

单词 根瘤
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bacteroid〕Any of various structurally modified bacteria, such as those occurring on the root nodules of leguminous plants.类杆细菌:一种在结构上已经改变了的细菌,如存在于豆科植物根部的根瘤菌美国传统〔nitrogen fixation〕The conversion by certain soil microorganisms, such as rhizobia, of atmospheric nitrogen into compounds that plants and other organisms can assimilate.细菌固氮:通过某种的土壤微生物,如根瘤细菌,将大气氮变为植物和其他有机物能吸收的化合物的转化美国传统〔root knot〕A disease of plants characterized by protuberant enlargements on the roots caused by a nematode.根癌,根瘤病:一种由于线虫的破坏而在根部长出隆起肿块的植物病美国传统〔tubercle〕A small, rounded prominence or process, such as a wartlike excrescence on the roots of some leguminous plants or a knoblike process in the skin or on a bone.根瘤:一种球状的小突出物或隆起物,如某些豆科植物根上的肉赘状瘤或皮肤或骨头上的圆丘状的隆起物美国传统〔tubercular〕Of, relating to, or covered with tubercles; tuberculate.有结节的;结节的:(关于或覆盖有)根瘤的;有根瘤的美国传统




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