

单词 items
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OLD-FASHIONED〕The laws that decide who owns items discovered on an archeological exploration are ridiculously archaic. 判定考古发现的物品所有权归属的法例已经非常陈旧了。朗文写作活用〔SAVE〕The fire had destroyed most of the building, but we managed to salvage a few valuable items. 大楼的大部分都被火烧毁了,不过我们设法抢救出了一些贵重的东西。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Tax agents are visiting more than 5,000 businesses that deal in expensive items such as cars, boats, and jewels. 税务员查访了五千多家公司,这些公司都经营汽车、船只和珠宝等高价商品。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕Items in the list should be separated by commas. 所列的各项之间应该用逗号隔开。朗文写作活用〔THING〕Bring any old household items for the sale. 把任何旧的家用物品拿去卖掉。朗文写作活用〔THING〕Many of the things that people in the West take for granted are considered to be luxury items here. 西方人习以为常的许多东西在这里却被看成是奢侈品。朗文写作活用〔accept〕The University will not accept responsibility for items lost or stolen.物品遗失或被窃,大学概不负责。朗文当代〔accept〕The college cannot accept responsibility for items lost or stolen on its premises.对在校园内丢失或被盗的物品,学院概不负责。牛津搭配〔accept〕We cannot accept liability for items stolen from your car.我们不能承担你那汽车上物品被盗的责任。麦克米伦高阶〔agenda〕There were several important items on the agenda.会议议程中有几项重要的议题。剑桥高阶〔ahem〕It is not unknown for valuable display items to go, ahem, missing.贵重的展品,呃哼,丢失的话,会众人皆知。柯林斯高阶〔amount〕Consumer spending on sports-related items amounted to £9.75 billion.消费者在体育相关产品上的花费共计97.5亿英镑。柯林斯高阶〔any〕The offer was that you could have any three items of clothing you liked for $30.商家提供的优惠是,花30英镑可任选3件你喜欢的服装。剑桥高阶〔bargain〕The store has many items on sale at bargain prices.这家商店有许多廉价商品出售。韦氏高阶〔basket〕There are four items in your basket.你的网上购物篮中有四件商品。剑桥高阶〔be up against it〕Many families are up against it, unable to afford even basic items.很多家庭陷入困境,连基本生活用品都买不起。剑桥高阶〔big-ticket〕People have a hell of a lot of money and they are spending it for big-ticket items.大家真有钱,都花在买高价物品上。文馨英汉〔big-ticket〕Supercomputers are big-ticket items.超级计算机价格昂贵。柯林斯高阶〔big-ticket〕Supercomputers are big-ticket items.超级计算机是很昂贵的东西。外研社新世纪〔bill of goods〕A consignment of items for sale.已售货物的清单美国传统〔botanica〕A shop that sells herbs, charms, and other religious or spiritual items, especially those associated with Santeria.神物小铺:出售药草、符咒以及其它宗教物品或灵魂物品的商店,尤指同桑泰里厄教相关的各类物品美国传统〔brace〕A symbol, { or }, enclosing two or more lines of text or listed items to show that they are considered as a unit.大括号:符号,{或},括住两行或两行以上的行文或条文以表明它们是一个单元美国传统〔bracket together〕Which of these items should be bracketed together?这些项中哪些应该用大括号括起来?外研社新世纪〔brighten〕There are, however, one or two items of good news to brighten the economic picture a bit.然而,总会有一两条好消息让人对经济前景有些希望。剑桥高阶〔by volume〕We measure the items by weight, not by volume.这些商品我们是按重量而不是体积来测量。韦氏高阶〔call over〕I had to call over the items one by one on the list.我只好把清单上列的项目一个个地念一遍。21世纪英汉〔check off〕Once you've checked off the items you ordered, put this record in your file.在你订购的物品上打好钩之后, 把此记录放入文件夹中。外研社新世纪〔check off〕Once you've checked off the items you ordered, put this record in your file.清点完所定购的每一件东西后,将这份记录存档。柯林斯高阶〔checklist〕A list of items to be noted, checked, or remembered.一览表:用以记录、打勾或备忘的项目清单美国传统〔clothing〕She took only a few items of clothing.她只带了几件衣服。朗文当代〔collectible〕The shop sells antiques and various collectible items.这家商店出售古董和各种收藏品。韦氏高阶〔commingle〕Many towns allow recyclable items to be commingled for collection in a single container.在许多城镇,可回收物品可以混放在一个容器里统一收走。朗文当代〔compartment〕The suitcase has a zippered compartment for personal items.手提箱里有一个带拉链的隔层,用来存放个人用品。韦氏高阶〔compendium〕A list or collection of various items.目录:各种项目的列表或集合美国传统〔conspicuous consumption〕The acquisition and display of expensive items to attract attention to one's wealth or to suggest that one is wealthy.炫耀性消费:获得及展示昂贵的物品来引起别人对其财富的注意或暗示他是有钱的美国传统〔cover〕These items are not covered by your medical insurance.这些项目不在你的医保范围之内。外研社新世纪〔cubbyhole〕The car has lots of cubbyholes for small items.这辆轿车有许多放小物件的格架。韦氏高阶〔decorative〕The items he makes are purely decorative.他做的那些物品纯粹用于装饰。牛津搭配〔descend〕The sale items are arranged in descending order according to price.销售的商品按照价格由高到低的顺序排列。韦氏高阶〔designate〕Free items are designated by blue stickers.免费项目用蓝色标签标明。韦氏高阶〔desirability〕The crowd moved indoors for what were deemed the most desirable items.人群为了被视为最值得拥有的物品涌入屋里。柯林斯高阶〔desirable〕The most desirable items had already been sold.最受欢迎的物品已经卖光了。外研社新世纪〔detective〕Despite careful detective work, many items have never been recovered.尽管进行了悉心探查,许多物品还是一直没有找回。柯林斯高阶〔disorder〕She disordered the items in her wardrobe.她把自己衣柜里的物品弄得一团乱。外研社新世纪〔dispensable〕The government eliminated dispensable items from the budget.政府除去了预算中可有可无的项目。英汉大词典〔dual〕An inflected form of a noun, adjective, pronoun, or verb used with two items or people.双数格:用于两个物体或人时名词、形容词、代词或动词的曲折变化词形美国传统〔duplication〕Some are exact duplications of items on display in the museums.有些是和博物馆的展品一模一样的复制品。外研社新世纪〔emic〕Of or relating to features or items analyzed with respect to their role as structural units in a system, as in behavioral science or linguistics.位的,主位的:行为科学或语言学分析中,一些特征或项目在整个系统中的结构性角色的,或与其相关的美国传统〔entrant〕All items entered for the competition must be the entrant's own work.所有参赛作品必须是参赛者本人的作品。柯林斯高阶〔examination〕Several items of clothing are still under examination.几件衣服还在检查中。牛津搭配〔excess〕The energy value of dried fruits is considerably in excess of that of fresh items.干果的能量值大大超过新鲜水果。柯林斯高阶〔fenced〕They're looking for the stolen jewellery and other fenced items.他们正在寻找失窃的珠宝和其他被盗卖的赃物。英汉大词典〔fingerprint〕Forensic experts fingerprinted items from the house.法医对房间里的物品进行了鉴定。外研社新世纪〔firework〕Many items on the agenda will produce fireworks.议事日程上的许多项目将会引起激烈争论。英汉大词典〔flash up〕A list of items is repeatedly flashed up on the screen.条目清单在屏幕上反复闪现。外研社新世纪〔flourishing〕There's a flourishing trade in these kind of items.这些物品的交易正日益红火。剑桥高阶〔focaccia〕A flat Italian bread traditionally flavored with olive oil and salt and often topped with herbs, onions, or other items.意式香饼:一种以橄榄油、盐调味再铺上香草、洋葱及其它配料的意大利传统面包美国传统〔fret〕Her mother fretted over spending money on items she could have made herself.她的母亲因为花钱买她本来可以自制的东西而感到生气。外研社新世纪〔grasp〕Such luxury items are beyond the grasp of the average household.普通家庭买不起这些奢侈品。外研社新世纪〔half-price〕Many items are at half price.许多商品都以半价出售。牛津高阶〔hall of fame〕A building housing memorial items honoring illustrious persons.名人纪念堂:存放著名人物纪念物的建筑物美国传统〔handling〕These items require careful handling.这些物品要小心搬运。韦氏高阶〔hang out〕They hung out in talks for better items.他们在谈判中故意拖延,以期获得较满意的条款。21世纪英汉〔higgle〕They were higgling about the items of the agreement.他们在协议的条款上争执不休。21世纪英汉〔hit parade〕A collection or listing of the most popular or excellent items or people of a certain kind.某种最第一流或最好的人及物的集成或名单美国传统〔holdall〕A container for holding items.容器:用来盛物体的东西美国传统〔hold〕The last two items on the agenda we will hold over until the next meeting.议程上的最后两个项目我们将推迟到下次会议讨论。英汉大词典〔ignite〕The burning foam generates such heat that other items ignite spontaneously.燃烧的泡沫材料产生很高的热量,致使其他物品发生自燃。牛津搭配〔illustrate〕Most items are illustrated by a photograph.多数物件都配有一张示例照片。牛津搭配〔insurance〕The insurance doesn't cover you for (= include) household items.这份保险没有包括你的家用物品。剑桥高阶〔intent〕The two items are, to all intents and purposes, identical.这两件物品几乎完全一样。牛津高阶〔inventory〕The items listed in such a report or record.存货清单:列于此类报告或记录中的条款美国传统〔inventory〕The store wanted to offer more items but stock less inventory.商店想要摆售更多商品,同时保持较少的库存。牛津搭配〔ironic〕It is ironic that although many items are now cheaper to make, fewer people can afford to buy them.具有讽刺意味的是,虽然如今很多物品的制作成本下降了,但能买得起的人却少了。剑桥高阶〔issue〕An item or set of items, as stamps or coins, made available at one time by an office or bureau.成套发行:一细目或一套细目,例如邮票和货币的发行,通常是由部或局在某一段时间内规定有效的美国传统〔itemize〕Itemise your gear and mark major items with your name and post code.详细登记你的个人物品,在重要物品上标明你的姓名和邮编。柯林斯高阶〔item〕I keep essential items to hand when I fly.我坐飞机的时候必需品都带在手边。牛津搭配〔item〕Repairs were carried out on several items of equipment.对设备的几个部件进行了修理。麦克米伦高阶〔item〕Several items of clothing (= clothes) lay on the floor.地板上有几件衣服。剑桥高阶〔item〕Several items of clothing were found near the scene of the crime.在犯罪现场附近发现了几件衣物。牛津搭配〔item〕The store is having a sale on furniture and household items.这家商店正在减价出售家具和家居用品。朗文当代〔item〕There are three items on the agenda.议事日程上有3项。剑桥高阶〔job lot〕A collection of cheap items.一堆便宜的物品美国传统〔keep ... back〕The salesman always keeps the best items back for customers who often come to their store.那位售货员总是把最好的商品留给经常光顾他们商店的人。21世纪英汉〔kit〕The kit consisted of about twenty cosmetic items and a lady's shaver.整套工具包括大约20种化妆用品和一个女士褪毛器。柯林斯高阶〔knock〕We should be able to knock something together with what's in the fridge (=make a meal from items of food in the fridge) .就冰箱里现成的东西,我们应该能凑出几道菜。朗文当代〔label〕I've just spent a whole day labelling the items.我花了一整天的时间给这些物品贴标签。外研社新世纪〔lexical〕We chose a few of the commonest lexical items in the languages.我们选取了各语言里最为常见的词汇。外研社新世纪〔line item〕Most governors have the power to veto line items of the proposed state budget.许多州长有权反对州预算法案提案的项目美国传统〔list〕Mother listed the items she wanted to buy before Christmas.母亲把圣诞节前要买的东西开了张单子。英汉大词典〔lost and found〕A repository in a public place, as in a school or theater, where found items are kept for reclaiming by their owners.失物招领栏:公共场所,如学校或剧院的一种陈列栏,拾到的物品在此保管等待失主认领美国传统〔lump〕These items ought to be lumped together.这些项目应该总括起来。文馨英汉〔lump〕We can lump all these items into one category.我们可以把这些项目都归并成一类。21世纪英汉〔mark down〕Clothes are the best bargain, with many items marked down.买衣服是最划算的, 许多衣服都降价了。外研社新世纪〔mark down〕Clothes are the best bargain, with many items marked down.买衣服是最划算的,许多衣服都降价了。柯林斯高阶〔markdown〕We're offering a ten percent markdown on selected items.我们一些指定的商品减价10%。剑桥高阶〔mark〕Items marked with an asterisk can be omitted.打星号的项目可以删去。牛津高阶〔match〕All items are made to order, so you can match handles with the colour scheme of a room.所有的物品都能定做, 因此你可以根据房间的色系选择搭配的把手。外研社新世纪〔minaudière〕A small ornamental case for a woman's cosmetics, jewelry, or personal items that is often carried as a handbag.化妆品盒:装妇女化妆品、首饰或个人物品的装饰性小盒,通常装在手袋里美国传统〔miscellany〕A collection of various items, parts, or ingredients, especially one composed of diverse literary works.杂集:由不同的项、部分或成分构成的集合,尤指由不同的文学作品构成的集合美国传统〔mojo〕An amulet, often a small flannel bag containing one or more magic items, worn by adherents of hoodoo or voodoo.魔咒物:一种巫毒长期随身带在身上的避邪物,常为装着一至两种神奇物小法兰绒袋美国传统〔off-the-shelf〕You can buy all these items off-the-shelf.所有这些东西你都可以买现成的。麦克米伦高阶〔one〕I went through the items on the list one by one.我逐条看了清单上的条目。牛津高阶〔order〕He listed the items in order of importance.他把各项目按重要性列出。英汉大词典〔outstanding〕Outstanding among the menu items were the tomato soup and the swordfish.菜谱中引人注目的菜是番茄汤和剑鱼。韦氏高阶〔particularization〕Would you particularize the items on the bill?你能逐项列出账单上的细目吗?21世纪英汉〔pass over〕The chairman passed quickly over the first few items to leave more time for the main business of the meeting.最初的几项事情主席很快地一带而过,以便留下更多时间去谈会议的重要议项。21世纪英汉〔permit〕When we arrived at customs we realized we had more than the permitted number of items.我们到了海关才意识到携带物品过多。韦氏高阶〔phaseout〕The restaurant will continue its phaseout of many unhealthy menu items over the next two years.饭店将在未来两年内逐步淘汰不健康的菜式。韦氏高阶〔pick-and-mix〕The shop offers a pick-and-mix assortment of new and used items.这家商店将新货与旧货搭配销售。韦氏高阶〔place〕When he has tried to identify all the items, you can change places, and he can test you.等他试过识别所有的物品后,你们可以互换角色,让他来测试你。柯林斯高阶〔popcorn〕A small piece, as of polystyrene, used in quantity to protect items during packaging and shipment.保护物品的小片:大量用于包装及运输中保护物品的一种小片,如聚苯乙烯美国传统〔pouch〕A small bag often closing with a drawstring and used especially for carrying loose items in one's pocket.拉线袋:用拉线拉紧袋口的一种小袋,尤用于装口袋中的零碎物品美国传统〔rain check〕The store offered rain checks when the sale items had all sold.商品售馨后,商店保证会到货后优先供应。韦氏高阶〔raw〕Warhol used everyday items as the raw ingredients of his art.沃霍尔用日常用品来作为他艺术作品的素材。朗文当代〔receipt〕Items should be paid for within 14 days of receipt.收到货品 14 天内应付款。牛津搭配〔receptacle〕A container that holds items or matter.贮藏器:容纳装备物品或物件的容器美国传统〔recover〕The thieves were caught, but many of the items were never recovered.小偷被抓住了,但是许多遗失物品都没有找回。麦克米伦高阶〔reduction〕There is a 20 percent reduction on selected items during this sale.这次促销活动中一些挑选出来的货品有20%的折扣。韦氏高阶〔refer〕The star refers to items which are intended for the advanced learner.标有星号的项目是给高阶学习者的。牛津高阶〔refuse〕Items or material discarded or rejected as useless or worthless; trash or rubbish.废物:被认为没有用或不值钱的东西或物质;垃圾美国传统〔register〕I think these items have been rung up wrongly on the register.我想这些商品在收银机上记错了。剑桥高阶〔respond〕They responded that they would like to see the items.他们回答说他们想看看那几样东西。麦克米伦高阶〔returnable〕Sale items are not returnable.降价商品不可退货。韦氏高阶〔reverse〕The order of the items had been reversed.各个项目的次序颠倒过来了。英汉大词典〔rod〕An often expandable horizontal bar, especially of metal, used to suspend household items such as curtains or towels.竹竿:一种用于吊挂窗帘或毛巾等家庭用具的通常可伸展的水平金属杆美国传统〔saleable〕The Oxfam shops depend on regular supplies of saleable items.乐施商店靠出售一些人们定期捐赠的适销物品维持经营。柯林斯高阶〔scalogram〕A scale for measuring attitude or opinion in which agreement with a given item implies agreement with the items lower in rank.程度检验表:一种检验态度或意见的表格,其中对某一给定项目的认可即暗示对较低层次上项目的认可美国传统〔sell〕All items in the store are selling at half price.这家商店的所有商品都半价出售。韦氏高阶〔sentimental〕The stolen items were of great sentimental value to the family.被偷物品对这家人来说有很大的情感价值。麦克米伦高阶〔shadow box〕A shallow, framed, rectangular box usually with a glass front that is used for holding and protecting items on display.玻璃盖浅匣:一种通常前面装有玻璃的用于盛放或保护展览物品的浅的有框长方形盒子美国传统〔shopping list〕A list of items to be purchased.购物清单美国传统〔show〕These items are just for show—they're not for sale.这些物品仅供展览,不作售卖。牛津高阶〔sought-after〕In this region, the most sought-after consumer items are computers.在这个地区,最吃香的消费品是电脑。英汉大词典〔stack〕The assistants price the items and stack them on the shelves.售货员给商品标价,然后把它们叠放到货架上。朗文当代〔staple〕Sugar and salt are staple items.糖和盐是日常必需品。英汉大词典〔star〕I put a star next to the items that we still need to buy.我在仍需购买的物品旁边打了个星号。朗文当代〔stock〕We do not stock those items in this shop.我们这家店没有那些商品的库存。外研社新世纪〔sundries〕Articles too small or numerous to be specified; miscellaneous items.杂品:太小或太多以至不能列其名目的物品;杂七杂八的东西美国传统〔surplus〕These items are surplus to requirements(= not needed).这几项不需要。牛津高阶〔tag〕The items were tagged for the sale.这些商品贴上了特价出售的标签。韦氏高阶〔tariff〕America wants to eliminate tariffs on items such as electronics.美国想要免除电子产品等的关税。外研社新世纪〔tariff〕America wants to eliminate tariffs on items such as electronics.美国打算取消电子产品等的关税。柯林斯高阶〔tick ... off〕She ticked off three items on the list.她用记号标出表格上的三个项目。21世纪英汉〔tick〕He ticked the items that were delivered one by one.他把业已交付的物品逐项作了记号。英汉大词典〔tick〕She ticked the items off on her fingers. “Cutlery, plates, glasses, napkins.” 她扳着手指一件一件地报着:“刀叉、盘子、杯子、餐巾。”英汉大词典〔till〕I think these items have been rung up wrongly on the till.我想这些商品在收银机上记错了。剑桥高阶〔together〕We can deal with the next two items on the list together.我们能同时处理清单上的下面两项。剑桥高阶〔trade〕The company trades in silk, tea, and other items.该公司从事丝绸、茶叶和其他货品的贸易。朗文当代〔transport〕Such heavy items are expensive to transport (by plane).这样重的物品(用飞机)运输很贵。剑桥高阶〔treasure house〕A place where items of great value are stored or can be found.宝库:一个贮存有巨大价值东西的地方或可以找到这些东西的地方美国传统〔trial balance〕A statement of all the open debit and credit items in a double-entry ledger, made to test their equality.试算表:在复式分类帐目中记载所有还在往来的借方和贷方项目的帐户报表,用来检验其是否均衡美国传统〔triviality〕Interviews with politicians were juxtaposed with news items of quite astonishing triviality.对政治家的访谈与很多极其无聊的新闻放在了一起。外研社新世纪〔trove〕A collection of valuable items discovered or found; a treasure-trove.珍藏物,(贵重的)发现物:被发现或找到的一批有价值的东西;地财美国传统〔under〕All items cost/are under a pound.所有物品价格均低于1英镑。剑桥高阶〔unused〕The shop may take back any unused items.这家商店可能会收回任何没用过的货物。牛津同义词〔upcycle〕The book illustrates how to upcycle by making arts and crafts from everyday items.这本书展示了如何将日常废弃物品改造成艺术和工艺品。剑桥高阶〔videlicet〕That is; namely. Used to introduce examples, lists, or items.即:就是;就。用来介绍例子、目录或示项目美国传统〔wallpaper〕You can download items such as games, screensavers and wallpaper.你可以下载诸如游戏、护屏程序、墙纸之类的东西。外研社新世纪〔want ad〕I furnished my first apartment with items from the want ads.我从分类广告上购置物品,布置了我的第一间公寓。柯林斯高阶Items made of fine wood have a high perceived value.精细木制品拥有很高的感知价值。牛津商务A 20% bulk discount applies on all orders of 20 or more items.八折的数量折扣适用于所有 20 件或 20 件以上的商品订单。牛津商务All items cost/are under a pound.所有的物品价钱不到一英镑。剑桥国际All the sale items had special labels. 所有减价品都有特殊标签。译典通At yesterday's large sale, the auctioneer knocked down 90 items an hour--one every 40 seconds.昨天的大型拍卖会上,拍卖师一小时拍了90件东西----每件40秒。剑桥国际Because the fee is calculated on a percentage basis, card holders pay more on costly items than they do on small purchases.由于这种费用是按百分比来计算的,因此持卡人买奢侈品时要比买小件商品时支付得多。剑桥国际Excluding one-off items, the company reported earnings of $4 billion.若不计一次性项目,公司赢利为 40 亿元。牛津商务Expensive watches are not very saleable items in a little shop like this.贵重的手表在这种小店里销得不好。剑桥国际Food items must be date-stamped to make sure the oldest stock is used first.每件食品上一定要印有日期以确保最久的存货最先食用。牛津商务Food industry research shows that 20% of consumers say their microwave makes items soggier.食品业调查研究表明,20%的消费者认为他们的微波炉使食物更加湿润。剑桥国际He ticked off some items on the list. 他在表上标出几个项目。译典通Her living room is cluttered with Victoriana (= objects, esp. decorative items, pictures and toys, which were made while Queen Victoria was queen of Britain).她的起居室堆满了维多利亚时代的器具。剑桥国际I think these items have been rung up wrongly on the till.我想这些商品在收银机上算错了。剑桥国际In pre-1750 Europe, most artisans were involved in producing basic goods --cloth, shoes, bread, flour, building materials, and so on--although some did make luxury items.在1750年以前的欧洲,绝大多数手艺人都是从事生活基本用品的生产----如布匹、鞋子、面包、面粉、建筑材料等----虽然确也有些人是制作奢侈品的。剑桥国际Many families are up against it, unable to afford even basic items.许多家庭面临着极大的困难,甚至无法支付基本的开支。剑桥国际Net profit before (= not including) exceptional items fell by 5.9%.不计特殊项目的净利润下跌了 5.9%。牛津商务Paperworks Ltd is a leading stationery supplier (= a company which sells paper and other items used for writing), with over 100 000 customers.纸制品有限公司是一家最重要的文具供应商,它拥有100 000家以上的客户。剑桥国际Personal property includes movable items such as vehicles and merchandise.个人财产包括汽车和商品等动产。牛津商务Please leave valuable items in the hotel safe.请将贵重物品放在酒店保险柜里。牛津商务Returned items must be accompanied by the original packing slip.退货必须附上原包装单。牛津商务Several items of clothing (=clothes) lay on the floor.有几件衣服放在地板上。剑桥国际She checked the items in the bill. 她检查了帐单上的帐目。译典通She put her sewing (= clothes or other items made from cloth that are in the process of being made or repaired) down.她放下手里的针线活。剑桥国际Such heavy items are expensive to transport (by plane).这么重的东西(用飞机)运输很贵。剑桥国际Superstores often sell items such as bread and milk at below cost price.大型超市经常以低于成本价出售面包、牛奶等商品。牛津商务That comes to (=All the items together cost) £25.所有的加起来共计为25英镑。剑桥国际The company has a product base of over sixty thousand software items.这家公司拥有一个可以生产六万多个软件项的生产基地。牛津商务The following items (=those which will now be listed) have been found -- a ring, some money and a watch.已经找到了以下物品----一只戒指、一些钱和一块手表。剑桥国际The gift shop was a tourist trap, full of china ornaments and other inessential items.这家礼品店是给旅游者设的圈套,卖的都是瓷器装饰品和其他非必要的东西。剑桥国际The latest post office machines can sort letters at 30 000 items an hour, which is much faster than manual sorting.邮局的最新机器每小时可以分拣30 000份信件,大大快于手工分拣。剑桥国际The offer was that you could have any three items of clothing you liked for £30.优惠的项目是,你可以花30英镑,任选三件你喜欢的衣服。剑桥国际The restaurant has a long menu of about 50 items.这家餐馆的菜单很长,大约有50个品种。剑桥国际The store has put up the prices of many basic items.这家商店已提高了许多基本商品的价格。牛津商务The supermarket chain is reducing the prices of about 1 000 items.连锁超市把大约 1 000 件商品。牛津商务These items can be made to order (= produced especially for a particular customer).这些商品可以订做。牛津商务These items can only be mail-ordered.这些商品只能邮购。牛津商务Those who spend more on VATable items will pay more.在应付增值税的项目上面花费更多的人将支付更多的钱。剑桥国际Use the express checkout if you are buying five items or fewer.购买五件或以下商品请用快速结账柜枱。牛津商务We can deal with the next two items on the list together.我们能够同时处理清单上下面两个项目。剑桥国际We queried several items on the bill.我们对议案的几个项目进行了提问。牛津商务




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