

单词 汇入
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHECK〕Let me just confirm that the money has arrived in your account. 我来确认一下钱已汇入您的账户。朗文写作活用〔Chagres〕A river rising in central Panama, flowing southwest to Gatún Lake (formed by a dam on the river), then draining northwest to the Caribbean Sea.查格雷斯河:发源于巴拿马中部的一条河流,向西南汇入加顿湖(由在河上筑坝而形成),然后折向西北注入加勒比海美国传统〔JOIN〕After a while, the trail we were on merged with another, bigger trail. 过了一会,我们走的那条小路汇入了另一条稍宽广一些的路。朗文写作活用〔White Nile〕A section of the Nile River in eastern Africa flowing generally northward to Khartoum, where it joins the Blue Nile to form the Nile River proper.白尼罗河:东非尼罗河的一部分,大体上说是向北流向喀土穆省,在那里它汇入蓝尼罗河而形成尼罗河主流美国传统〔disgorge〕The Mississippi disgorges its waters into the Gulf of Mexico.密西西比河水汇入墨西哥湾。朗文当代〔disgorge〕The river disgorges into the ocean just south of the city.那条河就在城南汇入大海。韦氏高阶〔downward〕The mountain streams flow downward to the lake.山上的溪流向下流,汇入湖中。韦氏高阶〔empty〕The Washougal empties into the Columbia River near Portland.沃舒格尔河汇入波特兰附近的哥伦比亚河。外研社新世纪〔fall into〕The Yangtze River falls into the East China sea.长江汇入东海。21世纪英汉〔feeder〕These brooks are feeders of the big river.这几条小溪汇入大河。英汉大词典〔flow〕I put my truck in gear and pulled out into the flow of traffic.我把卡车挂上挡, 然后起步汇入了车流中。外研社新世纪〔flow〕It's here that the river flows down into the ocean.这条河就在这里汇入海洋。牛津高阶〔flow〕Many short rivers flow into the Pacific Ocean.许多小河汇入太平洋。剑桥高阶〔flow〕The river flows through three counties before flowing into the sea just south of here.这条河流在汇入此处正南边的大海之前流经了3个郡县。剑桥高阶〔join〕Finally we arrived at Dartmouth, where the River Dart joins the sea.最后我们到达了达特茅斯,达特河在那里汇入大海。朗文当代〔mingle in〕Three streams mingle in this river on its way to the sea.这条河在流入大海途中有三条小河汇入。21世纪英汉〔mosaic〕The country is now a cultural and social mosaic (= mixture) due to the influx of different ethnic groups.因有不同种族汇入,这个国家呈现出文化与社会的多元化景象。剑桥高阶〔negotiate〕I negotiated my way out of the airport and joined the flow of cars.我驱车驶出机场,汇入车流之中。柯林斯高阶〔negotiate〕I negotiated my way out of the airport and joined the flow of cars.我驾车出了机场, 汇入车流。外研社新世纪〔nose〕The taxi nosed its way back into the traffic.出租车慢慢地汇入车流。牛津高阶〔run-off〕The sewers collected sewage and storm runoff and discharged it, untreated, into the harbour.污水和暴雨径流汇入下水道后被直接排入海港。柯林斯高阶〔trickle〕Donations have been trickling in.捐款在陆续汇入。韦氏高阶〔wire〕Investigators say nearly $100,000 was wired into the suspect's bank accounts.调查人员说有近10万美元汇入了嫌疑人的银行账户。外研社新世纪Several small streams feed into (=join) the river near here.几条小溪汇入这里附近的一条河。剑桥国际The river runs (down) to/into the sea.河流汇入大海。剑桥国际




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