

单词 meristem
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔apical meristem〕A meristem located at the tip of a plant shoot or root.顶端分生组织:位于植物芽或根部顶端的分生组织美国传统〔cambium〕A lateral meristem in most vascular plants that forms parallel rows of cells resulting in secondary tissues either as secondary growth or as cork.形成层:大多数导管植物中靠近边缘的分生组织,它形成植物细胞组成的平行的行列,导致产生二次组织、二次增生或长成软木美国传统〔ground meristem〕The primary meristem that differentiates into the pith and cortex.基本分生组织:分化入植物的表皮层和髓质层的初生分生组织部分美国传统〔lateral meristem〕A meristem in vascular plants, such as the cambium, in which secondary growth occurs.侧分生组织:可形成再生的维管植物分生组织,如形成层美国传统〔leaf primordium〕A lateral outgrowth from the apical meristem that develops into a leaf.叶基:从顶端分生组织中生出的侧部突起,最终发育成叶子美国传统〔primary growth〕Growth originating from the apical meristems of roots and shoots and resulting chiefly in extension of the plant body.初生:由根部和嫩芽的顶端分生组织引起的生长,其结果主要为植物体的延展美国传统〔primary meristem〕A type of plant tissue derived from the apical meristem of a root or stem.初生分生组织:由根部或茎部的顶端分生组织转变而来的植物组织种类美国传统〔primary tissue〕Any of various tissues derived from a primary meristem, such as the precambium, protoderm, or ground meristem.初级组织:多种由初级分生组织分化生成的组织,例如原始形成层、原始表皮或是基底分生组织美国传统〔secondary growth〕Growth in vascular plants from production of secondary tissues by a lateral meristem, usually resulting in wider branches and stems.次生生长:维管植物藉侧旁的分生组织于次生组织中的生长,通常能生出较宽的枝干美国传统〔secondary tissue〕Tissue produced by a lateral meristem, such as secondary xylem and cork.次生组织:分生组织所长出的组织,像是次生木质部及木栓层美国传统〔vascular cambium〕A lateral meristem that produces secondary xylem to the inside and secondary phloem to the outside.维管形成层:一种横向的分生组织,向里面产生补充的木质部并向外产生补充的韧皮部美国传统




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