

单词 of right
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕a bunch of right wing reactionaries 一群右翼反动分子朗文写作活用〔defect〕a defect in the sense of right and wrong 是非观念的缺乏英汉大词典〔immutable〕the eternal and immutable principles of right and wrong.永恒不变的对错法则柯林斯高阶〔immutable〕the eternal and immutable principles of right and wrong亘古不变的是非原则外研社新世纪〔inbred〕an inbred sense of right and wrong 坚定不移的是非观剑桥高阶〔innate〕an innate knowledge of right and wrong.一种内在的对正确和错误的判断美国传统〔moral〕morals Rules or habits of conduct, especially of sexual conduct, with reference to standards of right and wrong: morals 性道德,道德伦理:举止行为的规则和习惯,尤指性行为的伦理道德,根据正确和错误的标准来衡量:美国传统




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