

单词 nativity
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Nativity〕The Nativity was celebrated from the eighth century in the Orthodox Church on 8 September.自8世纪起, 东正教于9月8日庆祝主降生节。外研社新世纪〔Nativity〕The paintings on the right wall deal with the Nativity and the Crucifixion.右墙上的壁画描述的是耶稣诞生与受难的故事。外研社新世纪〔Nativity〕They admired the tableau of the Nativity.他们欣赏着耶稣降生的场景造型。柯林斯高阶〔crèche〕A representation of the Nativity, usually with statues or figurines.基督诞生雕像:耶稣诞生的演示,通常用雕像或小雕像美国传统〔geniture〕Birth; nativity.出生;诞生美国传统〔nativity play〕Ellie played an angel in the school nativity play.埃莉在学校的圣诞剧中扮演了一个天使。外研社新世纪〔nativity〕Bristol is the place of her nativity.布里斯托尔是她的出生地。外研社新世纪〔nativity〕His glance wandered unimpressed over the nativity.他漫不经心地扫了一眼耶稣诞生图。外研社新世纪〔nativity〕No matter how British our antecedents, the fact of our nativity in Berlin means that we are merely 'British by descent'.无论我们的祖先是多么纯正的英国人, 我们出生在柏林这一事实意味着我们只是“血统上的英国人”。外研社新世纪〔nativity〕This is a significant moment in the creation of the modern party, and may therefore serve as a nativity.这是这个现代政党创立过程中的重要时刻, 也许会成为它正式成立的标志。外研社新世纪〔play〕The children always perform a nativity play every Christmas.每年圣诞节孩子们都演耶稣诞生的戏剧。牛津搭配〔play〕Who played Mary in the nativity play?谁扮演耶稣降生戏里的玛利亚?牛津同义词〔tableau〕Gaudi's luxuriant stone tableau of the Nativity on the cathedral's east face.大教堂东面石壁上是由高迪创作的有关基督降生的华丽浮雕柯林斯高阶〔thesis〕She wrote her thesis on Renaissance Nativity scenes.她写的论文是关于文艺复兴时期的耶稣诞生图的。韦氏高阶I debuted in primary school as third shepherd in the Nativity play.小学时我在基督降临记中出演第三牧羊人而初露头角。剑桥国际I have served him from the hour of my nativity to this instant. 我从出生到现在一直侍奉著他。译典通In the local church at Christmas, there's a model of the nativity scene with a tiny baby in a crib, shepherds, animals, and kings bearing gifts.在圣诞节,地方教堂里有一幅基督诞生雕像,上面有一个躺在小床里的婴儿,还有牧羊人、动物和送礼的君王。剑桥国际




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