

单词 angel
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔angel〕a merciful angel = an angel of mercy 仁慈的天使韦氏高阶〔angel〕a singer who has the voice of an angel 拥有天使般嗓音的歌手牛津搭配〔angel〕an angel from heaven 来自天堂的天使韦氏高阶〔angel〕an angel of mercy 大慈大悲的人英汉大词典〔angel〕the angel Gabriel 天使加百列朗文当代〔avenge〕saw herself as an avenging angel 视她自己为复仇天使韦氏高阶〔fallen〕a fallen angel 堕落的天使(被打入地狱的天使)文馨英汉〔incarnation〕the incarnation of an angel 天使的化身英汉大词典〔of〕an angel of a child 天使般的孩子文馨英汉〔outspread〕a bronze statue of an angel with outspread wings 展开翅膀的天使铜像剑桥高阶〔paradise〕an angel in paradise 天堂的天使牛津搭配〔semblance〕bear the semblance of an angel and the heart of a devil 具有天使的外表和恶魔的心肠英汉大词典〔skull〕the angel of death with his grinning skull 咧嘴微笑的死神骷髅头牛津搭配




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