

单词 manoeuvring
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔manoeuvre〕A camouflaged tank was manoeuvring into position near it.一辆伪装的坦克被调遣到附近阵地。外研社新世纪〔manoeuvre〕Katherine's good at manoeuvring her car through heavy traffic.凯瑟琳擅长在交通繁忙的道路上开车。麦克米伦高阶〔manoeuvring〕He claimed he knew nothing about the political manoeuvrings which had got him into power.他声称对帮他上台的政治花招一无所知。剑桥高阶〔manoeuvring〕He feared he might not have sufficient fuel left for sustained high-speed steaming and manoeuvring.他担心剩下的燃料不够, 无法维持高速行驶和操纵。外研社新世纪〔manoeuvring〕The directors managed to secure a good deal for the company with a bit of subtle manoeuvring.董事们略施巧计,为公司赢得了一桩好买卖。剑桥高阶〔manoeuvring〕With some careful manoeuvring, I was able to get the car into the narrow space.经过小心操作,我将汽车驶进了这个狭窄的空间。剑桥高阶〔mastery〕He demonstrated his mastery of political manoeuvring.他展现出了高超的政治手段。外研社新世纪〔mastery〕He demonstrated his mastery of political manoeuvring.他表现出了高超的政治手段。柯林斯高阶〔wily〕His appointment as prime minister owed much to the wily manoeuvring of the President.他之所以被任命为总理,很大程度上是因为总统在阴谋操纵。柯林斯高阶He claimed he knew nothing about the political manoeuvrings which had got him into power.他声称对使他上台的政治交易一无所知。剑桥国际The deal follows months of manoeuvring by the company to gain control of the market.经过公司数月操作控制市场之后,这笔交易达成了。牛津商务The directors managed to se- cure a good deal for the company with a bit of subtle manoeuvring.董事们通过耍了些小花招,为公司赢得了一桩好买卖。剑桥国际With some careful manoeuvring, I was able to get the car into the narrow space.通过小心灵活的操作,我将车开入了狭窄的地方。剑桥国际




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