

单词 move
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔AROUND/ROUND〕to move into a position around someone or something 围在某人或某物周围朗文写作活用〔CIRCLE〕go around, move in a circle 转圈朗文写作活用〔FAST〕to move as fast as someone else 与别人的移动速度一样快朗文写作活用〔FAST〕to move faster than someone or something else 移动得比别人或其他东西快朗文写作活用〔I〕the tendency for novelists to move away from the “I” kind of storytelling 小说家避免用第一人称“我”来叙述故事的倾向英汉大词典〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕able to move 能移动的朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕to move from side to side 摇摆朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕what you say to tell someone not to move 告诉某人不要动的说法朗文写作活用〔PUSH〕to push people in order to move forward 为了向前移而推某人朗文写作活用〔aerodynamics〕the car's aerodynamic shape(= making it able to move faster) 汽车的流线型牛津高阶〔along〕move along 向前移动英汉大词典〔bar-code〕to bar-code every move they make鉴定他们每个动作21世纪英汉〔bonehead〕a bonehead move 愚蠢的一着英汉大词典〔break〕break and move towards the exits 散场后分往各太平门而去英汉大词典〔buy〕a move that should buy us another week 能够为我们赢得又一个星期时间的行动麦克米伦高阶〔career〕a move higher up the career ladder 在职业阶梯上的升迁牛津搭配〔checkmate〕a brilliant move that resulted in checkmate 将死对手的一招妙棋韦氏高阶〔convergence〕the need to move towards greater economic convergence.朝着经济进一步融合发展的需要柯林斯高阶〔crackdown〕a move that could forestall a government crackdown能够预先阻止政府镇压的行动外研社新世纪〔elementary school〕the move from elementary school to middle school or junior high.从小学升到中学或初中柯林斯高阶〔floating〕a floating population(= one in which people frequently move from one place to another) 流动人口牛津高阶〔flow〕to improve traffic flow(= make it move faster) 改善交通流量牛津高阶〔friskily〕move about friskily 欢快地四处跑英汉大词典〔gear〕to move into high gear 进入高速发展牛津高阶〔ill-advised〕an ill-advised career move 不明智的职业变动剑桥高阶〔impeach〕an opposition move to impeach the President.弹劾总统的反对议案柯林斯高阶〔integration〕a move towards / toward greater internal integration in Europe 促进欧洲内部更紧密融合的举措牛津搭配〔lie〕move the ball to a better lie 把球打到更好的位置英汉大词典〔mobile〕a highly mobile workforce(= people who can move easily from place to place) 具有很强流动性的劳动力牛津高阶〔move away from〕the struggle to move away from feudalistic values towards democracy旨在改变封建观念、向民主迈进的斗争外研社新世纪〔move〕move a pawn 走一卒子英汉大词典〔move〕move for an adjournment 提议休会 英汉大词典〔move〕move in on the country's vast mineral resources 掠夺该国丰富的矿产资源 英汉大词典〔move〕move lunch up to 11:30 把午餐时间提早到11点30分 英汉大词典〔move〕move the committee for reconsideration of the bill 提请委员会重新审议该议案英汉大词典〔move〕move the troops into enemy territory 将部队开进敌军控制地区英汉大词典〔move〕a move away from the old Hollywood style of movie 背离传统好莱坞电影风格的做法牛津搭配〔move〕a move from Ohio to Kansas 从俄亥俄州搬到堪萨斯州牛津搭配〔move〕a civilization on the move 发展中的文明韦氏高阶〔move〕moved her office; could not move his arm.改变了她的职务;不能移动他的胳膊美国传统〔move〕our move from Oxford to Luton我们从牛津向卢顿的搬迁外研社新世纪〔move〕to move along quickly.急行。牛津同义词〔move〕to move along stealthily.潜行。牛津同义词〔move〕to move along.往前走。牛津同义词〔move〕to move someone’s feelings.激起某人的感情。牛津同义词〔overseas〕plans to move production overseas 迁往国外生产的计划麦克米伦高阶〔pendular〕move in violent pendular swings between optimism and pessimism 在乐观和悲观之间剧烈摆动英汉大词典〔rag〕move from rags to riches overnight 一夜之间暴发致富 英汉大词典〔reservation〕express reservations about (或 over) sb.'s move 对某人的步骤表示保留意见 英汉大词典〔retrograde〕move in retrograde while still facing forward 保持正面朝前而向后退去英汉大词典〔rheumatic〕move laboriously with rheumatic dignity 以风湿病人颤巍巍的样子费力地移动英汉大词典〔short cut〕ways to move or copy icons or create shortcuts in Windows.在视窗操作系统中移动、复制图标或创建快捷方式的方法柯林斯高阶〔stick〕move out into the sticks 从市区搬到乡镇英汉大词典〔succeed〕a move which would make any future talks even more unlikely to succeed可能导致今后的对话都更难以取得成果的举动外研社新世纪〔suction〕their pneumatic robot which uses air to move and sticks to surfaces by suction.他们的气动机器人依靠空气来移动,靠吸力附着于物体表面柯林斯高阶〔tick〕when interest rates move up a tick.当利率上调一个点时美国传统〔undulation〕move by undulation 作波状移动英汉大词典〔upstairs〕quietly move sb. upstairs to board chairman 悄悄地把某人擢升为委员会主席英汉大词典〔voter〕a move that was popular among Labour voters 受工党选民欢迎的举动麦克米伦高阶a highly mobile workforce (= people who can move easily from place to place) 流动性很强的劳动力牛津商务




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