

单词 main
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔JOB〕a job that you have in addition to your main job 主要工作之外的一份工作朗文写作活用〔Malay〕the three main racial groups in Malaysia — the Malays, the Indians and the Chinese.马来西亚的三大种族——马来人、印度人、华人柯林斯高阶〔SUMMARIZE〕to describe something in a general way, giving only the main points 大致地描写某事,只列出要点朗文写作活用〔artery〕one of the city's main arteries 城市干道之一麦克米伦高阶〔artery〕the main arteries leading into London 通往伦敦的主干道剑桥高阶〔auxiliary〕the main library and its auxiliary branches.主要图书馆及其从属分支机构美国传统〔crossing〕the main crossing point on the border 边境上的主要过境点牛津搭配〔cross〕the intersection where Main and Center Streets cross主街和中央大街相交的十字路口外研社新世纪〔desk〕the main information desk主问讯台外研社新世纪〔enter by〕to enter by the main door走正门21世纪英汉〔entrance〕the main entrance to the school 学校的正门朗文当代〔event〕the main event 主要比赛项目韦氏高阶〔feed〕the main arteries that feed blood to the brain 将血液输送给大脑的主动脉麦克米伦高阶〔finding〕one of the main findings of the survey调查的主要发现之一外研社新世纪〔freshen sth up〕a project to freshen up the town's tired-looking main street 让镇上破旧的主街焕然一新的工程剑桥高阶〔give〕the garden gate that gives onto the main road 面朝大路的花园大门朗文当代〔glance〕a small map that shows you the main hotels at a glance一眼就能找到主要旅馆的小地图外研社新世纪〔go〕go off the main road 离开大路英汉大词典〔idea〕the main idea of a poem.某首诗的主要意思。牛津同义词〔intersection〕at the intersection of two main canals.在两条大运河的交汇处柯林斯高阶〔lead〕narrow streets leading off from the main square 起始于大广场的狭窄街道牛津高阶〔line〕the main line from London to Leeds 从伦敦至利兹的铁路干线英汉大词典〔line〕the main lines of the Five-Year Plan 五年计划的概要英汉大词典〔main street〕a Main Street jobs program 一个为普通大众制定的就业项目剑桥高阶〔main〕main ocean (sea) 浩瀚的大洋 (大海)英汉大词典〔main〕a main skysail 主桅天帆英汉大词典〔main〕a gas [water] main 瓦斯[给水]总管文馨英汉〔main〕a summary of the main points of the agreement 协议要点的总结朗文当代〔main〕driving down the main road/highway 沿着主干道/公路干线行驶韦氏高阶〔main〕on the high main 在浩瀚的公海上英汉大词典〔main〕the main bedroom 主卧室朗文当代〔main〕the main body of an army 军队的主力英汉大词典〔main〕the main gate/entrance 大门;主要入口韦氏高阶〔main〕the bounding main 波涛汹涌的大海英汉大词典〔motion〕to propose a motion(= to be the main speaker in favour of a motion) 提出动议牛津高阶〔motivation〕my main motivation in making the suggestion 我提出这个建议的主要考虑牛津搭配〔off〕a house off the main road主干道附近的一栋房子外研社新世纪〔out of〕works out of the main office.有时在主要办事处工作美国传统〔pattern〕the main patterns in English spelling 英语拼写中的主要模式牛津搭配〔play〕the main factors that come into play 起作用的主要因素 英汉大词典〔plotline〕the movie's main plotline 这部电影的主要情节韦氏高阶〔point〕the main point on the agenda 一项主要议程英汉大词典〔prefatory〕a broad prefatory arch to the main apse 教堂半圆形后殿前的宽大拱门英汉大词典〔protagonist〕the main protagonists in the conflict 主要的冲突方朗文当代〔pudding〕a menu featuring a starter, a main course and a pudding一份包含开胃菜、主菜和甜点的菜单外研社新世纪〔purport〕the main purport of sb.'s visit to France 某人法国之行的主要目的英汉大词典〔recite〕be able to recite the main speeches from Hamlet 能背诵《哈姆雷特》中的主要台词段英汉大词典〔road〕the main road through the town 穿过小镇的主路牛津搭配〔serve〕serve up the main course 上主菜 英汉大词典〔shopping〕the town's main shopping street 这个城镇的主要商业街牛津搭配〔signpost〕to signpost the main roads to the city在通往城市的主道上设置路标21世纪英汉〔singularization〕to make the main points singularize使重点突出21世纪英汉〔source〕the country's main source of income 该国主要的收入来源朗文当代〔spot〕spot the main bout at ten o'clock 把主要比赛排在10点钟举行英汉大词典〔staircase〕the staircase to the main floor 通向主层的楼梯牛津搭配〔story〕cover story (=the main story in a magazine, that is about the picture on the cover) 〔杂志的〕封面故事[专题报道]朗文当代〔street〕the town's main shopping street 该镇主要的商业街牛津搭配〔subsidiary〕matters subsidiary to the main theme主议题下附设的事项外研社新世纪〔tenet〕the main tenet of his philosophy 他的哲学的主要原则朗文当代〔top〕the top corridor of the main building主楼顶层的走廊外研社新世纪




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