

单词 market
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔active〕an active market in rice 活跃的大米市场英汉大词典〔afoul of〕an investor who has run afoul of stock market rules 违反股市规定的投资者韦氏高阶〔allied〕a disastrous rise in interest rates allied with a stock market slump.股市下跌的同时,利率却在灾难性地上涨柯林斯高阶〔appear〕the latest personal computer to appear on the market 上市的最新个人电脑麦克米伦高阶〔bearish〕a bearish market 跌市牛津高阶〔boomlet〕a stock market boomlet 股票市场的短时景气英汉大词典〔bull〕bull the market (通过大量买进股票等)使行情上涨英汉大词典〔burgeon〕the burgeoning market for digital cameras 快速发展的数码相机市场朗文当代〔capital〕the capital market 资本市场英汉大词典〔conveyance〕the conveyance of produce from farm to market 农产品从农场至市场的运送英汉大词典〔destined〕a book destined for the Christmas market 供应圣诞节市场的书麦克米伦高阶〔distributor〕a distributor for the German market 产品在德国市场的经销商牛津搭配〔dump〕dump large quantities of substandard machines on the market at cut-rate prices 将大量次品机器削价向市场抛售英汉大词典〔economy〕a market economy(= one in which the price is fixed according to both cost and demand) 市场经济牛津高阶〔explosive〕the explosive growth of the export market 出口市场的急剧扩大牛津高阶〔fall〕heavy falls in the stock market on Black Monday 股市在“黑色星期一”的猛跌英汉大词典〔free market〕free market economies自由市场经济体外研社新世纪〔gamble〕people who lost money gambling in the stock market 在股市上投机赔了钱的人韦氏高阶〔gambling〕gambling on the stock market 股票投机麦克米伦高阶〔going〕the going trend on the American market 美国市场上的新趋向英汉大词典〔hiccup〕the hiccup in the stock market 股市短暂的跌落英汉大词典〔home〕the home market 国内市场 英汉大词典〔incur〕incurred substantial losses during the stock market crash.在股票市场剧跌时蒙受了巨大的物质损失美国传统〔instability〕the instability of the market 市场的变化无常朗文当代〔labour〕an increasingly competitive labour market 竞争越来越激烈的劳动力市场牛津搭配〔lot〕the market for homes on smaller lots 小宗地块住宅市场牛津搭配〔market〕be in the market for a villa in Geneva 想在日内瓦买座别墅英汉大词典〔market〕if you marketed our music the way you market pop music如果你像推出流行音乐一样推出我们的音乐外研社新世纪〔market〕one of the best car deals on the market 市场上可买到的最划算的汽车之一牛津搭配〔market〕targeting a more mature market 瞄准更为年长的消费群体韦氏高阶〔market〕the Russian market for personal computers俄罗斯的个人电脑市场外研社新世纪〔market〕the property/securities/computer market 房产/证券/计算机市场麦克米伦高阶〔nasty〕a market stall selling cheap and nasty watches 卖廉价而难看的手表的集市摊位朗文当代〔onshore〕an onshore market 国内市场英汉大词典〔over-the-counter〕the over-the-counter market 证券交易的场外市场英汉大词典〔passage〕to ease their passage to a market economy.使他们更顺利地过渡到市场经济柯林斯高阶〔position〕the company's dominant position in the world market 那个公司在全球市场中的主导地位牛津高阶〔rally〕a rally in shares on the stock market 证券市场股票的止跌回升牛津高阶〔regard〕an attempt to plan the future of an industry without due regard to market forces 未适当考虑市场力量的作用而规划未来产业发展的企图牛津搭配〔rendition〕a few hundred different renditions on the dictionary market — slang dictionaries, medical dictionaries, Bible dictionaries, etc.辞书市场上数百种不同类型的词典——俚语词典、医学词典、《圣经》词典及其他英汉大词典〔rigged〕a rigged market 被垄断的市场英汉大词典〔rising〕a rising market 上涨的行市文馨英汉〔share〕to lose market share 损失市场份额牛津搭配〔skittish〕a skittish stock market 跌宕起伏的股票市场韦氏高阶〔slump〕a market slump 市场的暴跌韦氏高阶〔volatile〕a volatile stock market 涨落不定的股市麦克米伦高阶market volatility 市场的反复无常牛津商务a market penetration strategy 市场渗透策略牛津商务a flourishing black market 猖獗的黑市交易牛津商务a medium-sized market 中等规模的市场牛津商务a monopsonist who is the sole buyer of labour in a local geographical market 劳动力市场的唯一买主牛津商务a potentially huge market 潜在的巨大的市场牛津商务a social market economy 社会市场经济牛津商务measures to ensure stability in the oil market 确保石油市场稳定的措施牛津商务seasonal slowness in the travel market 旅游市场的淡季牛津商务small market traders 集市小商贩牛津商务the company's dominant position in the world market 这家公司在世界市场的主导地位牛津商务the relationship between the market adoption of a product and its price 市场接受一种产品及其价格之间的关系牛津商务the star performers in the currency market 货币市场上的星级表现者牛津商务to invest in the stock market 投资于证券市场牛津商务




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