

单词 play on
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕Jones had injured his foot, but played on despite the pain. 琼斯伤了脚,尽管痛,但依然继续比赛。朗文写作活用〔FINISH〕Despite his injury, Johnson carried on playing on to the bitter end. 约翰逊尽管受了伤,但还是坚持比到最后。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕The park was full of gleeful children playing on sleds. 公园里满是兴高采烈的孩子乘着雪橇在玩。朗文写作活用〔JOKE〕The phone call was the sort of practical joke that radio stations often play on celebrities. 这个电话有点像电台常对名人搞的那种恶作剧。朗文写作活用〔carry (sth) on〕Steve just carried on playing on his computer.史蒂夫只管继续玩他的电脑。剑桥高阶〔diagram〕The coach diagrammed the new play on the blackboard.教练在黑板上用示意图讲解了新战局。韦氏高阶〔field hockey〕A game played on turf in which two opposing teams of players, using curved sticks, try to drive a ball into the opponents' goal.曲棍球:由两个相对的组在草坪上进行的使用曲棍的球类运动,每队都努力把球打进对方的球门美国传统〔grass〕He has proved he can play on grass.他已证明他能在草地网球场上比赛。麦克米伦高阶〔green〕Children were playing on the village green.孩子们在村中心的草地上玩耍。牛津高阶〔green〕Children were playing on the village green.孩子们正在村子的公共草地上玩耍。剑桥高阶〔ground〕The kids were playing on waste ground behind the school.孩子们在学校后面的荒地上玩耍。牛津高阶〔home field〕Playing on their home field, the Browns beat the Detroit Lions for the championship.布朗队主场作战, 在锦标赛中击败了底特律雄狮队。外研社新世纪〔home ground〕Austria, playing on home ground in Vienna, took a 3-0 lead over Italy.奥地利队在维也纳自家赛场以3比0领先意大利队。柯林斯高阶〔home ground〕They are banned from playing on their home ground because of crowd trouble.由于观众骚乱, 他们被禁止在主场比赛。外研社新世纪〔inflatable〕The children were playing on the inflatable castle.孩子们在充气的城堡上嬉戏。柯林斯高阶〔influence〕They still influence what's played on the radio.他们对电台播放什么节目仍然会有影响。柯林斯高阶〔mime〕The waiters mime to records playing on the jukebox.服务员们跟着自动点唱机上的曲子假唱。外研社新世纪〔neat〕It'll be neat to have a father and son playing on the same team.父子效力同一队伍真是太好了。外研社新世纪〔notwithstanding〕The teams played on, notwithstanding the rain.尽管下雨,各队仍然比赛美国传统〔offstage〕Though best known for the funny and outspoken roles that she plays on screen, offstage she is shy and rather serious.虽然在银幕上她以扮演滑稽可笑、口无遮拦的角色而闻名,但在现实生活中,她既腼腆又相当严肃。剑桥高阶〔out of〕He came out of retirement to play one more season.他退役后复出,以便再多打一个赛季。韦氏高阶〔overtrump〕To play a trump higher than one previously played on a trick.用更大的王牌胜过:在同一墩牌中,出更大的王牌压倒已出的王牌美国传统〔piano〕The piece can also be played on the piano.这个曲子也可以在钢琴上演奏。牛津搭配〔pinball〕A game played on a device in which the player operates a plunger to shoot a ball down or along a slanted surface having obstacles and targets.弹球戏:在一种装置下进行的游戏,在该装置中玩球者操作一个活塞将球击倒至或沿着一个有障碍物或目标物的倾斜表面美国传统〔pipe〕To lead by playing on pipes.吹奏管乐器以指挥美国传统〔piping〕Music Playing on a pipe.【音乐】 吹奏管乐的美国传统〔play on〕I felt guilty saying that, playing on her generosity.我说这话是利用了她的慷慨,对此我感到愧疚。柯林斯高阶〔play on〕You can't afford to let it play on your mind if you lose a match.如果输了比赛, 你不能一个劲地老是去想。外研社新世纪〔play sb/sth off against sb/sth〕Management policy seemed to be to play one department off against another.管理层的政策似乎在有意激起各部门之间的竞争。剑桥高阶〔play〕A smile plays on her lips.她嘴唇上浮泛着微笑。21世纪英汉〔play〕Advertisements often play on people's fears.广告常利用人们的恐惧心理。牛津高阶〔play〕Her hand was playing on the edge of the bed.她的手在床边抚摸着。21世纪英汉〔play〕She plays on the fact that people feel sorry for her.她利用了人们对她的同情。麦克米伦高阶〔play〕The records were played on the radio.这些唱片在收音机里播放过。柯林斯高阶〔play〕The sun was playing on his helmet. 太阳光照射在他的头盔上。英汉大词典〔record〕A disk designed to be played on a phonograph.唱片:设计在唱机上播放的盘片美国传统〔roller hockey〕Hockey played on a hard surface in which two opposing teams of roller skaters, using curved sticks, try to drive a ball into the opponents' goal.旱冰冰球运动:一种在坚硬地面上进行的曲棍球运动,两队旱冰溜冰队员企图用曲棍把球打入对方的球门美国传统〔serve〕I'll serve him out for the trick he played on me.他作弄我,我要给予报复。英汉大词典〔song〕The song was playing on the radio.当时收音机正在播放这首歌。韦氏高阶〔staging〕The process or manner of putting on a play on the stage.(剧本的)上演,演出:舞台戏剧表演的过程或方式美国传统〔summer〕The children play on the beach during the summer.夏天孩子们在海滩上玩耍。朗文当代〔swing〕The kids were playing on the swings.孩子们在荡秋千。韦氏高阶〔table tennis〕A game similar to lawn tennis, played on a table with wooden paddles and a small hollow plastic ball.乒乓球:类似于网球的一种游戏,用木制球拍和一个中空的小塑料球在一张桌子上玩美国传统〔watchful〕Under the watchful eye of their mother, the two boys played on the beach.那两个男孩在海滩上玩耍,他们的母亲随时看着他们。剑桥高阶〔wing〕Mike Catt will make England history when he plays on the wing against Ireland on Saturday.迈克•卡特在周六与爱尔兰队的比赛中会踢边锋, 将为英格兰队创造历史。外研社新世纪Baltimore won seven of the nine games they played on this three-city road trip.巴尔的摩在这次3城市巡回比赛中赢了9场比赛中的7场。剑桥国际Children were playing on the village green.孩子们在村子里的公共草地上玩。剑桥国际Steve just carried on playing on his computer. 史蒂夫继续玩他的电脑。剑桥国际The children are playing on the swings in the park. 孩子们正在公园里荡秋千。译典通The children sat playing on the floor.孩子们坐在地上玩。剑桥国际




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