

单词 inconvenience
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOT〕We greatly regret having caused you so much trouble and inconvenience. 我们感到非常抱歉,给你带来了那么多的麻烦和不便。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕If you don't remember your password, you'll cause yourself a lot of inconvenience. 要是记不起密码的话,你麻烦就大了。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕It was weeks before a decision was made, which caused inconvenience for everyone. 过了几个星期才作出决定,这给大家都带来了不便。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The builders promised the Browns that they would not be inconvenienced for more than two days. 建筑工人们向布朗一家保证,至多两天就不会再打扰他们了。朗文写作活用〔REGRET/NOT REGRET〕The airport announced that due to bad weather all flights were cancelled, and they regretted any inconvenience this would cause. 机场广播说由于天气恶劣,所有航班都已取消,给乘客带来不便,他们感到非常遗憾。朗文写作活用〔SORRY/APOLOGIZE〕Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this error has caused. 这一失误给您带来不便,谨此致歉。朗文写作活用〔apologize〕Trains may be subject to delay - we apologize for any inconvenience caused.列车可能会晚点,如果给您造成任何不便,我们在此谨致歉意。剑桥高阶〔boon〕What at first looks like an inconvenience can be a boon.初看似麻烦的东西可能大有裨益。韦氏高阶〔compensate〕The pluses more than compensated for the inconveniences involved in making the trip.各种有利因素大大抵消了出行过程中的种种不便。柯林斯高阶〔compensate〕The pluses more than compensated for the inconveniences involved in making the trip.这些好处大大抵消了旅行带来的种种不便。外研社新世纪〔dial up〕The inconvenience I experienced was an inability to dial up to the Internet.让我觉得不便的是没法拨号上网。外研社新世纪〔disoblige〕To inconvenience.带来不便美国传统〔extend〕We extend our apologies for the inconvenience caused.我们对造成的不便深表歉意。麦克米伦高阶〔fleabite〕A trifling loss, inconvenience, or annoyance.小麻烦:小的损失、不便或烦恼美国传统〔go〕To inconvenience oneself in doing something beyond what is required.做超出所要求的范围内的事从而使自己不舒服美国传统〔incommodity〕Inconvenience.不便美国传统〔inconvenience〕All the residents have been inconvenienced by the road works.所有居民都因道路施工而受到干扰。外研社新世纪〔inconvenience〕Bridge repairs cannot be done without some inconvenience to the public.桥梁维修必定会给公众带来一些不便。韦氏高阶〔inconvenience〕Do not inconvenience yourself for my sake.不要因我而太麻烦你自己。21世纪英汉〔inconvenience〕Does the noise of the TV inconvenience you?电视的嘈杂吵声打扰你吗?牛津同义词〔inconvenience〕Every effort will be made to minimize inconvenience to customers while work is in progress.施工期间,会尽一切努力将给顾客造成的不便降到最低。牛津搭配〔inconvenience〕Having to wait for ten minutes was a minor inconvenience.得等上10分钟确实有一点儿麻烦。剑桥高阶〔inconvenience〕He promised to be quick so as not to inconvenience them any further.他许诺尽快完成,以免给他们带来更多不便。柯林斯高阶〔inconvenience〕He promised to be very quick so as not to inconvenience them any further.他保证会非常快, 以免给他们带来更多的不便。外研社新世纪〔inconvenience〕He was committed to an anti-nuclear policy, with all its inconveniences.尽管困难重重, 他依然坚定支持反核政策。外研社新世纪〔inconvenience〕His early arrival was clearly an inconvenience to his host.很明显,他的早到给主人带来了不便。朗文当代〔inconvenience〕I can put up with minor inconveniences.我能忍受些小的不便。牛津高阶〔inconvenience〕I chose a different route to avoid the inconvenience of going through the town.我选择了另一条路线,以避开穿城而过的不便。牛津搭配〔inconvenience〕I don't want to inconvenience you any further.我不想再打扰你了。朗文当代〔inconvenience〕I don't want to put you to any inconvenience.我不想给你带来任何不便。牛津搭配〔inconvenience〕I have already been put to considerable inconvenience.我已经遇到了相当的麻烦了。牛津高阶〔inconvenience〕I hope my visit will not inconvenience you.我希望我的来访不会给你带来不便。英汉大词典〔inconvenience〕I hope that we haven't inconvenienced you.我希望我们没有给你添麻烦。牛津高阶〔inconvenience〕I hope this delay doesn't cause you any inconvenience.我希望这次延误不会给你带来任何不便。韦氏高阶〔inconvenience〕I wouldn't want to inconvenience you.我不想麻烦你。韦氏高阶〔inconvenience〕Parking in the city can be a major inconvenience.在市里停车可能是件很麻烦的事。韦氏高阶〔inconvenience〕The benefits of doing this usually outweigh the inconvenience.这样做的好处往往大于带来的麻烦。牛津搭配〔inconvenience〕The delay was an inconvenience.这次延误造成了不便。韦氏高阶〔inconvenience〕The general public has been greatly inconvenienced by this strike.此次罢工给公众带来极大不便。牛津搭配〔inconvenience〕The practical inconveniences of long hair are negligible.长发在实际生活中产生的不便可以忽略不计。柯林斯高阶〔inconvenience〕The rail strike is likely to cause considerable public inconvenience.铁路工人罢工很可能给公众造成相当大的不便。牛津搭配〔inconvenience〕The snow inconvenienced the holiday travelers.下雪给旅游度假者带来不便美国传统〔inconvenience〕The strike inconvenienced many people.罢工给许多人带来了不便。剑桥高阶〔inconvenience〕They found the daily trip an inconvenience.他们发觉每天往返是件麻烦事。英汉大词典〔inconvenience〕They have been at great inconvenience in order to help us.为了帮助我们,他们遭到很大的麻烦。英汉大词典〔inconvenience〕Think of the inconveniences of living in a small room with a large family.不妨想想,子女众多的一家人挤在一间小房间里,生活会有多少不便之处。英汉大词典〔inconvenience〕This store is closed today for staff training. We regret any inconvenience caused.因员工培训本店今日歇业,造成不便谨此致歉。牛津搭配〔inconvenience〕Travellers are complaining of having to suffer the inconvenience of delayed flights.旅客们在抱怨被迫忍受航班晚点所带来的不便。麦克米伦高阶〔inconvenience〕We apologise for the delay and any inconvenience caused.我们对延误和由此造成的不便深感抱歉。朗文当代〔inconvenience〕We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the late arrival of the train.我们对火车晚点所造成的一切不便表示歉意。剑桥高阶〔inconvenience〕We apologize for any inconvenience caused during the repairs.我们为维修期间造成的任何不便道歉。柯林斯高阶〔inconvenience〕We apologize for any inconvenience caused.我们为造成的不便道歉。外研社新世纪〔inconvenience〕We apologize for the inconvenience caused to passengers.我们对给乘客带来的不便之处表示歉意。麦克米伦高阶〔inconvenience〕We apologize for the delay and regret any inconvenience it may have caused.我们对此次延误以及因此有可能造成的所有不便表示道歉。牛津高阶〔inconvenience〕We had the inconvenience of being unable to use the kitchen for several weeks.我们有几个星期不能使用厨房,很不方便。剑桥高阶〔inconvenience〕We were inconvenienced by the bad weather.坏天气给我们带来了不便。韦氏高阶〔inconvenience〕Will it inconvenience you to carry this package to your mother? 把这个包裹带给你母亲会给你添麻烦吗?英汉大词典〔inconvenience〕You could have picked me up at the airport and saved me the inconvenience of having to take the bus! 你本来可以去机场接我,省得我坐公共汽车这么不方便!牛津搭配〔inconvenience〕Your visit caused him great inconvenience.你的来访给他带来极大的不便。英汉大词典〔nuisance〕Law A use of property or course of conduct that interferes with the legal rights of others by causing damage, annoyance, or inconvenience.【法律】 妨害,损害:财产的使用或行为的过程通过造成损害、恼人或不便而干涉了他人的合法权利美国传统〔patience〕These nouns all denote the capacity to endure hardship, difficulty, or inconvenience without complaint.这些名词都含有毫无怨言地忍受苦难、困难或不便的能力。美国传统〔put sb to sth〕I hope we're not putting you to any inconvenience.我希望我们没有给你添麻烦。剑桥高阶〔put〕We had to put up with the inconvenience.我们不得不忍受不便之处美国传统〔regret〕London Transport regrets any inconvenience caused by these repairs.伦敦交通管理当局为这些修理工程所带来的不便致歉。英汉大词典〔regret〕The airline regrets any inconvenience.航空公司对所造成的任何不便表示歉意。牛津高阶〔regret〕We regret any inconvenience caused by the delay.我们对延期带来的任何不便表示遗憾。麦克米伦高阶〔regret〕We regret any inconvenience caused to our customers.我们对于给顾客造成的不便表示歉意。朗文当代〔regret〕We regret any inconvenience these delays may cause.因这些延误造成的任何不便,我们深表歉意。韦氏高阶〔requite〕The charms of travel requite its inconvenience.旅行带来的诸种引人入胜的乐趣补偿了旅途中的不便。英汉大词典〔truly〕We are truly sorry for the inconvenience.我们真心为不便感到抱歉美国传统〔versus〕It was the promise of better job opportunities versus the inconvenience of moving away and leaving her friends.那是较好的就业前景与搬走并远离朋友的不便之间的矛盾。牛津高阶〔way〕To inconvenience oneself in doing something beyond what is required.不怕麻烦地:超出要求之外做某事而使自己麻烦美国传统For most people a bee sting is a painful inconvenience, but for a few it is much more serious.对大多数人来说蜜蜂的蛰刺只是疼痛的麻烦,但对有些人来说却严重得多。剑桥国际I felt regret that I had inconvenienced and discomfited whoever was bumped off the plane so that I could have my seat.为了使我有座位而让别人下了飞机,给他们造成不便和不愉快,对此我感到抱歉。剑桥国际I hope we're not putting you to any inconvenience.我希望我们没给你添麻烦。剑桥国际Not having a computer is an inconvenience. 没有电脑是很不方便的事。译典通Sorry about/for the inconvenience.很遗憾,给您带来了不便。剑桥国际The delay caused great inconvenience. 这一耽搁造成很大不便。译典通The strike inconvenienced many people.罢工给许多人带来了不便。剑桥国际These restrictions have proved only a minor inconvenience to companies trading in the area.对于在这一地区做生意的公司来说,这些限制只造成了一点轻微的不便。剑桥国际Trains may be subject to delay on the northern line--we apologize for any inconvenience caused.北线列车有可能晚点----如造成任何不便,我们在此谨致歉意。剑桥国际We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the late arrival of the train.我们对火车误点所带来的一切麻烦表示歉意。剑桥国际We offer our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.若造成不便,我们衷心表示歉意。牛津商务You must also consider the inconvenience of being unable to use the kitchen for several weeks while it's being rebuilt.你也必须考虑到在厨房改建的几星期中不能使用它的不便之处。剑桥国际




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