

单词 nobble
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔THREATEN〕He didn't like the idea that he had been nobbled, especially by a woman. 他不愿想到自己被人要挟,尤其是被女人要挟。朗文写作活用〔nobble〕He nobbled her in the corridor to sign the invoice.他在走廊上和她套近乎,哄她在付款通知上签字。剑桥高阶〔nobble〕He was nobbled by the press who wanted details of the affair.新闻界紧盯住他不放,要了解事件的详情。牛津高阶〔nobble〕His opportunity to re-establish himself had been nobbled by the manager's tactics.他重新树立自己地位的机会因教练的战术而流产了。柯林斯高阶〔nobble〕I was nobbled by my deaf old aunt and couldn't get away.我被耳聋的老阿姨拖住了,因而走不开。朗文当代〔nobble〕She was trying to nobble the jury.她企图贿赂陪审团。韦氏高阶〔nobble〕Sir Gerald had been nobbled.杰拉尔德爵士已经被收买了。柯林斯高阶〔nobble〕The jury had been nobbled and the case had to be reheard.陪审团被收买,案件必须重审。朗文当代〔nobble〕The jury who convicted him were suspected of being nobbled.判他有罪的陪审团疑为被人收买。剑桥高阶〔nobble〕The thief was nobbled in the act.那个小偷当场就被捉住了。21世纪英汉〔nobble〕The trial was stopped before Christmas after allegations of attempts to nobble the jury.企图收买陪审团的指控传出后, 审判在圣诞节前中止了。外研社新世纪〔nobble〕The trial was stopped before Christmas after allegations of attempts to nobble the jury.企图收买陪审团的指控传出后,审判在圣诞节前中止了。柯林斯高阶〔nobble〕They nobbled two children as hostages in addition.他们还绑架了两名儿童作人质。21世纪英汉〔nobble〕We found out later that the horse had been nobbled, which explained its poor performance.我们后来才发现这匹赛马被下了药,所以才表现差。韦氏高阶He nobbled her in the corridor to sign the invoice.他在走廊上吸引她注意,让她在发票上签了字。剑桥国际The knee injury has almost certainly nobbled his chance of a place in the final.膝伤几乎肯定使他失去了决赛中得名次的机会。剑桥国际




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