

单词 lawbreaker
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRIME〕Police say lawbreakers are encouraged by the slowness of the judicial system. 警方称司法体系的拖拉在鼓励犯罪分子。朗文写作活用〔CRIME〕The penalties must be severe enough to deter lawbreakers. 处罚必须严厉,使人不敢以身试法。朗文写作活用〔accessory〕Law Serving to aid or abet a lawbreaker, either before or after the commission of the crime, without being present at the time the crime was committed.【法律】 同谋的,帮凶的:在犯罪前或犯罪后帮助、教唆违法者,但实施犯罪时不在现场美国传统〔accomplice〕One who aids or abets a lawbreaker in a criminal act, either as a principal or an accessory.共犯,共同犯罪者:在犯罪行为中,帮助或怂恿罪犯的人,不管是充当主犯还是从犯美国传统〔book〕To make all possible charges against (a lawbreaker, for example).对(被告)作出所有可能的指控美国传统〔deal〕Law courts must deal with lawbreakers.法院必须惩办违法分子。英汉大词典〔deal〕Law courts must deal with lawbreakers.法院必须惩处违法分子。21世纪英汉〔dragnet〕A huge 24-hour dragnet resulted in the detention of 7,000 lawbreakers.一场24小时的大规模法网行动使7,000名违法分子被拘留。外研社新世纪〔in〕They increased the penalties in an attempt to discourage lawbreakers.为阻止违法者,他们提高了罚金。韦氏高阶〔lawbreaker〕He admitted to being a lawbreaker.他承认违法。韦氏高阶〔pound〕A place of confinement for lawbreakers.监禁所,禁闭所:监禁违法者的地方美国传统〔rampage〕A group of lawbreakers are rampaging around in the centre of the city.一群不法之徒正在市中心为非作歹。21世纪英汉




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