

单词 interbreeding
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔barrier〕Ecology A physical or biological factor that limits the migration, interbreeding, or free movement of individuals or populations.【生态学】 障碍:物理或生物因素,可以限制迁移、杂交或个体及群体的自由运动美国传统〔cenospecies〕A group of related ecospecies capable of interbreeding so as to produce at least partially fertile hybrids.杂交种:一组有血亲关系并能异种杂交的生物,产生至少有部分繁殖能力的变种美国传统〔deme〕Ecology A local, usually stable population of interbreeding organisms of the same kind or species.【生态学】 同类群,混交群体:一种区域性的、通常保持人口稳定以及相同种属间杂交繁殖的生物群美国传统〔ecospecies〕A taxonomic species considered in terms of its ecological characteristics and usually including several interbreeding ecotypes.生态种:按生态学特征划分的分类种,常包括一些杂交生态型美国传统〔interfertile〕Capable of interbreeding.可杂交的:品种间能够杂交的美国传统〔mongrel〕An animal or a plant resulting from various interbreedings, especially a dog of mixed or undetermined breed.杂交动植物:通过杂交生产出来的动植物,尤指杂种狗或非纯种狗美国传统〔sympatric〕Occupying the same or overlapping geographic areas without interbreeding. Used of populations of closely related species.分布区重叠的,同域的:其分布的地理区域相同或部分重叠,但相互间并不杂交的用于紧密相联的物种群体美国传统Farmers were interbreeding less hardy cattle with native breeds.农民们将不那么强壮的牛与当地的品种杂交。剑桥国际




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