

单词 moslem
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Baluchi〕A member of a traditionally nomadic Moslem people of Baluchistan.俾路支人:穆斯林族传统的游牧俾路支斯坦成员美国传统〔Berber〕A member of a North African, primarily Moslem people living in settled or nomadic tribes from Morocco to Egypt.柏柏尔:北非成员国之一,主要居民为穆斯林人或从摩洛哥移居埃及的游牧部落美国传统〔Bible〕The Koran is the Bible of the Moslems.《古兰经》是穆斯林教徒的圣经。英汉大词典〔Fatima〕Daughter of the Islamic prophet Mohammed. She married Ali, among the first to embrace Islam, and is considered by Moslems to be one of the Four Perfect Women.法蒂玛:伊斯兰先知穆罕默德的女儿。她嫁给了首批皈依伊斯兰教的阿里,被穆斯林认为是四个完美女人之一美国传统〔Fulani〕A member of a pastoral, largely Moslem people inhabiting parts of West Africa from northern Nigeria to Mali and the Atlantic coast.富拉尼人:一个居住在从尼日利亚北部到马里的西部非洲和大西洋沿岸地区的游牧民族中的一员,大多为穆斯林美国传统〔Hafiz〕Persian poet whose sensuous rhyming couplets, many of which concern love, wine, and nature, are traditionally interpreted allegorically by Sufic Moslems.哈菲兹:波斯诗人,其诗多为押韵华美的两行诗体,其中许多描写爱情,美酒和大自然,苏菲派穆斯林因循传统地对它们作了寓言式阐释美国传统〔Hausa〕A member of a predominantly Moslem people inhabiting northern Nigeria and southern Niger.豪萨人:居住在尼日利亚北部及尼日尔南部的主要信奉伊斯兰教的民族的成员美国传统〔Hui〕A member of a Moslem people of northwest China, descended chiefly from the Han and an important minority of the Chinese population; a Chinese Moslem.回族:中国西北部穆斯林族成员,主要是汉族的后代,并且是中华民族一个很重要的少数民族;中国穆斯林美国传统〔Islam〕The people or nations that practice Islam; the Moslem world.穆斯林国度:信奉伊斯兰教的民族或国家;穆斯林世界美国传统〔Jat〕A member of a peasant caste residing in the Punjab and other areas of northern India and Pakistan, comprising Moslem, Hindu, and Sikh groups.贾特人:居住在旁遮普平原、印度和巴基斯坦北部地区的由穆斯林、印度教和锡克教徒组成的农民阶层美国传统〔Kaaba〕A Moslem shrine in Mecca toward which the faithful turn to pray.天房:麦加的穆斯林神殿,虔诚的穆斯林教徒向它祈祷美国传统〔Kanuri〕A member of a Moslem people in the Bornu region west of Lake Chad in northeast Nigeria.卡努里人:尼日利亚东北部乍得湖西部博努地区的穆斯林居民中的一员美国传统〔Kazakh〕A member of a pastoral Moslem people inhabiting Kazakhstan and parts of Xinjiang Uygur in China.哈萨克人:居住在哈萨克斯坦和中国新疆维吾尔部分地区的游牧的伊斯兰教徒美国传统〔Mohammedan〕A Moslem.穆斯林美国传统〔Mohammedan〕Of or relating to Mohammed or Islam; Moslem.穆罕默德的,伊斯兰的,穆斯林的:属于或有关穆罕默德或伊斯兰的;穆斯林的美国传统〔Moor〕A member of a Moslem people of mixed Berber and Arab descent, now living chiefly in northwest Africa.摩尔人:一群由柏柏尔人和阿拉伯人后裔混合组成的穆斯林人,现在主要居住于非洲西北部美国传统〔Moro〕A member of any of the predominantly Moslem Malay tribes of the southern Philippines.摩洛人:在南部菲律宾的主要的穆斯林部落中的一员美国传统〔Mozarab〕One of a group of Spanish Christians who adopted certain aspects of Arab culture under Moslem rule but practiced a modified form of Christian worship.莫扎勒布:穆斯林统治时期的一些西班牙基督教徒,他们采用穆斯林戒律统辖的阿拉伯文化的某些方面但仍按修改过的基督教徒方式做礼拜美国传统〔Mudéjar〕A Moslem who remained in Spain after it had been reconquered by the Christians in the Middle Ages.穆德哈尔人:指中世纪时期在基督教徒收复西班牙后仍留在西班牙的穆斯林美国传统〔Mussulman〕A Moslem.穆斯林:伊斯兰教徒美国传统〔Red Crescent〕A branch of the Red Cross organization operating in a Moslem country.红新月会:红十字组织在穆斯林国家的分支美国传统〔Saracen〕A Moslem, especially of the time of the Crusades.穆斯林,尤指十字军东侵时期的穆斯林美国传统〔Sindhi〕A member of a predominantly Moslem people of Sind.信德人:信德占绝大多数的穆斯林的成员美国传统〔Somali〕A member of a Moslem people of Somalia and adjacent parts of Ethiopia, Kenya, and Djibouti.索马里人:索马里及与埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚和吉布提相邻区域的一个穆斯林民族的成员美国传统〔Sufi〕A Moslem mystic.苏菲派信征:伊斯兰教的神秘主义者美国传统〔Sulu〕A member of a Moslem people inhabiting the Sulu Archipelago.苏禄人:居住在苏禄群岛的一个伊斯兰民族的成员美国传统〔Sunna〕Mohammed's way of life viewed as a model for Moslems.圣行:穆罕默德的生活方式,被认为是穆斯林的榜样美国传统〔Sunnite〕A Sunni Moslem.逊尼派教徒美国传统〔Swahili〕A member of a predominantly Moslem people inhabiting the coast and islands of eastern Africa from Somalia to Mozambique.斯瓦希里人:穆斯林民族中的主要一支,居住在东非从索马里到莫桑比克的沿海和岛屿上美国传统〔Tuareg〕A member of a Moslem, Berber-speaking people inhabiting the western and central Sahara and western Sahel of northwest Africa.柏柏尔人:说柏柏尔语的穆斯林民族的一支,居住在撒哈拉西部和中部以及非洲西北的西撒黑尔美国传统〔Turk〕A Moslem.穆斯林,伊斯兰教徒美国传统〔Urdu〕An Indic language that is the official literary language of Pakistan. It is written in an Arabic alphabet and is also widely used in India, chiefly by Moslems.乌尔都语:巴基斯坦官方书面语言的印度语。用阿拉伯字母书写,在印度被广泛使用,其主要使用者为穆斯林美国传统〔assassin〕Assassin A member of a secret order of Moslem fanatics who terrorized and killed Christian Crusaders and others. Assassin 暗杀基督教十字军成员的穆斯林狂热派:威胁和暗杀基督教十字军成员或其他人的穆斯林狂热派的秘密团体成员美国传统〔begum〕A Moslem woman of rank.王后,公主,贵妇:指穆斯林贵族妇女美国传统〔calendar〕Moslem calendar 回历英汉大词典〔chador〕A loose, usually black robe worn by Moslem women that covers the body from head to toe and most of the face.方披巾: 穆斯林妇女戴的一种宽松的通常为黑色的长袍,从头盖到脚并遮住脸的大半部美国传统〔circumcise〕Jews and Moslems practise circumcision for religious reasons.犹太教徒和穆斯林教徒因宗教原因施行割礼。柯林斯高阶〔circumcision〕A religious ceremony, as in the Jewish or Moslem faith, in which someone is circumcised.行割礼:犹太教和穆斯林教的宗教仪式,在仪式里进行割包皮活动美国传统〔circumcision〕Jews and Moslems practise circumcision for religious reasons.犹太人和穆斯林因为宗教原因实行割礼。外研社新世纪〔convert〕No attempt was made to convert the Moslems.没有试图使穆斯林改信基督教。英汉大词典〔dervish〕A member of any of various Moslem ascetic orders, some of which perform whirling dances and vigorous chanting as acts of ecstatic devotion.(穆斯林)狂舞托钵僧,苦行僧:穆斯林禁欲僧侣,他们常以旋转的舞蹈和大声交谈表示其对宗教的狂热的虔诚美国传统〔divan〕A counting room, tribunal, or public audience room in Moslem countries.穆斯林国家的会议室、法庭或公共接待室美国传统〔djellaba〕A long, loose, hooded garment with full sleeves, worn especially in Moslem countries.穆斯林斗篷:长大、宽松、有长袖且带头罩的斗篷,尤见于穆斯林国家美国传统〔fakir〕A Moslem religious mendicant.行者:穆斯林的托钵僧美国传统〔genius〕A jinni in Moslem mythology.妖魔鬼怪:穆斯林神话中的一个神灵美国传统〔ghoul〕An evil spirit or demon in Moslem folklore believed to plunder graves and feed on corpses.食尸鬼:穆斯林教传说中一种邪恶的灵魂或魔鬼,他们盗掘坟墓并吃死尸美国传统〔haj〕A pilgrimage to Mecca during Dhu’l Hijja, made as an objective of the religious life of a Moslem.朝圣:在回历十二月期间去麦加朝觐,这是穆斯林宗教生活的一个人生目标美国传统〔hakim〕A Moslem physician.穆斯林医生美国传统〔hakim〕A Moslem ruler, provincial governor, or judge.穆斯林的统治者,地方长官,或法官美国传统〔hamal〕A porter or bearer in certain Moslem countries.搬运工:在某些穆斯林国家的搬运工美国传统〔harem〕A house or a section of a house reserved for women members of a Moslem household.闺房:在伊斯兰教国家女性家庭成员居住的房子或房子的一部分美国传统〔ihram〕The sacred dress of Moslem pilgrims, consisting of two lengths of white cotton, one wrapped around the loins, the other thrown over the left shoulder.戒衣:穆斯林教徒朝圣时的服装,由两条白色的棉花带织成,一条围在腰部,另一条搭在左肩美国传统〔ihram〕The sacred state of Moslem pilgrims in wearing this dress, during which time they practice great self-denial.受戒:穆斯林教徒朝圣时穿上这种衣服所处的神圣状态,在此期间他们必须进行严格的修行美国传统〔imam〕The Moslem worshiper who leads the recitation of prayer when two or more worshipers are present.伊玛目:有两个或更多的礼拜者在场时带领背诵祈祷词的穆斯林礼拜者美国传统〔infidel〕During the Crusades, Moslems called Christians infidels.十字军东侵时期,伊斯兰教徒称基督教徒为异教徒。英汉大词典〔izar〕A long cotton outer garment, usually white, traditionally worn by Moslem women.伊扎尔:穆斯林妇女穿的一种可遮蔽全身的传统棉布外衣,通常为白色美国传统〔jihad〕A Moslem holy war or spiritual struggle against infidels.圣战:穆斯林反对异教徒的圣战或神圣斗争美国传统〔jinni〕In Moslem legend, a spirit capable of assuming human or animal form and exercising supernatural influence over people.妖魔:在穆斯林传说中,能化成人或动物的形状并能神奇的左右人们意志的神灵美国传统〔kiblah〕The direction facing the Kaaba, toward which Moslems look when praying.朝拜方向:伊斯兰教徒礼拜时所面对的卡巴清真寺方向美国传统〔marabout〕A Moslem hermit or saint, especially in northern Africa.穆斯林隐士或圣徒,尤指生活在非洲北部美国传统〔mihrab〕An undecorated oblong space in the middle of a Moslem prayer rug, pointed toward Mecca during worship.米哈拉布:伊斯兰教徒祈祷时所跪的垫子中央不加装饰的长方形部分,在祈祷中指向麦加方向美国传统〔mosque〕A Moslem house of worship.清真寺院:穆斯林教徒进行圣拜的地方美国传统〔mufti〕A Moslem scholar who interprets the shari’a.伊斯兰学者:解释伊斯兰教义的伊斯兰学者美国传统〔pagan〕Not Christian, Moslem, or Jewish.异教徒的:不是基督教、伊斯兰教或犹太教教徒的美国传统〔pagan〕One who is not a Christian, Moslem, or Jew; a heathen.异教徒:基督教、犹太教或伊斯兰教徒以外的人;异教徒美国传统〔paynim〕A non-Christian, especially a Moslem.异教徒:非基督教教徒,尤指穆斯林美国传统〔prayer rug〕A small rug used by Moslems to kneel and prostrate themselves upon during devotions.跪毯:穆斯林在祈祷时用作下跪和拜倒的小地毯美国传统〔purdah〕The Hindu or Moslem system of sex segregation, practiced especially by keeping women in seclusion.深闺制度:尤指使妇女处于隔离状态的印度或穆斯林的性隔离系统美国传统〔religion〕Islam is the religion of Moslems.伊斯兰教是穆斯林的宗教。英汉大词典〔religious〕Devout Moslems observe Ramadan punctiliously.虔诚的穆斯林准时地遵守斋月。美国传统〔seventh heaven〕The farthest of the concentric spheres containing the stars and constituting the dwelling place of God and the angels in the Moslem and cabalist systems.七重天:包含星星的最远天界,在基督教中是上帝居住之地,在伊斯兰教和犹太神秘哲学中则是天使居住之处美国传统〔sultan〕A ruler of a Moslem country, especially of the former Ottoman Empire.苏丹:伊斯兰国家的最高统治者,特指前奥斯曼帝国的最高统治者美国传统〔taj〕A tall conical cap worn by Moslems as a headdress of distinction.锥形高帽:穆斯林教徒所戴的一种圆锥形高帽,作为表示地位的头饰美国传统〔tarboosh〕A brimless, usually red felt cap with a silk tassel, worn by Moslem men, either by itself or as the base of a turban.塔布什帽:一种由穆斯林教的男子所戴的没有帽檐的、通常为红色的毡帽,上面饰有流苏,它可以单戴也可以戴在包头巾下面美国传统〔turban〕A traditionally Moslem headdress consisting of a long scarf of linen, cotton, or silk that is wound around a small cap or directly around the head.头巾:传统的穆斯林戴的头饰,由一条长的亚麻、棉或丝制的围巾组成,缠在一顶小帽周围或直接缠于头上美国传统〔ulema〕Moslem scholars trained in Islam and Islamic law.乌里玛:接受伊斯兰教和伊斯兰法律训练的美国传统〔vizier〕A high officer in a Moslem government, especially in the Ottoman Empire.维齐尔:穆斯林政府高官,尤指前土耳其帝国美国传统〔yashmak〕A veil worn by Moslem women to cover the face in public.面纱:穆斯林妇女在公共场合所戴的遮面纱美国传统




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