

单词 mechanism
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MACHINE〕The mechanism that raises the bridge was not working correctly. 升起桥梁的机械装置出了毛病。朗文写作活用〔MACHINE〕The garlic press uses a screw mechanism to squeeze out juice and pulp. 榨蒜器用一个螺旋装置榨出蒜汁和蒜肉。朗文写作活用〔MACHINE〕Unfortunately, the water had damaged the firing mechanism inside the rocket. 不幸的是水把火箭内部的发射装置损坏了。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕Adding a little oil into the mechanism is one of the best cures for a noisy engine. 在机器里加入少许油,这是消除引擎噪音的最好办法之一。朗文写作活用〔SWITCH ON OR OFF〕The bomb's firing mechanism is activated by a time-clock. 炸弹的引爆装置由定时器启动。朗文写作活用〔SYSTEM〕Many schools have a mechanism which allows parents to inspect classroom materials. 许多学校都有一个机制,允许家长审查课堂教学材料。朗文写作活用〔SYSTEM〕The free market system is an imperfect mechanism for achieving full employment. 自由市场体系不是实现充分就业的最佳体制。朗文写作活用〔SYSTEM〕The peace plan includes a mechanism to share power between all four parties. 和平方案包括建立一个在全部四个政党之间实行权力共享的机制。朗文写作活用〔action〕The operating parts of a mechanism.机械装置:机械的操作部件美国传统〔adaptation〕Something, such as a device or mechanism, that is changed or changes so as to become suitable to a new or special application or situation.改装,改建:诸如设备、机械装置等物品被改变或自行改变以适应新的、特殊的应用或状况美国传统〔alarm〕The sounding mechanism of an alarm clock.闹铃:闹钟发出响声的机械装置美国传统〔antiskate〕A control mechanism on a phonograph turntable designed to compensate for the natural tendency of a pivoted tone arm to pull toward the center.防滑装置:唱机转盘上的控制装置,用来抵消转动唱臂被拉向转盘中心的自然趋势美国传统〔automatic〕A transmission or a motor vehicle with an automatic gear-shifting mechanism.自动传动装置:一种带有可自动换档机制的传动器或汽车美国传统〔automaton〕A self-operating machine or mechanism, especially a robot.自动机:能够自我运作的机器或机制,尤指机器人美国传统〔barrel〕The cylinder within the mechanism of a timepiece that contains the mainspring.发条盒:一圆柱形物,内装含有主发条的表的零件美国传统〔belt up〕He belted the mechanism up.他把机械装置挂上了皮带。21世纪英汉〔biological clock〕An innate mechanism in living organisms that controls the periodicity or rhythm of various physiological functions or activities.生物钟:生物体内固有的能控制各种生理功能或活动周期性或节律的机制美国传统〔blowback〕Blowback may be caused by a defective mechanism.气体后泄可能是由机械结构缺陷引起的。牛津高阶〔bobsled〕A long racing sled with a steering mechanism controlling the front runners.大雪橇:一种长的竞赛用雪橇,有一控制机构控制其前面的滑雪者美国传统〔body clock〕An internal mechanism of the body that is thought to regulate physical and mental functions in rhythm with normal daily activities.生物钟:被认为能自动调节人体日常活动中生理和心理节律的人体内部机制美国传统〔bolt〕A metal bar or rod in the mechanism of a lock that is thrown or withdrawn by turning the key.锁簧:锁上的金属条或杆,旋转锁可将其压进或抽出锁孔美国传统〔bolt〕A similar device in any breech mechanism.栓:在有膛机械中的类似设备美国传统〔bomb〕An explosive weapon detonated by impact, proximity to an object, a timing mechanism, or other means.炸弹:用撞击、靠近物体、定时装置或其他方式激发的爆炸性武器美国传统〔brake drum〕A metal cylinder to which pressure is applied by a braking mechanism in order to arrest rotation of the wheel or shaft to which the cylinder is attached.制动器,闸:金属圆柱体,通过制动机制加压于其上以制止与该柱相连轮子或轴的转动美国传统〔buildup〕You should clean the mechanism regularly to prevent buildup of dirt.你应该定期清洁机件,防止灰尘积聚。韦氏高阶〔carrier〕A mechanism or device by which something is conveyed or conducted.搬运器:一种用以传送或传导物品的机械或装置美国传统〔catapult〕A mechanism for launching aircraft at a speed sufficient for flight, as from the deck of a carrier.弹射器:以适于飞行速度的发射航空器的一种机械装置,如从航空母舰的甲板上发射美国传统〔catch〕A stop or break in the operation of a mechanism.运作中断:停止或中断机械的运行美国传统〔chemical bond〕Any of several forces or mechanisms, especially the ionic bond, covalent bond, and metallic bond, by which atoms or ions are bound in a molecule or crystal.化学键:使原子或离子结合成分子或晶体的力量或历程,尤指离子键、共价键和金属键美国传统〔chime〕A single bell, as in the mechanism of a clock.钟:单只的钟,如时钟的机械装置中报时的钟美国传统〔clockwork〕A mechanism of geared wheels driven by a wound spring, as in a mechanical clock.钟表机械,发条装置:一种由齿轮组成的机械装置,由弹簧驱动,如机械表内部的装置美国传统〔clutch〕Any of various devices for engaging and disengaging two working parts of a shaft or of a shaft and a driving mechanism.离合器:一种使轴的两个职能部分或轴与机械驱动装置处于相咬合或相分离状态的设备美国传统〔coaster brake〕A brake and clutch on the rear wheel and drive mechanism of a bicycle operated through reverse pressure on the pedals.脚刹车:自行车的后轮和驱动机构上的制动器和离合器,经由脚踏板上的反向压力工作美国传统〔cogwheel〕One of a set of cogged wheels within a mechanism.嵌齿轮:在机构内的一组嵌齿轮之一美国传统〔controller〕A regulating mechanism, as in a vehicle or electric device.控制器:起控制作用的机械装置,如在交通工具或电动装置上美国传统〔control〕Pull back on the control mechanism.将控制器拉回来。外研社新世纪〔defence mechanism〕Arrogance is often a defence mechanism.傲慢往往是一种防卫表现。剑桥高阶〔defence mechanism〕Lymphocytes are part of the body's defence mechanism and reject anything foreign.淋巴细胞是身体防御机制的一部分, 排斥任何外来物质。外研社新世纪〔defence〕The body has natural defence mechanisms to protect it from disease.人体具有先天性防御机制以抵抗疾病。牛津高阶〔defense mechanism〕She is projecting her anger on you as a defense mechanism.作为一种防卫机制,她把自己的愤怒转投到了你身上。韦氏高阶〔denial〕Psychology An unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings.【心理学】 拒绝:(心理学)一种无意识的反抗机制,其特征是拒绝承认痛苦的现实、想法或感受美国传统〔detent〕A catch or lever that locks the movement of one part of a mechanism.制动装置:阻止机械装置的某一部分的运动的擒纵装置或控制杆美国传统〔disengage〕She disengaged the film advance mechanism on the camera.她松开了照相机上的送片装置。柯林斯高阶〔dismount〕To disassemble (a mechanism, for example).拆开(机器等)美国传统〔dispersal〕Plants have different mechanisms of dispersal for their spores.植物传播孢子的方法各不相同。柯林斯高阶〔drachma〕In April 1992 the Greek drachma was the only Community currency not yet part of the EMS exchange-rate mechanism.1992 年 4 月间希腊的德拉克马是唯一一种还未纳入欧洲货币体系兑换机制的欧共体成员国货币。柯林斯高阶〔dynamism〕A process or mechanism responsible for the development or motion of a system.推动力:影响着某一系统的发展和运动过程或机制美国传统〔electrohydraulic〕Of, relating to, or involving a combination of electric and hydraulic mechanisms.电动液压的:属于,关于或含有电气和水力的联合机构的美国传统〔elevator〕A mechanism, often with buckets or scoops attached to a conveyor, used for hoisting materials.吊车:一种通常配有联接在传送带上的吊桶或戽斗,用来举起材料美国传统〔embody〕U.K. employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes.英国雇佣法包含解决劳资纠纷的仲裁和调解机制。外研社新世纪〔embody〕UK employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes.英国雇佣法包括解决劳资纠纷的仲裁和调解机制。柯林斯高阶〔engage〕The mechanism failed to engage, causing a fault.机械无法啮合,就产生了故障。麦克米伦高阶〔entry〕He described Britain's entry into the European Exchange Rate Mechanism as an historic move.他将英国加入欧洲汇率机制描述为具有历史意义的一步。柯林斯高阶〔escape mechanism〕Football gives him an escape mechanism for his anger.橄榄球成了他宣泄愤怒的方式。韦氏高阶〔escape mechanism〕She uses humor as an escape mechanism.她常把幽默用作一种逃避的方式韦氏高阶〔escapement〕A mechanism, as in a typewriter, that controls the lateral movement of the carriage.棘轮装置:例如在打字机上用来控制行距的装置美国传统〔fail-safe〕A fail-safe mechanism.自动保险装置美国传统〔fail-safe〕Capable of compensating automatically and safely for a failure, as of a mechanism or power source.故障自动保险的:当机械装置或电源出现故障时,能自动和安全提供保障的美国传统〔fallback〕Computer Science A mechanism for carrying forth programmed instructions despite malfunction or failure of the primary device.【计算机科学】 低效运行,撤退:即使主要设备失灵或产生故障也能继续按编定的指令工作的机械美国传统〔fast-forward〕The mechanism, such as a button, used to activate this function.快进装置:按钮等实现快进功能的机械装置美国传统〔freewheel〕To continue turning or spinning after disengagement from the drive mechanism.靠惯性滑行:脱离了传动机械后继续转动或旋转美国传统〔freeze〕Ice could freeze up their torpedo release mechanisms.冰可能会冻死他们的鱼雷发射装置。柯林斯高阶〔gearshift〕A mechanism for changing from one gear to another in a transmission.变速器,换档装置:在一传送过程中从一个齿轮变到另一个齿轮的一种机械装置美国传统〔gimmick〕A device employed to cheat, deceive, or trick, especially a mechanism for the secret and dishonest control of gambling apparatus.暗机关:一种用来欺骗、行骗或欺诈的装置,尤指秘密地和欺骗地控制赌博器具的机械装置美国传统〔grammar〕The system of rules implicit in a language, viewed as a mechanism for generating all sentences possible in that language.语法规则:隐含在一种语言中的规则体系,被看作在该语言中生成所有可能的语句的机制美国传统〔gunk up〕The mechanism gets gunked up if you don't clean it regularly.机械装置如果不定期清理就会布满油污。韦氏高阶〔hook〕To connect a mechanism and a source of power.装置电源:把机械和某种能源连接起来美国传统〔hypothesis〕Darwin offered a working hypothesis for the mechanism of evolution.有待论证的假说麦克米伦高阶〔insight〕The research will provide direct insight into molecular mechanisms.这项研究将使人们能够直接了解分子机制。牛津搭配〔interaction〕The mechanism seems to involve interactions with other proteins.该结构似乎与其他蛋白质有相互作用。麦克米伦高阶〔interlock〕To connect together (parts of a mechanism, for example) so that the motion or operation of individual parts affect each other.使互相扣住:把(例如,机械零件)连于一体从而使部件的运转或操作互相牵扯美国传统〔intricacy〕These improvements increase the intricacy of the mechanisms.这些改进使机械装置更为机巧灵活。英汉大词典〔intricate〕The watch mechanism is extremely intricate and very difficult to repair.手表的机械结构非常复杂精细,很难修理。剑桥高阶〔jam〕There's a loose part that keeps jamming the mechanism.有个零件松了经常卡住机器。牛津高阶〔keycard〕A usually plastic card with a magnetically coded strip that is scanned in order to operate a mechanism such as a door or an automated teller machine.钥匙卡片:一种通常是塑料的卡片,有磁化的密码条,可以用来操纵某种机械,如门、自动出纳器美国传统〔lever〕A projecting handle used to adjust or operate a mechanism.操作杆:用来调节或操作某一机械装置的突出把手美国传统〔lock〕A mechanism in a firearm for exploding the charge.枪机:火器中的机械装置,用于引爆火药美国传统〔lock〕The mechanism tends to lock in cold weather.寒冷的天气里机械装置会变僵硬美国传统〔magnetic mine〕A marine mine detonated by a mechanism that responds to a mass of magnetic material, such as the steel hull of a ship.磁性水雷:通过对一个磁性物体,例如船只的钢质船体起反应装置而引爆的一种水雷美国传统〔mainspring〕The principal spring in a mechanical device, especially a watch or clock, that drives the mechanism by uncoiling.主弹簧:一个机械装置中尤其是手表或钟表通过绕旋反解来驱动机械的弹簧美国传统〔mechanism〕A bomb has been detonated by a special mechanism.炸弹已经通过一个特别装置引爆了。外研社新世纪〔mechanism〕A bomb has been detonated by a special mechanism.炸弹由一个专门装置引爆。柯林斯高阶〔mechanism〕A steel disc had been welded on to the mechanism.一个钢制圆片已经焊到了这个机械装置上。外研社新世纪〔mechanism〕An automobile engine is a complex mechanism.汽车引擎是种复杂的机械装置。英汉大词典〔mechanism〕He suggested an alternative mechanism for providing public services.他提出了另一套提供公共服务的机制。牛津搭配〔mechanism〕Pain acts as a natural defence mechanism.疼痛起着自然防护机制的作用。牛津高阶〔mechanism〕Scientists are studying the body's mechanisms for controlling weight.科学家们正在为控制体重研究人体的机制。韦氏高阶〔mechanism〕Scientists have been unable to explain the exact mechanism behind this effect.科学家一直不能解释这种效应背后的确切机制。牛津搭配〔mechanism〕She's actually kind of insecure, and her rudeness is just a defence mechanism.她其实很缺乏安全感,她的粗鲁不过是出于防卫心理。剑桥高阶〔mechanism〕The mechanism for collecting taxes needs revising.收税制度需要修改。剑桥高阶〔mechanism〕The Army has set up mechanisms to help jobless ex-soldiers get work.军队建立了机制,以帮助无工作的退伍军人找到工作。朗文当代〔mechanism〕The body has defence mechanisms against many diseases.人体具有抵抗多种疾病的防御机制。牛津搭配〔mechanism〕The camera's shutter mechanism is broken.这台照相机的快门装置坏了。韦氏高阶〔mechanism〕The government is held accountable through the mechanism of regular general elections.通过定期大选的机制使政府负起责任。牛津搭配〔mechanism〕The gun froze, jamming the mechanism.枪受到冰冻,卡住了击发装置。牛津搭配〔mechanism〕The system provides a mechanism whereby information is fed back into the market.这套系统提供了一种将信息反馈回市场的机制。牛津搭配〔mechanism〕There is no mechanism in place for enforcing the new law.没有合适的机制来执行这项新法律。韦氏高阶〔mechanism〕There's no mechanism for changing the decision.没有办法可以改变这一决定。外研社新世纪〔mechanism〕There's no mechanism for punishing arms exporters who break the rules.对违规的武器出口商实施惩罚尚无执行机制。柯林斯高阶〔mechanism〕These automatic cameras have a special focusing mechanism.这些自动相机有特殊的对焦装置。剑桥高阶〔mechanism〕This activates the body's thirst mechanism.这会触发身体的口渴机制。牛津搭配〔mechanism〕We have no mechanism for changing the decision.我们没有改变这一决定的办法。英汉大词典〔mechanism〕When a person is ill, the body's natural defence mechanisms come into operation.生病时,人体内的自然防御机制就会开始工作。朗文当代〔mechanistic〕Philosophy Of or relating to the philosophy of mechanism, especially tending to explain phenomena only by reference to physical or biological causes.【哲学】 机械论的:机械论的,有关机械论的,尤指仅通过物理学的或生物学的原因来解释现象的倾向美国传统〔mill〕A device or mechanism that grinds grain.磨臼,磨粉机:磨谷物的装置或机械美国传统〔motion〕A mechanical device or piece of machinery that moves or causes motion; a mechanism.机械装置:可以运动或能引起运动的机械装置或机器部件;机械装置美国传统〔movement〕A mechanism, such as the works of a watch, that produces or transmits motion.运转装置:能传送或产生运动机械的装置,如表的机芯美国传统〔mutation〕These cells carry a mutation affecting the prevention mechanism.这些细胞携带有影响预防机制的变异。牛津搭配〔nanofabrication〕Any technique used to create objects or mechanisms on the scale of nanotechnology.纳米技术:运用纳米科技标准制造物品或机械装置的技术美国传统〔oil〕A crew of assistants oiled and adjusted the release mechanism until it worked perfectly.一班助手给排放装置加润滑油并作调试,直到其达至理想工作状态。柯林斯高阶〔oil〕A crew of assistants oiled and adjusted the release mechanism.一班助手给排放装置加润滑油并作调试。外研社新世纪〔organ〕Any one of various other instruments, such as the electronic organ, that resemble a pipe organ either in mechanism or sound.电子风琴:任何一种在机械装置或声音上类似管风琴的其它各类乐器,例如电子风琴美国传统〔overdrive〕A gearing mechanism of a motor vehicle engine that reduces the power output required to maintain driving speed in a specific range by lowering the gear ratio.(汽车的)超速档:机动车辆的一种齿轮装置,通过降低齿轮比率来减少为将车速保持在一定范围内而需要的输出力美国传统〔override〕A mechanism or system used to counteract an automatic control.(自动控制的)超驰,超驰控制装置:用于抵消自动控制的装置或系统美国传统〔piston〕Music A valve mechanism in brass instruments for altering the pitch.【音乐】 活塞阀键:一种铜管乐器上调节音量的活塞阀键美国传统〔place〕The mechanism locked into place.机械装置已锁好。麦克米伦高阶〔player〕Music The mechanism actuating a player piano.【音乐】 自动演奏装置:自动钢琴的自动演奏装置美国传统〔power brake〕A motor vehicle brake assisted by a power mechanism operated by the engine that amplifies pressure applied to the brake pedal.动力制动器:机动车煞车,借助于由引擎控制的动力机械装置来扩大施加于刹车踏板上的压力美国传统〔power takeoff〕A mechanism attached to a motor vehicle engine that supplies power to a nonvehicular device, such as a pump or pneumatic hammer.分动器,动力输出机构:机动车引擎的辅助机构,能为非车辆装置提供动力,如泵或气动锤美国传统〔print bar〕A mechanism in a printing device that carries the template of the final form of the alphanumeric characters to be printed.打印杠:印刷设施中的机械装置,用于支起要印刷的字母数字符号最后形式的模板美国传统〔pruning hook〕A long pole with a curved saw blade and usually a clipping mechanism on one end, used especially for pruning small trees.整刺沟刀:一根装有一个弯曲锯刀的长竿,通常一端有一个裁剪装置,一般用于修剪小树枝美国传统〔pump〕Physiology A molecular mechanism for the active transport of ions or molecules across a cell membrane.【生理学】 泵:使离子或分子主动穿过细胞膜的分子结构美国传统〔ratchet〕A mechanism consisting of a pawl that engages the sloping teeth of a wheel or bar, permitting motion in one direction only.棘轮,棘爪:一种包含合于转轮或长条倾斜性齿轮中的爪状物的机械,使轮仅向一个方向运动美国传统〔ratchet〕A ratchet mechanism transfers the thread from spool to bobbin.一种棘齿装置把线从线轴转到梭心上。柯林斯高阶〔ratchet〕The pawl, wheel, or bar of this mechanism.棘轮,棘爪,棘条:这种机械装置中的爪状物,转轮或长条美国传统〔reaction formation〕A defense mechanism by which an objectionable impulse is expressed in an opposite or contrasting factor.反应形成:一种心理防卫机制,一项反击的冲动通过相反的形式或要素表现出来美国传统〔recoil〕I assembled the weapon, checked the firing and recoil mechanism and loaded it.我把家伙组装起来,检查了一下击发和反冲机构,装上子弹。柯林斯高阶〔regulated〕As we get older the temperature-regulating mechanisms in the body tend to become a little less efficient.随着年龄的增长,人体体温调节机制的功能往往会有所弱化。柯林斯高阶〔regulator〕The mechanism in a watch by which its speed is governed.快慢针:手表中调节快慢的装置美国传统〔release〕A device or catch for locking or releasing a mechanism.启动或停止装置:锁定或解开某机器装置的设备或闩美国传统〔release〕All societies have social mechanisms for the release of tension.每一个社会都有释放压力的机制。牛津搭配〔render〕The mechanism filled up with sand, rendering it useless.机器里到处都是沙子, 根本运行不了了。外研社新世纪〔repeater〕A watch or clock with a pressure-activated mechanism that strikes the hour.打簧表:用压力驱动的机械装置打击钟点的钟表美国传统〔response〕A reaction, as that of an organism or a mechanism, to a specific stimulus.反应:一种有机体或机制对特定刺激的反应美国传统〔return〕The key or mechanism on a machine, such as a typewriter or computer, that positions the carriage, cursor, or printing element at the beginning of a new line.换行键:打字机或计算机上的键或装置,在新的一行开始时它将机器轮架、光标或打印部件定位于新的一行的起点位置美国传统〔reverse〕A mechanism, such as a gear in a motor vehicle, that is used to reverse movement.倒退装置:用来逆转运动的机械或结构,如电动运输工具中的齿轮美国传统〔reverse〕The position or operating condition of such a mechanism.倒车:这样一个机械的位置或运行状态美国传统〔revolver〕One that revolves, as a part of a mechanism.旋转器:旋转物,作为机构的一部分美国传统〔rewind〕A control mechanism for rewinding (tape or film).重绕或反绕(磁带或胶卷)的控制机构美国传统〔seize〕The mechanism had seized up.这个机械装置停止了运转。朗文当代〔self-correcting〕Of or being a typewriter mechanism that allows for automatic correction of a typing error.自动校正的:一种能够自动修改打字错误的打字机机件的美国传统〔self-correcting〕The economic market is a self-correcting mechanism, that does not need regulation by government.经济市场是一种自动调节的机制,不需要政府调控。牛津高阶〔self-destruct〕A mechanism for causing a device to destroy itself.自毁装置:导致某一装置自行毁灭的机械装置美国传统〔shoot〕This delicate mechanism has been shot by prolonged misuse.这个精密机械装置由于长期滥用而毁坏了。英汉大词典〔sickle〕The cutting mechanism of a reaper or mower.收割机或割草机中的切割装置美国传统〔slide〕The slide mechanism on the machine was broken.这台机器上的滑动装置坏掉了。韦氏高阶〔snare〕A surgical instrument with a wire loop controlled by a mechanism in the handle, used to remove growths, such as tumors and polyps.勒除器:用柄上的装置控制线圈的外科仪器,用来除掉息肉或肿瘤等生长物美国传统〔sodium-potassium pump〕A mechanism of active transport that moves potassium ions into and sodium ions out of a cell.钠泵:一种生理机制,细胞内钾离子泵入,纳离子泵出美国传统〔stand〕The letters ERM stand for Exchange-Rate Mechanism.字母ERM是汇率机制的缩写。麦克米伦高阶〔stock〕The rear wooden, metal, or plastic handle or support of a rifle, a pistol, or an automatic weapon, to which the barrel and mechanism are attached.枪托:支撑步枪、手枪或自动武器的后部木制、金属或塑料柄,上面装有枪管和枪机美国传统〔superiority complex〕A psychological defense mechanism in which feelings of superiority counter or conceal feelings of inferiority.自大情绪:一种心理上自卫的机制,在这种状况下,一个人的优越感会抗拒或掩盖自己的心理上的弱点美国传统〔sync〕Normally, when demand and supply are out of sync, you either increase the supply, or you adjust the price mechanism.通常,当供需失衡时,要么加大供给,要么调整价格机制。柯林斯高阶〔tabulator〕A mechanism on a typewriter for setting automatic stops or margins for columns.跳格键:打字机上为打出自动的停顿并成为纵行间所留空白而设计的一种机械装置美国传统〔takedown〕The mechanism that allows an article or apparatus to be easily taken down.使一件物品或仪器便于拆卸的机械装置美国传统〔time bomb〕A bomb with a detonating mechanism that can be set for a particular time.定时炸弹:具有引爆装置的炸弹,可以设定在某一时刻爆炸美国传统〔time lock〕A lock, as for a bank vault, containing a mechanism that prevents its being opened before a fixed time.定时锁:含有某种机械装置可以防止其在某个固定时间之前被打开的锁,如银行保险库的锁美国传统〔timer〕A switch or regulator that controls or activates and deactivates another mechanism at set times.调节开关:一个在预定时间控制或开关另一个机械装置的开关或调节器美国传统〔torque converter〕A mechanical or hydraulic device for changing the ratio of torque to speed between the input and output shafts of a mechanism.变矩器,变扭器:变换扭力来加速机械输入与输出轴旋转的机械或液体动力装置美国传统〔tractor〕A toothed mechanism that automatically advances perforated continuous-form paper through a computer printer.拉纸器:一种有齿的机械装置,可自动使通过计算机打印机的打孔的连页形纸张前进美国传统〔transmit〕To convey (force or energy) from one part of a mechanism to another.传到:把(力或能量)从机械装置的一个部分传到另一个部分美国传统〔traverse rod〕A horizontal rod having a mechanism by which attached draperies can be drawn with a pull cord.金属滑杆:一种水平金属杆,通过其上面的装置连接在与上面的窗帘可以用一根拉绳拉动美国传统〔traverse〕A part of a mechanism that moves in this manner.横移物:以这种方式移动的一个机械零件美国传统〔treadmill〕A mechanism rotated by people treading on the moving steps of a wheel.踏车:一种由人力踩动一个轮子并起推动作用的踏板而使之旋转的机械装置美国传统〔tribology〕The science of the mechanisms of friction, lubrication, and wear of interacting surfaces that are in relative motion.摩擦学:研究处于相对运动中的相互作用的表面的摩擦,润滑和磨损等机械装置的科学美国传统〔trigger〕A similar device used to release or activate a mechanism.起动装置,扳柄:类似扳机的装置。用来使机械装置运作美国传统〔tripper〕A tripping or triggering device on a mechanism.倾卸装置、钩杆:机械装置上断开或启动的装置美国传统〔trip〕A device, such as a pawl, for triggering a mechanism.启动装置:一种启动某一机械设置的装置美国传统〔tumbler〕A projecting piece on a revolving or rocking part in a mechanism that transmits motion to the part it engages.转臂:机械装置中转动或摇动部分上的凸出部分,用来把另一机体移到啮合部位美国传统〔uncertain〕Despite recent research, the precise mechanism of the virus remains uncertain.尽管最近已作了研究,但该病毒的精确结构仍不得而知。麦克米伦高阶〔underneath〕Some objects had got entangled with the underneath mechanism of the engine.一些东西缠在了发动机下面的机件上。柯林斯高阶〔virulent〕Capable of causing disease by breaking down protective mechanisms of the host. Used of a pathogen.破坏免疫机能的:能通过破坏寄主的保护机制引起疾病的。用于病原体美国传统〔watchcase〕The casing for the mechanism of a watch.表壳:手表机械装置的外壳美国传统〔wheel lock〕A firearm using such a mechanism.轮转点火枪:使用这种机械装置的枪美国传统〔wheel lock〕A firing mechanism in certain obsolete small arms, in which a small wheel produces sparks by revolving against a flint.转轮点火机:某些老式小型武器的点火机械装置,该装置中的轮子通过绕着火石旋转而产生火花美国传统〔wheel〕Operating the steering mechanism of a vehicle; driving.在驾驶:操纵机动车辆的机械装置;在驾驶美国传统〔winder〕A device, such as a key, for winding up a spring-driven mechanism.上发条的钥匙:用来给一个弹簧启动的机械上发条的装置,如钥匙美国传统An airplane engine is a complex mechanism. 飞机引擎是种复杂的机械装置。译典通Comedy can serve as a mechanism for releasing tension.喜剧可以作为一种消除紧张的方法。剑桥国际Even if his arrogance is only a defence mechanism to cover up his insecurity, I still can't stand him.即使他的傲慢只是用以掩饰不安的一种防卫心理,我还是无法忍受他。剑桥国际If the oil gets inside the mechanism, it will block all the tubes and cause a seizure of some of the pipes.要是油进入了机械内部,它会阻塞所有的小管道,并引起一些大管道的堵塞。剑桥国际If the teeth on the cogs don't match up properly (= If they are not in the correct place), the mechanism will jam.如果轮齿上的齿不相互切合,机器就会轧住。剑桥国际Meteorologists believe this pressure jump is the mechanism responsible for storms and tornadoes. 气象学家认为这一气压的突然升高是暴风雨和飓风形成的物理机制。译典通Several factors can trigger the pricing mechanism.有好几个因素可以触发价格机制。牛津商务She predicts that Asian economies will set up an exchange rate mechanism.她预测亚洲国家将建立起一个汇率机制。牛津商务She's actually rather insecure, and her rudeness is just a defence mechanism.她其实是缺乏安全感,她的粗鲁不过是出于防卫心理。剑桥国际The mechanism can withstand 1200 inch lb of torque.这个机械装置能承受1200英寸/磅的力矩。剑桥国际The mechanism for collecting taxes needs revising.收税制度需要修正。剑桥国际The mechanism of local government is far from perfect. 地方政府的结构还很不完善。译典通The door-locking mechanism doesn't work.门锁装置坏了。牛津商务The market relies on the price mechanism to balance supply and demand.市场依靠价格机制平衡供求。牛津商务The three sisters were all well-versed in the mechanism of novel writing. 三姊妹都熟谙写小说的技巧。译典通The triple-check system was an ineffective mechanism for getting things done quickly.三重检查制度不是一种快速完成工作的有效办法。剑桥国际The watch mechanism is extremely intricate and very difficult to repair.手表的机械结构非常复杂精细,很难修理。剑桥国际There is no legal mechanism to recover the fees.没有能收回这些费用的法律途径。牛津商务There is supposed to be a fail-safe mechanism (= device which stops something going wrong) which makes it impossible for two trains to be on the same track.想来总有使两列火车不可能在同一铁轨上运行的防误装置。剑桥国际These automatic cameras have a special focusing mechanism.这些自动相机有一个特殊的对焦装置。剑桥国际They are developing a new turning mechanism for the device.他们正在研制这一设备的新的旋转部件。剑桥国际To operate the mechanism, depress this button/lever.要开动机器,按这个按钮/扳下这根杆。剑桥国际Use silicone-based oil as a lubricator (= a substance which makes a machine operate smoothly) on the servo mechanism.给伺服系统上些(以硅为主要成分)润滑剂。剑桥国际What mechanisms are in place for dealing with complaints? 处理投诉有甚么现成的方法?牛津商务




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