

单词 adverse
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕If adverse weather conditions persist, the game will be cancelled. 如果恶劣的天气持续下去,比赛将取消。朗文写作活用〔DIFFICULT〕In spite of adverse public opinion, the plan to privatize the railways continued. 尽管公众舆论持反对态度,铁路私有化的计划仍继续进行。朗文写作活用〔DIFFICULT〕Planes are being kept on the ground because of the adverse weather. 由于天气恶劣,飞机只得停留在地面上。朗文写作活用〔U-turn〕The prime minister did/made a quick U-turn in response to all the adverse publicity.面对所有这些不利宣传,首相的态度来了个180度的大转弯。剑桥高阶〔admonish〕These verbs refer to adverse criticism intended as a corrective or caution.这些动词都表示作为改善法或警告的反对性评。美国传统〔adversely〕Despite the adverse conditions, the road was finished in just eight months.尽管存在种种不利情况,公路还是仅用8个月就完工了。柯林斯高阶〔adversely〕The police said Mr Hadfield's decision would have no adverse effect on the progress of the investigation.警方称哈德菲尔德先生的决定将不会对调查的进展造成不利影响。柯林斯高阶〔adverse〕Flight delays brought adverse publicity for the airline.航班延误给航空公司带来了负面的宣传效应。外研社新世纪〔adverse〕He has experienced no adverse reactions from the new drug treatment.新药治疗没有给他带来不良反应。外研社新世纪〔adverse〕He never let himself be discouraged by any adverse circumstances.他从不因遇到逆境而灰心丧气。外研社新世纪〔adverse〕Higher energy costs have an adverse effect on the economy.能源成本的上升对经济有不利影响。外研社新世纪〔adverse〕It is adverse to your interests.这违背你的利益。文馨英汉〔adverse〕Lack of money will have an adverse effect on our research programme.缺少资金将对我们的研究方案有不利影响。牛津高阶〔adverse〕Miller's campaign has received a good deal of adverse publicity .米勒的竞选活动招来许多负面宣传。朗文当代〔adverse〕She felt adverse to her husband's friends.她极不喜欢她丈夫的朋友。英汉大词典〔adverse〕Smoking has an adverse effect on health.吸烟对健康有不利的影响。文馨英汉〔adverse〕So far the drug is thought not to have any adverse effects.迄今为止,人们一直认为这种药物没有任何副作用。剑桥高阶〔adverse〕Sri Lanka had an adverse trade balance with India.斯里兰卡与印度有贸易逆差。外研社新世纪〔adverse〕The drug has so far had no adverse effect on patients.这种药物迄今还没有对病人产生不良作用。麦克米伦高阶〔adverse〕The expedition was abandoned because of adverse weather conditions.由于天气恶劣,探险活动中止了。朗文当代〔adverse〕The match has been cancelled because of adverse weather conditions.由于天气恶劣,这场比赛已被取消。剑桥高阶〔adverse〕The match was called off because of adverse weather conditions.由于天气状况不佳, 比赛被取消了。外研社新世纪〔adverse〕They are adverse to violence.他们反对暴力。文馨英汉〔adverse〕They fear it could have an adverse effect on global financial markets.他们担心这会对全球金融市场产生不利影响。朗文当代〔adverse〕They have attracted strong adverse criticism.他们已招致强烈非难。牛津高阶〔adverse〕They ignored the adverse criticism and carried on.他们不顾负面批评坚持下去。外研社新世纪〔adverse〕They received a lot of adverse publicity/criticism about the changes.这些变化为他们招致种种负面报道/非难。剑桥高阶〔adverse〕This drug is known to have adverse side effects.众所周知,这种药具有不良副作用。牛津高阶〔adverse〕This is a theory adverse to facts.这是与事实相反的理论。文馨英汉〔adverse〕We deeply regret any adverse effect today's action will have on our associates and business partners.对于今天的行动将对我们的合伙人和商业伙伴产生的任何不利影响, 我们深表歉意。外研社新世纪〔affect〕The adverse criticism the book received didn't affect the author one way or another.对这本书的敌对性评论丝毫没有影响该作家。美国传统〔blight〕An extremely adverse environmental condition, such as air pollution.恶劣环境条件:一种极端不利的环境条件,如空气污染美国传统〔borrow〕To take an unnecessary action that will probably engender adverse effects.自找麻烦:采取一个可能会产生负面效果的不必要的行动美国传统〔bummer〕An adverse reaction to a hallucinogenic drug.服迷幻药后产生的不适反应美国传统〔call〕To stop or postpone (a game) because of bad weather, darkness, or other adverse conditions.停止或延期比赛:由于天气不好、天黑或其它不利条件而停止或推迟(一场比赛)美国传统〔chagrined〕They are chagrined that the town is receiving so much adverse publicity.小镇受到这么多负面的宣传, 他们对此很苦恼。外研社新世纪〔comment〕The article attracted much adverse comment.这篇文章引来了众多非议。牛津搭配〔damnation〕Failure or ruination incurred by adverse criticism.失败,毁灭:由敌对的批评而招致的失败或毁灭美国传统〔ecomanagement〕Any of various strategies to minimize or eliminate the adverse effects of human activities on the environment.环境管理:减少或消除人类活动对环境不良影响的多元策略美国传统〔effect〕East German companies were suffering the adverse effects of German economic union.不利/有益的影响麦克米伦高阶〔effect〕Modern farming methods can have an adverse effect on the environment.现代农业耕作方法可能对环境造成负面影响。牛津高阶〔effect〕The austerity measures will have little immediate adverse effect on the average Moroccan.财政紧缩政策不会对普通的摩洛哥人产生直接的负面影响。柯林斯高阶〔effect〕The dry weather had an adverse effect on the potato crops.天气干燥对土豆生长不利。牛津搭配〔hit〕To have serious, usually adverse consequences.有严重且通常不利的后果美国传统〔improperly〕The improper use of medicine could lead to severe adverse reactions.用药不当会产生严重的不良反应。柯林斯高阶〔innocuous〕Having no adverse effect; harmless.无害的:没有负作用的;无害的美国传统〔news〕Market suffered from adverse news on the money.行情因金融界情况不妙而大跌。英汉大词典〔publicity〕The adverse publicity had damaged sales.反面报道对销售造成了损害。朗文当代〔reaction〕A small minority of patients suffer an adverse reaction to the treatment.少数病人对该疗法有不良反应。牛津搭配〔reaction〕There is a risk of adverse reaction to the medicine.服用这种药物会有发生不良反应的风险。韦氏高阶〔sideeffect〕The medication can have adverse side effects on the patient.这种药物可能对病人有不良副作用。牛津搭配〔social disease〕A disease having its highest incidence among socioeconomic groups predisposed to it by a given set of adverse living or working conditions.社会性疾病:社会经济团体中最容易发生的疾病,因在给定的一系列不利的环境中生活或工作美国传统〔spore〕A dormant, nonreproductive body formed by certain bacteria in response to adverse environmental conditions.种胚:一种由特定的细菌在不利的环境条件下反应而成的休眠的非再生体美国传统〔stricture〕An adverse remark or criticism; censure.责难:指责或批评;责难美国传统〔tolerance〕The capacity to absorb a drug continuously or in large doses without adverse effect; diminution in the response to a drug after prolonged use.耐药量:连续或大量吞服药物后不发生任何副作用的能力;长时间服药后对药品反应的减弱美国传统〔toxicological〕There were no adverse toxicological effects.没有有害的毒理学效应。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕To have a specific reaction or effect, especially when adverse.转变,转折:产生相反作用或特定的结果,尤指相反的情况美国传统〔unafraid〕She was unafraid of defeat or adverse opinion.她不怕失败或反面意见。英汉大词典〔undesirable〕Inflation is considered to be undesirable because of its adverse effects on income distribution.通货膨胀被认为是有害的, 因为它会对收入分配产生不利影响。外研社新世纪〔undesirable〕Inflation is considered to be undesirable because of its adverse effects on income distribution.通货膨胀被认为是有害的,因为它会对收入分配产生不利影响。柯林斯高阶〔verdict〕In the case of an adverse verdict, the company could lose millions.如果法庭作出不利的裁决,这家公司有可能损失几百万。牛津搭配〔weather〕The plane crashed into the sea in adverse weather conditions.由于天气恶劣,飞机坠入了大海。牛津搭配〔wind〕Adverse winds swept the boat off course.逆风把小船刮得偏离了航线。牛津搭配A lot of local people are worried about the adverse impact that the road building scheme may have on the environment.许多当地人都为修路计划可能会给环境带来的不利影响而感到忧虑。剑桥国际Due to adverse weather conditions the train service has been slowed down considerably.由于天气不好,火车运行慢了许多。剑桥国际Evidence suggests that exposure to lead may cause mental damage in children before they show any adverse physical symptoms.有证据表明摄取过量的铅会在孩子的身体表现出不良症状之前破坏他们的智力。剑桥国际He attracted a lot of adverse publicity with his speech about unmarried mothers.他由于其关于未婚母亲的演讲招来传媒的不少抨击。剑桥国际So far the drug is thought not to have any adverse effects.迄今为止,该药物未发现有任何毒副作用。剑桥国际The advertising company responsible for the campaign say that they are surprised by the adverse public reaction to the poster.负责竞选的广告公司说公众对海报的敌对反应使他们惊奇。剑桥国际The expedition encountered adverse weather conditions. 探险队遇到了不利的气候条件。译典通The fall in tourism is having an adverse effect on business.游客数量的下跌对商业造成了消极影响。牛津商务The match has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.比赛由于不利的天气状况而取消。剑桥国际They received a lot of adverse publicity / criticism about the changes.他们受到了许多关于变革的不利宣传/批评。剑桥国际Your account shows an adverse balance of €630.00.你的账户上有 630 欧元的欠额。牛津商务




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