

单词 main road
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUSY/NOT BUSY〕The main road is busy, so be careful when you try to cross it. 主路上交通繁忙,横过时要小心。朗文写作活用〔DIRECTION〕We're going in the right direction now - I can see the main road up ahead. 我们现在走的方向是正确的—我看得见前面的大路了。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕As long as we keep to the main road we should be safe. 我们只要沿着大路走,就应该是安全的。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕It's probably best to avoid the main roads unless you're really pushed for time. 除非你时间真的很紧迫,否则避开大路可能是最好的。朗文写作活用〔asphalt〕In all Afghanistan only Kabul has most of its main roads asphalted.阿富汗全国只有喀布尔的大部分主干道铺了沥青。外研社新世纪〔astride〕The town lies astride the main road.那个城镇位于大路的两旁。英汉大词典〔back out〕He backed out onto the main road.他将车倒上主干道。外研社新世纪〔blizzard〕Blizzard conditions made the main roads almost impassable.暴风雪导致主要道路几乎无法通行。剑桥高阶〔blockade〕Striking lorry drivers agreed to lift their blockades of main roads.参加罢工的卡车司机同意解除对主干道的封锁。外研社新世纪〔branch off〕We drove down a narrow track that branched off from the main road.我们行驶在一条从主干道上分岔出来的窄路上。剑桥高阶〔branch〕The main road branches off to the right.大路向右边分叉。21世纪英汉〔carry〕The bridge carries the main road over the railway.这座桥把主干道架起跨过了铁路。朗文当代〔crawl〕Cars and lorries crawled along the main road.汽车和货车在大路上缓缓行进着。麦克米伦高阶〔create〕The main road was closed, creating traffic problems.主路被封闭了,引发了诸多交通问题。麦克米伦高阶〔development〕Ribbon developments (= lines of buildings) extended along the main road.一排排建筑沿着大路伸展。牛津搭配〔direction〕The car has turned off the main road and is coming in your direction.那辆车离开了大路, 正向你的方向驶来。外研社新世纪〔diverge from〕He was diverging from the main road.他在偏离大道。21世纪英汉〔divert〕Traffic is being diverted from the main road because of the accident.由于事故,车辆行人绕道而行。英汉大词典〔down〕The nearest hotel is five or six miles down the main road.最近的旅馆离大路有五六英里。麦克米伦高阶〔eatery〕We met in a little eatery just off the main road.我们是在大路边的一家小饭馆相遇的。剑桥高阶〔erect〕Police have erected barriers across the main roads into the town.警察在通往城里的主要道路上设立了路障。朗文当代〔follow〕I followed the main road up the mountain.我沿大路上山。朗文当代〔hit〕They hit the main road two kilometres further on.他们往前走了两公里后到了大路上。朗文当代〔hum〕Our house is on a main road, so we can hear the constant hum of traffic.我们的房子在大路旁,所以能听见持续不断的交通噪声。剑桥高阶〔intersection〕The school is at the intersection of two main roads.这所学校位于两条主干道的交叉处。麦克米伦高阶〔keep to〕She keeps to the main roads when she travels.她旅行时总是走大路。韦氏高阶〔main road〕I don't like cycling on main roads.我不喜欢在大路上骑车。外研社新世纪〔main road〕We live just off the main road.我们住在离大路不远处。朗文当代〔meet〕The path eventually meets up with the main road.这条小路最终和大路会合。朗文当代〔off〕He lives just off the main road.他住得离大路不远。剑桥高阶〔out〕Follow the main road out of Newport.沿着大路离开纽波特。麦克米伦高阶〔position〕The troops took up positions along the main road.部队在主要沿线布置阵地美国传统〔proceed〕The main road proceeds north for another two miles.主干道又向北延伸了两英里。麦克米伦高阶〔road〕All main roads were passable with care.所有的主路小心行驶都可通行。牛津搭配〔salt〕Only the main roads have been salted.仅在主要公路上撒了盐。英汉大词典〔strike〕The bus struck the main road.大客车开上了公路干线。英汉大词典〔tailback〕Yesterday there was a four-mile tailback on the main road into the city after a crash.昨天在一起交通事故以后,进城的干道上排起了4英里的长龙。剑桥高阶〔turn〕We turned off the main road.我们离开大路。牛津同义词He lives just off the main road.他住在离大路不远处。剑桥国际His apartment was on a main road and there was a constant roar of traffic from down below.他的公寓在一条主要街道上,下面不断地传来车辆的闹声。剑桥国际It's a quiet street running (= positioned) parallel to the main road.这是一条和大街平行的宁静小路。剑桥国际Stick to the main roads and you won't get lost.沿着大路走,就不会迷路。剑桥国际The accident on the main road through town is causing widespread disruption for motorists.发生在穿城大道上的事故正在造成大范围的交通紊乱。剑桥国际The introduction of police speed cameras on main roads has left many people with the impression that we are entering a Big Brother society.主要公路上警察测速摄像机的使用给人们一个印象----我们正进入一个专制社会。剑桥国际They barricaded the main road with fallen trees. 他们用倒下的树堵住了主要道路。译典通They live on the main road out of town.他们住在城外的主道旁。剑桥国际Traffic noise is one of the minuses of living on a main road. 车辆的噪音是住在交通干道旁的不利条件之一。译典通Traffic will be diverted through the side streets while the main road is resurfaced.由于主要干道路面重铺,车辆行人将转走小路。剑桥国际Turn left where the lane meets the main road.在小巷与大路连接之处向左转。剑桥国际We'd better stick to the main road, because the other roads are blocked with snow.我们最好沿着干道走,因为其他的路被雪封住了。剑桥国际




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