

单词 在水中
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREATHE〕How long can you hold your breath underwater? 你能在水中屏气多长时间?朗文写作活用〔ON/ON TOP OF〕They could see something pale and white floating in the water. 他们看到一个灰白色的东西在水中漂浮。朗文写作活用〔SURPRISED/SURPRISING〕The submarine was moving through the water at an astonishing speed. 潜水艇以惊人的速度在水中行进。朗文写作活用〔UNDER/BELOW〕On land the seal is a clumsy creature, but underwater it moves with grace and agility. 海豹在陆上是一种笨拙的动物,可在水中它们的行动却优雅敏捷。朗文写作活用〔air mattress〕An inflatable airtight sack on which to sleep or float in water.充气床垫;充气救生筏:一种充气袋,可以在上面睡觉或在水中漂浮美国传统〔airport〕Such an installation in which the landing area is on water.航空港:可在水中停靠的上述设施美国传统〔all〕In the water I was all dolphin.在水中,我活像一条海豚。英汉大词典〔around〕The boat started to spin around in the water.船开始在水中打旋。柯林斯高阶〔backwards〕He fell backwards into the water.他仰面倒在水中。外研社新世纪〔bathe〕She paused long enough to bathe her blistered feet.她把双脚长时间泡在水中,以充分浸泡长满水泡的脚。柯林斯高阶〔better〕Sound travels better in water than in air.声音在水中比在空气中传播得快。牛津高阶〔blowhole〕A hole in ice to which aquatic mammals, such as dolphins, come to breathe.冰上的孔穴:生活在水中的哺乳动物,如海豚,前来换气的冰面上的孔美国传统〔bob up and down〕The girl bobbed up and down in the water, waving for help.姑娘在水中上下晃动,挥手呼救。21世纪英汉〔bob〕A cork was bobbing in the water.软木塞在水中上下浮动。韦氏高阶〔bob〕Something white was bobbing in the water.有个白色的东西在水中浮动。外研社新世纪〔careful〕She took a few careful steps into the water.她小心翼翼地在水中趟了几步。麦克米伦高阶〔carry〕The songs of the whales carry through the water over long distances.鲸的叫声能在水中传得很远。朗文当代〔cavort〕She cavorted about in the water.她在水中嬉戏。朗文当代〔conglomerate〕Crack cocaine is cocaine that has been cooked in water with a little baking soda so that it conglomerates into a solid 'rock'.强效可卡因是可卡因与少量小苏打在水中一起煮后形成的一块硬“石头”。外研社新世纪〔cut〕The boat cut effortlessly through the water.小船轻快地在水中行驶。朗文当代〔dangle〕He and I were sitting out on his jetty dangling our legs in the water.我和他坐在他的码头上,双腿在水中荡悠。柯林斯高阶〔dangle〕She sat on the edge of the pool, dangling her feet in the water.她坐在水池边,双脚悬垂在水中。韦氏高阶〔dead〕The crippled ship was dead in the water. With no leadership, the project was dead in the water.那只坏船停滞在水中不能动了。没有了领导,计划不能实施美国传统〔deposit〕The female deposits her eggs directly into the water.雌性把卵直接产在水中。朗文当代〔dip net〕A net or wire mesh bag attached to a handle, used especially to scoop fish from water.捞网:附有握把的网子或铁丝网,特别是用来在水中网鱼的工具美国传统〔driftwood〕Wood floating in or washed up by the water.漂流木:在水中浮动或被水冲上岸的木头美国传统〔drift〕The waves became rougher as they drifted.他们在水中漂流的时候波浪变得更加汹涌。外研社新世纪〔feather〕The wake made by a submarine's periscope.微波:潜水艇的浅望镜在水中造成的波浪美国传统〔fin〕A membranous appendage extending from the body of a fish or other aquatic animal, used for propelling, steering, or balancing the body in the water.鳍:从鱼类或其他水生动物的身体延伸的膜状附肢,用以在水中推进、平衡或引导身体美国传统〔float〕A plastic bag was floating in the water.一个塑料袋在水中漂浮。牛津高阶〔flounder〕He was floundering about in the water.他在水中挣扎。文馨英汉〔flounder〕Three men were floundering about in the water.三个男人在水中挣扎。外研社新世纪〔foot〕I sat by the river with my feet dangling in the water.我坐在河边,双脚垂在水中。牛津搭配〔hike〕To sit facing the sail and lean far backward and over the side of a small boat in order to keep the craft flat in the water.为保持小船在水中平稳,面向船帆而坐,身体尽量后仰,至船舷以外美国传统〔hydraulic〕Able to set and harden under water, as Portland cement.在水中变硬的:能在水下定型并变硬的,如波特兰水泥美国传统〔hydrophyte〕A plant adapted to grow in water.水生植物:喜欢在水中生长的植物美国传统〔hydrothermal〕Of or relating to hot magmatic emanations rich in water.热液的:属于或与热岩浆的散发有关的,这种现象在水中常见美国传统〔immerse〕To baptize by submerging in water.施浸礼:用浸在水中的方式给…施洗礼美国传统〔land〕Swans are graceful swimmers, but they're clumsy on land.天鹅在水中姿态优雅,但它们在陆地上却很笨拙。麦克米伦高阶〔lapping〕The building was right on the river and the water lapped the walls.建筑物就矗立在水中,河水轻轻拍打着墙壁。柯林斯高阶〔life buoy〕A buoyant device, such as a cork or polystyrene ring, for keeping a person afloat in water.救生圈,救生衣:一种有浮力的装置,如软木或聚苯乙烯圈,用来使人能浮在水中美国传统〔life preserver〕A buoyant device, usually in the shape of a ring, belt, or jacket, designed to keep a person afloat in the water.救生用具:一种有浮力的装置,通常是圈状、带状或夹克衫状,用途是使人能浮在水中美国传统〔melt〕Sugar melts in water.糖在水中溶解美国传统〔middle〕He turned in the water, guiding her away from the middle where the surging currents flowed.他在水中转过身来, 引导着她离开水流汹涌的河中央。外研社新世纪〔photograph〕I tried to get a shot of him in the water.我试着给他拍一张在水中的照片。牛津高阶〔polenta〕A thick mush made of cornmeal boiled in water or stock.玉米糊:由在水中或汤中煮沸的玉米粉制成的一种浓粥美国传统〔power〕He powered through the water.他在水中迅速游动。牛津高阶〔prophylactic〕Some dentists are convinced that the addition of fluoride in water is ineffective as a prophylactic treatment.有些牙医坚信在水中加氟化物不是有效的预防措施。剑桥高阶〔reflect〕He saw himself reflected in the water/mirror/shop window.他在水中/镜子里/商店橱窗玻璃上看到了自己的影像。剑桥高阶〔rhythm〕She was lulled to sleep by the gentle rhythm of the boat in the water.船在水中有节奏地轻轻摇动,使她昏昏入睡。剑桥高阶〔rinse〕To remove (soap, for example) by washing lightly in water.漂洗掉:通过在水中轻轻地洗来去掉(如肥皂)美国传统〔rose water〕A fragrant preparation made by steeping or distilling rose petals in water, used in cosmetics, as toilet water, and in cookery.玫瑰水,蔷薇水:一种通过蒸馏玫瑰花瓣或把其浸泡在水中制成的芳香剂,用来做花露水等化妆品并用于烹饪美国传统〔seasickness〕Motion sickness resulting from the pitching and rolling of a ship or boat in water, especially at sea.晕船:由于轮船或小舟在水中摇摆不定而产生的运动病,尤指在海上美国传统〔seine〕A large fishing net made to hang vertically in the water by weights at the lower edge and floats at the top.围网:一种垂直悬立在水中的,下缘装有沉子上缘装有浮子的大型鱼网美国传统〔shimmer〕To appear as a wavering or flickering image, as in a reflection on water or through heat waves in air.在水中产生摇曳的投影:以一种闪动或晃动的图象出现,如在水面上或穿透空气中的热流所产生的投影美国传统〔sink〕Wood does not sink in water.木头在水中不会沉没。21世纪英汉〔slice〕The ship sliced through the water.轮船在水中破浪前行。柯林斯高阶〔smell〕Sharks can smell blood in the water.鲨鱼可以在水中嗅到血腥味。外研社新世纪〔soak〕He turned off the water and left the dishes to soak.他关上水龙头,让盘子浸泡在水中。柯林斯高阶〔soften〕These dried apples will soften (up) if you soak them in water.如果你把这些苹果干浸在水中,它们就会变软。剑桥高阶〔sound〕Sound travels better in water than in air.声在水中比在空气中更易传送。英汉大词典〔splash〕To land in water. Used of a spacecraft or missile.落在水中。用于飞行器或导弹美国传统〔sponson〕A short, curved, air-filled projection on the hull of a seaplane, imparting stability in the water.翼梢浮筒:短而曲的充满空气的凸出物,安在船体侧来保证船在水中的稳定性美国传统〔steep〕It's a drink made by steeping pineapple rind in water.这是一种将菠萝皮浸泡在水中制成的饮料。外研社新世纪〔submersible〕Submergible.可没在水中的:可浸没在水中的,可潜入水中的美国传统〔syrup〕A concentrated solution of sugar in water, often used as a vehicle for medicine.含药糖浆:糖在水中的浓缩溶液,常用作药的赋形剂美国传统〔thrash about〕The children were thrashing about in the water.孩子们在水中扑腾嬉戏。21世纪英汉〔thrust〕The rock thrust 200 feet above the water.那块岩石矗立在水中,离水面有200英尺高。英汉大词典〔time〕Sound travels four times faster in water than in air.声音在水中的传播速度是在空气中的四倍。朗文当代〔top〕If you put carrot tops in water they start to grow.胡萝卜叶子放在水中就会生长。剑桥高阶〔toss about〕The boat tossed about like a cork in the water.那艘船像软木塞一样在水中摇摆。外研社新世纪〔trail〕Rees was leaning out of the boat trailing his hand through the water.里斯把身体探出船外,一只手在水中拖着。朗文当代〔travel〕When sound travels through water, strange things can happen.当声音在水中传播时,可能会发生奇怪的现象。柯林斯高阶〔trunks〕I wear these trunks because they have a streamline effect in the water.我穿这条泳裤是因为它在水中有一种流线效果。外研社新世纪〔trunk〕I wear these trunks because they have a streamline effect in the water.我穿这条游泳裤因为它在水中有流线效果。柯林斯高阶〔underwater〕Relating to, occurring, used, or performed beneath the surface of water.在水下的;在水中操作的:有关、出现于、使用或实施于水面以下的美国传统〔underwater〕Some stretches of beach are completely underwater at high tide.海滩上有些段地方在涨潮时完全淹没在水中。外研社新世纪〔under〕How long can you hold your breath under water? 你在水中能憋气多长时间?韦氏高阶〔velocimeter〕A device for measuring the speed of sound in water.速度计,速度表:用于测量声音在水中的速度的仪器美国传统〔warp〕The bamboo stick warped in water.竹竿在水中变弯了。21世纪英汉〔water ballet〕The art of dancelike movement in water; synchronized swimming.花样游泳,水上芭蕾:在水中跳舞般的运动艺术;同时游泳美国传统〔water dog〕Informal A person who feels at home in or on the water.【非正式用语】 水性好的人:在水中或水面应付自如的人美国传统〔water-soluble〕Soluble in water.水溶性的:在水中溶解的美国传统〔water〕I saw something large floating in the water.我看到一个大东西漂浮在水中。牛津搭配〔wiggle〕She wiggled her toes in the water.她在水中扭动着脚趾。剑桥高阶〔wink〕Reflected in the water, the lights winked at us from the other side of the lake.湖对岸的灯光映在水中,冲我们一闪一闪的。剑桥高阶By the time the lifeboat arrived, the ship was almost vertical in the water.救生艇到达时,那艘船差不多是竖着立在水中了。剑桥国际Newts are amphibians and live mainly on land, but breed in water.蝾螈是两栖动物,主要在陆上生活,但在水中繁殖。剑桥国际Paper will macerate if it is left in water.纸张浸在水中会变软。剑桥国际She could see her reflection in the water, shimmering in the moonlight.她可以看见她在水中的倒影,在月光下微微闪光。剑桥国际She was lulled to sleep by the gentle rhythm of the boat in the water.小船在水中的轻柔而有节奏的摆动使她睡着了。剑桥国际She wiggled her toes in the water.她在水中扭动脚趾。剑桥国际Some dentists are convinced that the addition of fluoride in water is ineffective as a prophylactic treatment.有些牙医坚信在水中加氟化物不是有效的预防措施。剑桥国际Some species of turtle can remain underwater for 24 hours.有些种类的乌龟可以在水中呆上24小时。剑桥国际Sound can travel over very large distances in water.声音在水中能传播很远的距离。剑桥国际Such fine particles suspend readily in water. 这种微粒极易悬浮在水中。译典通The sole survivor of the accident was found in the water after six hours.事故的唯一幸存者于6小时后被发现在水中。剑桥国际These dried apples will soften (up) if you soak them in water.如果你把这些干苹果浸在水中,它们就会软化。剑桥国际Toads have dryer, lumpier skins than frogs and spend less time in the water.蟾蜍的皮肤比青蛙干燥,多瘤,它比青蛙呆在水中的时间少。剑桥国际When we went on holiday, we took some sterilizing tablets with us which we put in the water to make it safe to drink.度假时,我们随身带了消毒药片,把它们放在水中以便喝起来安全。剑桥国际




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