

单词 murmur
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANSWER〕Dr Kleinert murmured a reply, but I couldn't hear what it was. 科莱纳特博士咕咕哝哝地答了一句,但我听不清他说了些什么。朗文写作活用〔DISAGREE〕During the Prime Minister's speech there were several murmurs of open dissent from the crowd. 首相在演说时,人群中几次有人窃窃私语地公开表示反对。朗文写作活用〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕They murmured something vaguely when I asked how long they had been there. 我问他们到了有多久了,他们含含糊糊地咕哝了一句什么。朗文写作活用〔LOVE〕He stroked her hair and murmured, ‘I love you.’ 他轻抚着她的头发,喃喃道:“我爱你。”朗文写作活用〔POLITE〕The lawyer murmured discreetly that he would like to speak to her alone. 律师小心地低声说想单独和她谈谈。朗文写作活用〔RUN〕His aides scurried about, murmuring to each other in Russian. 他的助手们急匆匆地跑来跑去,低声地用俄语相互交谈着。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕He began stroking her hair and gently murmuring her name. 他开始抚摸她的头发,喃喃地呼唤着她的名字。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕She heard the priest murmuring a prayer at the front of the church. 她听到牧师在教堂前面轻声祷告。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕The child murmured something in its sleep. 那孩子咕咕哝哝地说了句梦话。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕There were excited murmurs as the President entered the hall. 总统进来了,礼堂里一片激动的低语声。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕Jan had the radio on in the room above, but it was no more than a murmur. 简在楼上的房间里开着收音机,但是只有很低沉的声音。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕The murmur of distant traffic reached us when the wind was in the east. 东风吹来的时候,我们可以听到远处车来车往的轰轰声。朗文写作活用〔WAKE UP/GET UP〕Roger momentarily stirred, turned in the bed and murmured something inaudible. 罗杰在床上动了动,翻了个身,又咕哝了一句听不清楚的话。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕He stroked her hand and murmured reassuring words. 他轻抚她的手,喃喃地说着安慰的话。朗文写作活用〔amen〕McAllister murmured a fervent amen.麦卡利斯特充满热情地低声说了一声阿门。朗文当代〔appreciation〕The crowd murmured in appreciation.人群低声赞叹着。牛津高阶〔appreciative〕There is a murmur of appreciative laughter.发出一阵赞赏的低笑声。柯林斯高阶〔appreciative〕There was a murmur of appreciative laughter.人群中发出一阵赞赏的低笑声。外研社新世纪〔approval〕A murmur of approval passed through the crowd.人群纷纷低声称是。朗文当代〔approval〕A murmur of approval ran through the crowd.人群中发出一阵轻轻的赞许声。麦克米伦高阶〔approval〕There were murmurs of approval from the back of the room.从房间后部传来赞同的低语声。外研社新世纪〔assent〕The suggestion was greeted with a murmur of assent.这个建议只有人小声表示同意。牛津搭配〔assent〕There was a murmur of assent from the crowd.人群中发出赞成的低语声。外研社新世纪〔assent〕There were murmurs of both assent and dissent from the crowd.人群议论纷纷,赞成和反对的都有。牛津高阶〔babble〕A continuous low, murmuring sound.连续的低语声美国传统〔babble〕To make a continuous low, murmuring sound, as flowing water.发出潺潺声:发出连续的、低沉的、含糊不清的声音,如流水美国传统〔coo〕To express or utter with soft murmuring sounds.嘤嘤低语:柔情地低声表达或说出美国传统〔coo〕To utter the murmuring sound of a dove or pigeon or a sound resembling it.咕咕地叫:鸽子发出的咕咕声或类似声音美国传统〔die〕His voice died to a murmur.他说话的声音逐渐变弱, 变成了嘟哝。外研社新世纪〔disapproval〕Early murmurs of disapproval were quickly silenced.之前那些不以为然的嘟哝抱怨很快被平息了。牛津搭配〔discontented〕There were discontented murmurs from the people in the hall.大厅里传来人们不满的嗡嗡议论声。外研社新世纪〔drone〕The droning murmur of the doctor's voice in the bedroom had ceased.卧室里医生喋喋不休的低语声已经停下了。柯林斯高阶〔dying〕The dying Nelson murmured 'Thank God I have done my duty'.奄奄一息的纳尔逊低声说着:“感谢上帝, 我已经完成了我的使命。”外研社新世纪〔effect〕Harry murmured something to the effect that they would all meet Margaret soon enough.哈里嘟哝着说了些话,大意是他们都想尽快见到玛格丽特。麦克米伦高阶〔endearment〕Between kisses, he was murmuring endearments.他亲吻着,并喃喃地诉说着爱意。剑桥高阶〔glide〕A small brook glides through the valley with a murmur.一条小溪潺潺流过峡谷。英汉大词典〔harp〕The murmur of the spring harps by us.潺潺溪水欢唱着流过我们的身边。21世纪英汉〔just〕The vice-president murmured a terse “No comment”, the other officials were just as tight-lipped.副总统只是咕哝了一声“无可奉告”,其他的官员也同样守口如瓶。英汉大词典〔mumble〕George murmured words of love in her ear.乔治在她耳边低声说着情话。21世纪英汉〔mumble〕He murmured under his breath.他喃喃自语。21世纪英汉〔mumble〕The stream is murmuring.溪水潺潺。21世纪英汉〔mumble〕The workers murmured against the treatment they received.工人们抱怨所受的待遇。21世纪英汉〔murmuring〕We could hear the murmuring of the bees.我们能听见蜜蜂的嗡嗡声。韦氏高阶〔murmur〕Murmuring softly that they must go somewhere to talk, he led her from the garden.他低声温柔地说他们必须找一个地方谈谈,然后把她带出了花园。柯林斯高阶〔murmur〕Murmurs of ‘Praise God’ went around the circle.周围的人群发出了“赞美主”的低语声。牛津高阶〔murmur〕A murmur of agreement came from the crowd.人群中传出了低声的赞许。剑桥高阶〔murmur〕A murmur of amusement ran around the room.轻轻的笑声在屋子里传开了。牛津搭配〔murmur〕A murmur of excitement rippled through the audience.观众一阵激动,发出窃窃私语声。牛津搭配〔murmur〕After the report was published, there were murmurs of discontent around the office.报告公布后,办公室里到处是嘀咕和抱怨。剑桥高阶〔murmur〕Already there are murmurs of discontent.已有一些不满的怨言。柯林斯高阶〔murmur〕Already there are murmurs of discontent.已有不满之声了。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕Bees murmur by the small square window over the sink.蜜蜂在水槽上方的方形小窗旁嗡嗡直叫。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕Frances murmured an apology as she left.弗朗西丝离开的时候很小声地道了歉。麦克米伦高阶〔murmur〕He murmured something about having to get home.他轻声说该回家了。韦氏高阶〔murmur〕He murmured something in his sleep.他在睡梦里嘟囔了些什么。牛津高阶〔murmur〕He murmured sweet nothings (= romantic talk) in her ear.他在她耳边低声说着情话。剑桥高阶〔murmur〕He carried out her orders without a murmur.他毫无怨言地执行她的命令。麦克米伦高阶〔murmur〕He gave a little murmur of relief.他轻轻地舒了一口气。牛津搭配〔murmur〕He held her tight and murmured to her.他紧紧搂住她,在她耳旁低语。牛津搭配〔murmur〕He made no murmur at my suggestion.他对我的建议并无不满的表示。英汉大词典〔murmur〕He made no murmur at my suggestion.他对我的建议毫无怨言。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕He spoke in a murmur.他说话轻声细语。韦氏高阶〔murmur〕He took the mug of coffee with a murmur of thanks.他接过那杯咖啡,轻声道了谢。牛津搭配〔murmur〕He turned and murmured something to the professor.他转过身对教授小声说了些什么。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕He was murmuring in her ear.他在她耳边轻声细语。麦克米伦高阶〔murmur〕He was murmuring to himself.他正喃喃自语。剑桥高阶〔murmur〕I could hear the murmur of the sea.我能听到大海的呢喃声。柯林斯高阶〔murmur〕I could hear the murmur of the sea.我能听到大海的潺潺声。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕It is not wise to murmur at adversity.抱怨时运不济是不明智的。英汉大词典〔murmur〕It was raining softly, a steady drizzling murmur.天在下着绵绵细雨,淅淅沥沥下个不停。英汉大词典〔murmur〕Julie turned over and murmured in her sleep.朱莉翻了个身,叽里咕噜地说着梦话。朗文当代〔murmur〕She murmured a few words of support.她小声说了几句支持的话。柯林斯高阶〔murmur〕She murmured her agreement.她低声表示同意。牛津高阶〔murmur〕She answered in a faint murmur.她低声应答。牛津高阶〔murmur〕She answered in a low murmur.她低声作答。牛津搭配〔murmur〕She gave a little murmur.她低声咕哝了一句。柯林斯高阶〔murmur〕She gave a little murmur.她小声咕哝了一声。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕She heard him murmur something under his breath.她听见他低声咕哝了几句。牛津搭配〔murmur〕She replied in a low murmur.她轻轻地咕哝著作了回答。朗文当代〔murmur〕She sat there, tears in her eyes, murmuring his name.她坐在那儿, 眼含泪水, 低声念着他的名字。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕She was murmuring in his ear.她在他耳边悄声说话。牛津高阶〔murmur〕The murmur of the waves on the beach lulled me to sleep.海浪轻轻拍打着海岸的声音催我入眠。剑桥高阶〔murmur〕The breeze murmured in the pines.微风吹过松林沙沙作响。韦氏高阶〔murmur〕The breeze murmured in the pines.松林里微风沙沙作响。英汉大词典〔murmur〕The clamor of traffic has receded to a distant murmur.车辆的喧闹声已渐渐远去,变得模糊起来。柯林斯高阶〔murmur〕The clamour of traffic has receded to a distant murmur.车辆的喧闹声已渐渐远去, 模糊了起来。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕The doctor said James had now developed a heart murmur.医生说詹姆斯的心脏有杂音。柯林斯高阶〔murmur〕The doctor said James's heart had now developed a murmur.医生说詹姆斯的心脏现在出现了杂音。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕The girl murmured something polite, and smiled.那个女孩低声说了一句礼貌的话,笑了笑。朗文当代〔murmur〕The little stream murmured at the foot of the garden.小溪在花园下面潺潺流过。麦克米伦高阶〔murmur〕The men had gone back to work without a murmur.那些人没有一句怨言就回去工作了。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕The piano music mixes with the murmur of conversation.钢琴曲和嗡嗡的谈话声混杂在一起。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕The piano music mixes with the murmur of conversation.钢琴的弹奏声混杂着低低的交谈声。柯林斯高阶〔murmur〕The promise of some basic working rights draws murmurs of approval.对一些基本工作权利的承诺引来一片低声的赞许。柯林斯高阶〔murmur〕The promise of some basic working rights draws murmurs of approval.对于一些基本工作权利的许诺引来了一片赞许之声。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕The shy girl murmured her thanks.那怕羞的姑娘小声道谢。英汉大词典〔murmur〕The suggestion brought murmurs of disapproval.这个建议引起一片低声反对。韦氏高阶〔murmur〕The wind murmured and sighed in the trees.风儿在林间轻声叹息。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕The wind murmured in the trees.风在树林中沙沙作响。牛津高阶〔murmur〕The wind murmured through the trees.风儿在林中低语。朗文当代〔murmur〕There have been murmurs of discontent over the new rules.对新的规则已有一些不满的言论。朗文当代〔murmur〕There was a murmur of agreement from the crowd.人群中发出表示赞同的低语声。朗文当代〔murmur〕There was a low murmur among the crowd.人群里有窃窃私语声。英汉大词典〔murmur〕There was a low murmur of conversation in the other room.在另一个房间里隐约传来轻轻的谈话声。英汉大词典〔murmur〕There was silence except for the faint murmur of water far away.除了远处汩汩的流水声, 周围一片寂静。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕There were envious murmurs about the new freedoms the Afghans were enjoying.对于阿富汗人享有的新自由, 有些心怀妒忌的人颇有微词。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕They murmured in agreement.他们小声表示同意了。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕They did as they were told, without a murmur.他们一声不吭地照要求做了。牛津搭配〔murmur〕They signed the form without a murmur.他们二话不说就在表格上签了名。朗文当代〔murmur〕They spoke in low murmurs.他们低声说着话。柯林斯高阶〔murmur〕They spoke in low murmurs.他们小声说着话。外研社新世纪〔murmur〕They spoke to each other in murmurs.他们轻声交谈。韦氏高阶〔murmur〕They were murmuring about the boss's nephew getting the job.他们在私下嘀咕老板的侄子得到了那份工作的事。剑桥高阶〔none〕Sounds there were none except the murmur of the bees.万籁俱寂,唯闻蜂鸣。英汉大词典〔phonocardiogram〕A graphic record of heart sounds and murmurs that is produced by a phonocardiograph.心音描记图:通过心音描记器产生的心脏声音和杂音的图画记录美国传统〔phonocardiograph〕An instrument consisting of microphones and recording equipment used to monitor and record heart sounds and murmurs.心音描记图:由话筒和记录装置组成的仪器,用来监测和记录心脏声音和杂音美国传统〔profusely〕Profusely sweating and quivering with chills, he murmured his last words.他一个劲儿地出汗、打冷战, 含糊不清地说出了他的遗言。外研社新世纪〔profusely〕Profusely sweating and quivering with chills, he murmured his last words.出了很多汗的他打着冷战,含糊不清地说出了他的遗言。柯林斯高阶〔purl〕To flow or ripple with a murmuring sound.潺潺地流:流动或滴落并且带有潺潺的声音美国传统〔quietly〕A quiet murmur passed through the classroom.一阵悄悄的低语声传遍了整个教室。柯林斯高阶〔response〕He murmured something in response.他咕噜着什么,作为回答。英汉大词典〔reverent〕At first a reverent hush. Then a murmuring.先是一片肃静,接着响起一阵低语声。英汉大词典〔rise〕Murmurs of disapproval rose from (= came from) the crowd.人群中传出一阵阵非难的抱怨声。剑桥高阶〔run〕An angry murmur ran through the crowd.愤怒的抱怨声在人群中迅速蔓延。牛津高阶〔sibilant〕A sibilant murmuring briefly pervaded the room.一时间房间里充满了窃窃私语声。柯林斯高阶〔sidle〕Hattie sidled up to her and spoke in a conspiratorial murmur.哈蒂悄悄靠近她, 神秘兮兮地低声跟她说着话。外研社新世纪〔sough〕A soft murmuring or rustling sound, as of the wind or a gentle surf.沙沙声:风或波浪所发出的飒飒声或沙沙声美国传统〔sough〕To make a soft murmuring or rustling sound.沙沙作响:发出轻柔的呢喃声或沙沙声美国传统〔squash〕The troops would stay in position to squash the first murmur of trouble.部队将原地待命, 一有骚乱迹象就立即镇压。外研社新世纪〔squash〕The troops would stay in position to squash the first murmur of trouble.部队将继续原地驻扎,一有骚乱迹象就立即镇压。柯林斯高阶〔still〕The murmurs stilled.低语声静了下来。朗文当代〔susurration〕A soft, whispering or rustling sound; a murmur.窃窃私语:轻软的、飒飒的或沙沙的声;低语美国传统〔thanks〕She murmured her thanks.她低声道谢。牛津高阶〔thanks〕She murmured her thanks.她小声地表示了感谢。外研社新世纪〔untouched〕He murmured something, then, food left untouched, went into the sitting-room.他咕哝了些什么,然后食物丝毫未动就进了起居室。柯林斯高阶〔untouched〕He murmured something, then, food left untouched, went into the sitting-room.他小声嘀咕着什么, 然后走进了起居室, 食物一口未动地放在那儿。外研社新世纪〔urbanity〕She smiled and murmured urbanities.她微笑着并喃喃说了些应酬话。英汉大词典〔without a murmur〕For once the children went to bed without a murmur.孩子们头一次一声不吭就上床睡觉了。剑桥高阶Murmurs of disapproval rose from (= came from) the crowd.人群中传来指责的嘀咕声。剑桥国际A murmur of agreement came from the crowd.人群中传出小声的赞同声。剑桥国际After the report was published, there were murmurs of discontent (= complaints by people to each other but not publicly) round the office.报告公布后,办公室里满是小声的抱怨。剑桥国际As he stopped speaking there were audible murmurs of discontent.他的讲话停止时,听得到有不满的嗡嗡声。剑桥国际As he was introduced to another group of guests at the party, the mayor woodenly shook their hands and murmured a greeting.当被介绍给招待会上的另外一组客人时,市长毫无表情地握了握他们的手,并低声寒暄了一句。剑桥国际For once the children went to bed without a murmur (= without even a small complaint).这一次孩子们毫无怨言地上了床。剑桥国际He held me close to him, murmuring endearments. 他抱紧了我,喃喃述说著爱意。译典通He is murmuring to himself. 他在低声自言自语。译典通He made no murmur at my suggestion. 他对我的建议没有表示不满。译典通He sat listening to the murmur of the little brook. 他坐著倾听小溪流水的潺潺声。译典通He was murmuring to himself in a corner.他在角落里轻声地自言自语。剑桥国际I could hear diffuse murmuring coming from the next room.我能听到隔壁房间里传来四散的低语。剑桥国际I heard again the multitudinous murmur of the city. 我又听到了城市里各种各样的嗡嗡声。译典通She gave a murmur of approval. 她低声表示同意。译典通The breeze murmured in the pines. 松林里微风沙沙作响。译典通The people murmured against the government. 人们私下抱怨政府。译典通They murmured to each other as they caressed.他们爱抚时互相低喃。剑桥国际They were murmuring about the boss's nephew getting the job.他们在小声抱怨老板的侄子得到那个职位。剑桥国际




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