

单词 leave
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔EMPTY〕to make everyone leave a place 使大家都离开一个地方朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕to leave a room or building for a short time 暂时离开一个房间或建筑物朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕to leave at the start of a journey 出发,开始行程朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕to leave quickly in order to avoid trouble, danger etc 为避免麻烦、危险等赶紧离开朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕to leave quietly or secretly 悄悄地或偷偷地离开朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕to leave unwillingly 不情愿地离开朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕to make someone leave a room or building 使某人离开房间或大楼朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕when a crowd of people leave a place 一群人离开某地朗文写作活用〔RELATIONSHIP〕to leave a relationship 脱离一种关系朗文写作活用〔REMAIN〕stay in a place, not leave 留在一处不离开朗文写作活用〔TELEPHONE〕when you want to leave a message for someone 想给某人留口信朗文写作活用〔cut〕cut one's leave short 中止休假 英汉大词典〔defenceless〕the kind of leader who would leave the country isolated and defenceless.将会使国家陷入孤立无助境地的那种领导柯林斯高阶〔detriment〕took a long leave of absence without detriment to her career.See Synonyms at disadvantage 请长假而不会对其职业造成损害 参见 disadvantage美国传统〔exit〕an exit visa(= a stamp in a passport giving sb permission to leave a particular country) 出境签证牛津高阶〔get〕get sb. to leave 说服某人离开英汉大词典〔harshly〕harsher detergents that can leave hair brittle.会让发质变脆弱的刺激性较强的洗发水柯林斯高阶〔harsh〕harsh detergents that can leave hair brittle会让头发变脆、易断的劣质洗发水外研社新世纪〔humiliation〕the humiliation of being asked to leave 被赶走的屈辱麦克米伦高阶〔illiterate〕in an age when a significant number of pupils leave school functionally illiterate在相当多小学生毕业时仍是半文盲的年代外研社新世纪〔indefinite〕an indefinite leave of absence.对在场者的离席无明确限制的美国传统〔leave〕an application for leave to appeal against the judge's order.不服法官指令的上诉申请柯林斯高阶〔leave〕not allowed to leave the room.不准离开房间美国传统〔leave〕take it or leave it取舍悉听尊便21世纪英汉〔leave〕to leave the stage.退场。牛津同义词〔leave〕to be absent without leave 未经许可擅离职守牛津高阶〔leave〕to be on maternity/study leave 休产假;脱产进修牛津高阶〔loophole〕a loophole enabling workers to take unnecessary sick leave 使工人可以在不必要的情况下休病假的漏洞牛津搭配〔maternity〕maternity leave 产假英汉大词典〔medically〕patients who are medically fit to leave hospital体格健康、可以出院的病人外研社新世纪〔neutral〕to leave the car in neutral 将车的排挡置于空挡位牛津高阶〔overstay〕overstay one's leave 超假英汉大词典〔parental leave〕fathers who take parental leave 休育儿假的父亲们牛津高阶〔permit〕permit sb. to leave 允许某人离开英汉大词典〔precaution〕a precaution against customers who try to leave without paying 预防顾客企图不付钱就离开的措施牛津搭配〔profession〕the primary reason why nurses leave the profession 护士离开本行的首要原因牛津搭配〔retrograde〕a retrograde policy that would leave more people poorer than they are now 会使更多人更贫穷的倒退政策韦氏高阶〔sabbatical〕sabbatical leave 学术休假期剑桥高阶〔scar〕a deep cut that could leave a permanent scar 可能会留下永久性疤痕的一道很深的伤口朗文当代〔scrape〕the sound of chairs scraping on the floor as people stood to leave 人们起身离开时椅子蹭地板发出的刺耳声音韦氏高阶〔sick leave〕to be on sick leave 休病假牛津高阶〔spot〕get a spot of leave 获准短期休假英汉大词典〔trail〕tourists who leave a trail of litter everywhere they go 一路乱丢垃圾的游客牛津高阶〔ungodly〕had to leave for work at an ungodly hour.在令人不能容忍时间不得不外出工作美国传统〔unhappiness〕the great unhappiness she felt at having to leave the town 不得不离开这个镇子令她深感忧伤牛津搭配〔westbound〕the last westbound train to leave Chicago从芝加哥开出的最后一班西行列车外研社新世纪a period of paid educational leave (= for formal study or training) 一段时间的带薪教育假(正规学习或培训)牛津商务a revolving-door workplace (= where people take jobs but leave after a short time) 人员流动大的工作场所牛津商务to be on sick leave 休病假牛津商务to take unpaid leave 休不带薪假期牛津商务




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