

单词 noble
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Apollonian〕Often apollonian Serenely high-minded; noble. 常作 apollonian 娴和高贵的;尊贵的美国传统〔BEAUTIFUL〕Wealthy nobles inhabited splendid villas in the surrounding countryside. 富有的贵族住在附近乡间华丽的庄园内。朗文写作活用〔CHARACTER〕What strikes me most about Hamlet is his noble character. 哈姆雷特身上最令我感动的是他高尚的品格。朗文写作活用〔Galahad〕One considered to be noble, pure, or chivalrous.纯洁、高贵的人:被认为高贵、纯洁或勇敢的人美国传统〔Grecian〕Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans普鲁塔克的《希腊罗马名人传》外研社新世纪〔TALK〕Nobles is a chatty, energetic 55-year-old. 55岁的诺布尔斯健谈而充满活力。朗文写作活用〔about〕There is something noble about her [her behavior].她[她的行为]有几分高贵的气质。文馨英汉〔adore〕People adore him for his noble character.人们因他的高贵品质而敬爱他。英汉大词典〔age〕The dog died at a noble (或venerable) age.那条狗活得很久才死。英汉大词典〔alderman〕A noble of high rank or authority in Anglo-Saxon England.贵族,当权者:盎格鲁-撒克逊时期英格兰的高等贵族或当权者美国传统〔ancestry〕They claim to be of noble ancestry.他们声称有着贵族血统。韦氏高阶〔be descended from〕They claim to be descended from a noble British family.他们声称是一个英国贵族家庭的后裔。韦氏高阶〔beau geste〕A gesture noble in form but meaningless in substance.故作大方的姿势:一种形式上高尚但实质上无意义的姿态美国传统〔birth〕He was not of noble birth, and the nobility looked down on him.他不是贵族出身, 因此贵族们瞧不起他。外研社新世纪〔blood〕He was of noble blood, and an officer.他出身贵族,是一名军官。柯林斯高阶〔blood〕He was of noble blood.他有贵族血统。外研社新世纪〔blood〕She is of noble blood.她有贵族血统。牛津高阶〔blue blood〕Noble or aristocratic descent.贵族血统,名门血统:高贵的或贵族的血统美国传统〔botrytis〕Noble rot.贵腐病美国传统〔centralize〕In old days wealth and power centralized in the hands of a few noble families.从前,财富和权力集中在少数贵族家族的手中。21世纪英汉〔chancellor〕A secretary to a monarch or noble.国王的秘书,贵族的秘书美国传统〔childe〕A child of noble birth.少爷:出生高贵的儿童美国传统〔commoner〕A person without noble rank or title.没有贵族等级或头衔的人美国传统〔coronet〕A king wears a crown; princes and nobles wear coronets.国王戴王冠,王子和贵族戴小冠冕。英汉大词典〔coronet〕A small crown worn by princes and princesses and by other nobles below the rank of sovereign.小王冠:由王子、公主或国王之下的其他贵族戴的一种小王冠美国传统〔countenance〕He was of noble countenance.他的面容显得很高贵。剑桥高阶〔cupidity〕They gazed with envy and cupidity at the noble mansions.他们以妒忌与贪婪的眼光注视著那些富丽堂皇的大厦。文馨英汉〔deposable〕The nobles deported the King.贵族罢免了国王。21世纪英汉〔equerry〕An officer charged with supervision of the horses belonging to a royal or noble household.掌马官:为王室或贵族掌马的官员美国传统〔equipage〕Archaic A retinue, as of a noble or royal personage.【古语】 随员:(贵族或皇室成员的)随从美国传统〔fool〕A member of a royal or noble household who provided entertainment, as with jokes or antics; a jester.弄臣,宫廷小丑:一些皇室或贵族家庭成员,他们提供娱乐如讲笑话或表演滑稽动作;小丑美国传统〔gentlewoman〕A woman of gentle or noble birth or superior social position.贵妇:出身名门贵族或上流社会的妇女美国传统〔gentle〕To raise to the status of a noble.使高贵:取得贵族的地位美国传统〔goodman〕Goodman Used formerly as a courtesy title before the surname of a man not of noble birth. Goodman 先生:以前用作姓氏前作为尊称,但不是贵族称号美国传统〔goodwife〕Goodwife Used formerly as a courtesy title before the surname of a married woman not of noble birth. Goodwife 太太:以前放在已婚嫁的女人的姓氏前作为尊称而非贵族称号美国传统〔grandioso〕In a grand and noble style. Used chiefly as a direction.风格宏伟高贵地(的)。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔hall〕The castle or house of a medieval monarch or noble.宅邸:中世纪王公、贵族的城堡或房宇美国传统〔head〕Many nobles lost their heads during the French Revolution.在法国大革命中许多贵族上了断头台。英汉大词典〔high-minded〕Characterized by elevated ideals or conduct; noble.品格高尚的:以高尚的道德或品格为特征的;高尚的美国传统〔highborn〕Of noble birth.出身高贵的美国传统〔housecarl〕A member of the bodyguard or household troops of a Danish or Anglo-Saxon king or noble.国王(或贵族)侍卫:丹麦或盎格鲁-撒克逊国王或贵族的近卫军或御林军成员美国传统〔immolate〕He would immolate himself for their noble cause.他愿意为他们的崇高事业牺牲自己。21世纪英汉〔implicitly〕He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the Emperor.他对皇帝的高尚意图深信不疑。柯林斯高阶〔implicit〕He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the Emperor.他对皇帝的崇高意图深信不疑。外研社新世纪〔kin〕He comes of good kin (from noble kin).他出身名门(贵族)。英汉大词典〔lady〕Cockburn's arrival coincided with that of Sir Iain and Lady Noble.科伯恩到时正好伊恩爵士和诺布尔夫人也来了。柯林斯高阶〔lead ... on〕He led the girl on to believe that he was born to a noble family.他使那个姑娘误认为他是贵族出身。21世纪英汉〔lordly〕In a dignified, noble fashion befitting or characteristic of a lord.高傲地,贵族般地:以符合贵族或作为贵族的尊贵的、高贵的方式或具有其特点美国传统〔magnanimous〕Courageously noble in mind and heart.心地高贵的美国传统〔magnificent〕Grand or noble in thought or deed; exalted.崇高的:在思想或行为上高贵或崇高的;崇高的美国传统〔major-domo〕The head steward or butler in the household of a sovereign or great noble.王室或贵族家庭中的男总管或司役长美国传统〔noble savage〕The book contrasts modern civilization with the ideal of the noble savage who lived in harmony with nature.这本书将现代文明同与自然界和谐相处的高尚野蛮人的理想放在一起对比。牛津高阶〔nobleman〕A man of noble rank.贵族:有高贵地位的人美国传统〔noblesse〕Noble birth or condition.高贵的出生或状况美国传统〔noblewoman〕A woman of noble rank.女贵族:具有高贵地位的女子美国传统〔noble〕Although he was of noble birth he lived as a poor man.虽然他出身贵族,却过着穷人的日子。柯林斯高阶〔noble〕Although he was of noble birth, he lived as a poor man.虽然他出身贵族, 却过着穷人的日子。外研社新世纪〔noble〕He died for a noble cause.他为了高尚的事业而牺牲。牛津高阶〔noble〕He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the Emperor.他对皇帝陛下高尚的动机深信不疑。外研社新世纪〔noble〕He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the Emperor.他对皇帝陛下高尚的动机深信不疑。柯林斯高阶〔noble〕He was a man of noble character.他是个品德高尚的人。韦氏高阶〔noble〕He was an upright and noble man who was always willing to help in any way he could.他是一个正直高尚的人,总是愿意尽其所能帮助他人。柯林斯高阶〔noble〕He was an upright and noble man who was always willing to help in any way he could.他是一个诚实高尚的人, 总是尽其所能帮助别人。外研社新世纪〔noble〕Helium is a noble gas.氦是一种惰性气体。韦氏高阶〔noble〕His followers believe they are fighting for a noble cause.他的追随者相信他们是在为一项崇高的事业而奋斗。剑桥高阶〔noble〕I wanted so much to believe he was pure and noble.我非常愿意相信他是纯洁高尚的。柯林斯高阶〔noble〕It was noble of her to come forward with this information.她自告奋勇地提供了这个信息,这是高尚的行为。韦氏高阶〔noble〕It was very noble of you to help.你来帮忙真是太好了。麦克米伦高阶〔noble〕It's very noble of you to spend all your weekends helping the old folk.你心地真好,所有周末都用来帮助老人。朗文当代〔noble〕More and more nobles made Moscow their home during Catherine's reign.在叶卡捷琳娜大帝统治时期,越来越多的贵族移居莫斯科。柯林斯高阶〔noble〕More and more nobles made Moscow their home during Catherine's reign.在叶卡捷琳娜统治时期, 越来越多的贵族移居莫斯科。外研社新世纪〔noble〕Platinum is a noble metal.铂是一种惰性金属。韦氏高阶〔noble〕The Marquis would have to marry a woman of noble blood.那位侯爵必须和有贵族血统的女子结婚。朗文当代〔noble〕The bay makes a noble curve between two headlands.海湾在两岬之间勾划出一道气势磅礴的弧形。英汉大词典〔noble〕The police nobled 6 criminal suspects.警方抓住了六名犯罪嫌疑人。21世纪英汉〔noble〕Their cause was noble.他们所进行的是崇高的事业。外研社新世纪〔noble〕Their cause was noble.他们所进行的是崇高的事业。柯林斯高阶〔noble〕We'll always justify our actions with noble sounding theories.我们总会用听起来非常高尚的理论为我们的行动辩护。柯林斯高阶〔patron〕A noble or wealthy person in ancient Rome who granted favor and protection to someone in exchange for certain services.(古罗马)贵族:古罗马的贵族或有财势的人,给某人以恩惠和提供保护,受保护者作为交换提供一定服务美国传统〔possess〕Revolutionaries should possess the noble qualities of the proletariat.革命者应该具有无产阶级的崇高品质。21世纪英汉〔present〕Shakespeare presents the hero as a noble man doomed to make mistakes.莎士比亚把主人公表现成一位高尚却注定要犯错的人。朗文当代〔privation〕He has not been deterred from his noble undertaking by the privation of air, light, and water.虽然缺乏空气、阳光和水, 他依然坚持自己高尚的事业。外研社新世纪〔professedly〕He is professedly of noble birth.他自称出身贵族。文馨英汉〔profession〕We are members of an old and noble profession.我们从事的是一个古老而高尚的职业。牛津搭配〔queenship〕A noble or regal quality, as of a queen.贵族或王室的特性,如女王美国传统〔quixotic〕Caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals; idealistic without regard to practicality.堂吉珂德式的:沉湎于传奇故事中崇高业绩并追求无法实现的目标的;不考虑到实际的观念的美国传统〔rabble〕The proud nobles scorned the rabble.高傲的贵族轻视下层民众。英汉大词典〔race〕She is the descendant of a noble race.她是贵族后裔。韦氏高阶〔rail〕Noble natures are not railed into vice.高洁者拒恶。英汉大词典〔rate〕Elizabeth I used to rate great nobles as if they were schoolboys.伊丽莎白一世当年老是像训斥学童似的训斥达官显贵。英汉大词典〔relief〕His noble nature stood out in relief from (或 against) the evil of his surroundings.周围一片邪恶,相形之下他的高贵本性更为引人瞩目。英汉大词典〔self〕To our noble selves! (干杯时用的诙谐语)为我们这些高贵的人干杯!英汉大词典〔seneschal〕An official in a medieval noble household in charge of domestic arrangements and the administration of servants; a steward or major-domo.管家:中世纪贵族家庭中掌管家务安排和仆人管理的官员;管家或大管家美国传统〔sentiment〕All these noble sentiments have little chance of being put into practice.所有这些高尚的想法都极少有机会付诸实践。牛津搭配〔slum〕Noble as you were, you shouldn't slum here.像你这样的上等人,不该来这种地方。21世纪英汉〔sovereign〕A king, queen, or other noble person who serves as chief of state; a ruler or monarch.国王、女皇或其他作为国家首脑的人;统治者美国传统〔strain〕He is of a noble strain.他出身高贵。英汉大词典〔strike〕She always liked to strike a noble pose.她总是喜欢摆出一副高贵的样子。21世纪英汉〔sweep away〕The special rights to protect the nobles have been swept away.保护贵族的特权已被废除了。21世纪英汉〔titled〕Having a title, especially a noble title.有头衔的,尤其是贵族头衔美国传统〔title〕She has a title (= is of noble birth).她有贵族头衔。牛津搭配〔variously〕The law has been variously called "a noble experiment" and "one of the worst legislative mistakes in the country's history".关于这条法律人们看法各不相同,有的称其为“一项伟大的实验”,有的称其为“国家历史上最糟糕的立法错误之一”。剑桥高阶〔veto〕The nobles had a virtual veto against peasant candidates.贵族对农民候选人拥有实际上的否决权。牛津搭配〔wardrobe〕The department in charge of wearing apparel, jewelry, and accessories in a royal or noble household.保管部:王室或贵族官邸中保藏衣服、珠宝或附属部的部门美国传统〔yeoman〕An attendant, a servant, or a lesser official in a royal or noble household.侍从,仆人:皇室或贵族家庭中的随从、仆人或低级军官美国传统Although he was a noble he worked in a factory and never used his title.虽然他是贵族,但他在工厂工作,而且从不利用他的头衔。剑桥国际Barnes and Noble recognized a pre-tax gain of $22.4 m.巴诺书店确认有 2 240 万元的税前收入。牛津商务He is a good, yea, a noble man. 他是个好人,甚至可以说,是一个高尚的人。译典通He is sprung from noble ancestors. 他出身名门。译典通He was a man of noble race. 他是个出身高贵的男士。译典通He was of noble countenance.他长相很高贵。剑桥国际Helium is a noble gas. 氦气是钝气。译典通His followers believe they are fighting for a noble cause.他的追随者们相信他们是为崇高的事业而奋斗。剑桥国际His friend is a man of noble mind. 他的朋友是个思想高尚的人。译典通In the movie, a wicked stepmother acts as a foil to the noble young princess. 电影里,一位邪恶的继母衬托那位高贵的小公主。译典通In the play, a wicked old uncle acts as a foil to the noble young prince. 在剧中,邪恶年老的叔父为高尚年轻的王子扮演陪衬者的角色。译典通It was a noble attempt to bring peace to the conflict.将冲突引向和平是一种伟大的尝试。剑桥国际It was said that he was from a noble family. 据说他出身于贵族家庭。译典通Many of her essays on the nobility (= nobles considered as a group) were highly critical.她写的许多关于贵族的文章都具有很强的批判性。剑桥国际People adore him for his noble character. 人们因他人格高贵而敬重他。译典通She is a girl of noble bearing. 她是一个举止端庄的姑娘。译典通She is of a noble strain. 她出身名门。译典通The nobles had oppressed and exploited their serfs. 贵族压迫剥削农奴。译典通The arms of a city or noble family are its coat of arms. 城市或显赫家族的标志是盾形纹徽。译典通The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王的大权被他的贵族们剥夺殆尽。译典通The new building has a noble facade which is not overbearing.新大楼外观宏伟,但决不过分。剑桥国际They have cleverly wrapped their power in the noble apparel of the law.他们巧妙地把权力包藏在法律的堂皇外衣下。剑桥国际Washington memorial is a noble monument. 华盛顿纪念碑是很宏伟的。译典通




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