card has step-by-step directions on one side.每张卡片的一面都有一步步的指示。牛津搭配〔escalate〕Defeat could cause one side or other to escalate the conflict.失败可能会导致其中一方将矛盾升级。外研社新世纪〔excess〕Cut off any excess pastry and put it to one side.切掉多余的馅饼皮,放在一边。剑桥高阶〔feint〕He made a feint to one side.他朝一侧虚晃一剑。外研社新世纪〔head〕Her head tilted to one side as she considered the question.她歪着头思考着问题。牛津搭配〔impose〕One side in the conflict cannot unilaterally impose a settlement.冲突的一方不能单方面强加一种解决方案。牛津搭配〔jibe〕To shift a fore-and-aft sail from one side of a vessel to the other while sailing before the wind so as to sail on the opposite tack.改变帆的方向:航行时在逆风到来前为抢风行驶而把船上从船首到船尾扯开的帆移到另一边美国传统〔load〕Games To make (dice) heavier on one side by adding weight.【游戏】 给(骰子)一边加重:通过增加重量使(骰子)一边更重美国传统〔numbness〕A stroke can cause numbness in one side of your body.中风会导致人体半身不遂。韦氏高阶〔offset〕The second row of seats was slightly offset to one side.第2排的椅子有点偏向一边。麦克米伦高阶〔paper cutter〕A device for trimming paper to desired dimensions, typically a ruled board with a long pivoted cutting knife attached to one side.裁纸刀,切纸机:一种把纸张裁剪到所需尺寸的器具,通常有一个一旁装有一把有转轴的长裁剪刀的直边美国传统〔parking〕In many towns parking is allowed only on one side of the street.很多小镇只允许将车停在街道的一侧。外研社新世纪〔plenty〕We spent all day painting one side of the house, but there's still plenty left to do.我们花了一整天粉刷房子的一面墙壁,但还剩下许多处需要继续粉刷。麦克米伦高阶〔roughly〕He pushed the children roughly to one side.他粗暴地将孩子们推到一边。剑桥高阶〔secund〕Arranged on or turned to one side of an axis.偏向一边的:被安装在或转向轴的一侧的美国传统〔side step〕A step to one side, as in boxing or dancing.侧跨:向侧方跨的一步,如在拳击或舞蹈中的美国传统〔side〕Before they left, Colette took me to one side and warned me about Bernard.他们离开之前,科利特把我拉到一边,提醒我要当心伯纳德。朗文当代〔side〕She sat to one side of John.她坐在约翰的一旁。英汉大词典〔side〕Some people were standing at one side of the room.在房间的一侧站着一些人。牛津搭配〔side〕The new copiers only copy onto one side of the paper.新复印机只能单面复印。柯林斯高阶〔slack〕His head slacked over to one side.他的头无力地往一边垂着。英汉大词典〔slice〕One side of the hill was sliced off.山坡一侧给削平了。英汉大词典〔slope〕The leaning tower slopes to one side.斜塔向一边倾斜。牛津同义词〔soundtrack〕The narrow strip at one side of a movie film that carries the sound recording.声带:电影胶片某一侧带有录音材料的狭窄带美国传统〔spacing〕Please type or write clearly in double spacing on one side of A4 paper only.请用A4纸、以双倍行距单面打印或誊抄,字迹务必清晰。柯林斯高阶〔splay〕An oblique angle or bevel given to the sides of an opening in a wall so that the opening is wider on one side of the wall than on the other.八字面,斜削面,倾斜面:通过一定倾斜的角度或锥面使墙上的洞的一边比另一边更宽阔美国传统〔synizesis〕Biology The phase of meiosis in some species in which the chromatin contracts into a mass at one side of the nucleus.【生物学】 合质期:某些物种成熟分裂的一个阶段,此时染色质在细胞核的一侧收缩为一块美国传统〔thirty〕Sports The second point that is scored by one side in tennis.【体育运动】 网球赛中一方得的第二分美国传统〔tilt〕Anna looked up at him with her head tilted to one side.安娜歪着脑袋,抬眼望着他。剑桥高阶〔tilt〕Suddenly the boat tilted to one side.小船突然倾向一侧。牛津高阶〔unilateral〕Botany Having leaves, flowers, or other parts on one side only.【植物学】 单侧的:仅有一边的叶子、花或其他部分美国传统〔unilateral〕Emphasizing or recognizing only one side of a subject.片面的:仅强调或认识对象的一个方面的美国传统He cocked his head on one side with a slight frown.他把头歪向一边,微微地皱着眉头。剑桥国际He worked fast, cutting and slicing the turf neatly, heaving the sods to one side.他工作迅速,把草皮修剪得干干净净的,并把它朝一个方向拉平。剑桥国际His shirt has slit at one side. 他的衬衫一边裂开了。译典通In an attempt to stop the fighting, one side of the city was bricked off (= a brick wall was built to separate it) from the other.为了阻止争斗,城市被砖墙一分二隔开。剑桥国际In the past, ladies used to ride with both their legs on one side rather than straddle the horse.在过去,女士骑马时两条腿都在马的一侧,而不是跨坐在马背上。剑桥国际The village is bounded on one side by a river.村庄的一边以一条河为界。剑桥国际The wide pavement on one side of the street has become an open-air bazaar with stalls and street traders.街道一边开阔的人行道已经成为一个露天集市,到处是货摊和街头小贩。剑桥国际We have put/laid some money on/to one side (= kept for later use) to pay for our holiday.我们留了一些钱支付度假费用。剑桥国际




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