

单词 kept
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔PLACE〕when something is usually kept in a place 某物一般存放在某处朗文写作活用〔PRISON〕a place where people are kept as punishment 人们被囚禁作为惩罚的地方朗文写作活用〔PRISON〕someone who is kept in a place when they do not want to be there 被迫留在不愿意逗留的地方的人朗文写作活用〔PRISON〕to be kept in a place by the police 被警方禁闭在某处朗文写作活用〔PRISON〕when someone is kept in a place they do not want to be in 某人被迫留在不愿意逗留的地方朗文写作活用〔RECORD〕information that is kept so that it can be used or looked at later 保留着以备今后可以使用或查看的信息朗文写作活用〔White〕a law that has kept Blacks and Whites apart一部分隔黑人和白人的法律外研社新世纪〔advised〕be kept thoroughly advised of recent technological developments 对新近的技术发展保持消息灵通英汉大词典〔arm〕kept the newcomer at arm's length at first.一开始对新来的人保持一定距离美国传统〔artificially〕state subsidies that have kept retail prices artificially low.人为地把零售价格限制在低水平的国家补贴柯林斯高阶〔artificially〕state subsidies that have kept retail prices artificially low使零售价格虚低的国家补贴外研社新世纪〔backstop〕kept some gold as a backstop in case the value of the local currency collapsed 储备一些黄金,以防当地货币价值暴跌韦氏高阶〔bargain〕kept his end of the bargain and mowed the lawn; 承担着合同中的一项任务--割草;美国传统〔base〕equipment kept at the base 在基地保存的设备牛津搭配〔boiling〕be kept in a boiling police van 被关在一辆闷热的警车中英汉大词典〔close〕kept under close custody.被严格监视着美国传统〔conserve〕kept the thermostat lower to conserve energy.减少自动调温机的使用以节约能源美国传统〔correspondence〕the file where he kept his personal correspondence 他存放私人信件的文件夹麦克米伦高阶〔cow〕a herd of dairy cows(= cows kept for their milk) 一群奶牛牛津高阶〔curiosity〕kept the carved bone and displayed it as a curiosity.保留那块雕刻过的骨头并把它作为珍品展出美国传统〔darkness〕be kept in darkness 处于秘密状态英汉大词典〔dark〕kept me in the dark about their plans.我对他们的计划一无所知美国传统〔dodge〕kept dodging the reporter's questions.一直在躲避记者的提问美国传统〔dwell〕kept dwelling on what went wrong.See Synonyms at brood 继续密切注视什么出了差错 参见 brood美国传统〔forward〕kept her eye on the forward horizon.她注视着前方的地平线美国传统〔from〕to be kept from going不让走21世纪英汉〔hide〕feelings that she had kept completely hidden all these years 她这些年完全埋藏在心底的情感牛津搭配〔ignorance〕parents who believe that children should be kept in ignorance of the facts of life认为不该让孩子了解性知识的父母外研社新世纪〔keel〕the medicines which kept him on an even keel使他情绪稳定的药物外研社新世纪〔keep down〕a society which had been kept down by centuries of exploitation一个受到几百年剥削压迫的社会外研社新世纪〔keep〕kept the change; must keep your equanimity.保管零钱;务必保持冷静美国传统〔keep〕kept the child away from the hot stove; kept the crowd back with barriers.别让孩子走近热炉子;用屏障挡住人群美国传统〔keep〕kept up the property.保存财产美国传统〔keep〕a kept press 一家被收买的出版社英汉大词典〔keep〕a couple who kept company but never married.彼此相爱却不结婚的一对情侣美国传统〔keep〕keep in line; keep quiet; kept well.排好队;保持安静;保鲜美国传统〔keep〕was kept after school.放学后被留下来美国传统〔kept〕a kept woman (被包养的)姘妇英汉大词典〔leash〕emotions kept in leash.控制感情美国传统〔needlework〕the basket in which she kept her needlework她放针线活的篮子外研社新世纪〔original〕kept the original but sent a photocopy to his publisher.保留手稿但可给出版商一份影印件美国传统〔philosophy〕the homespun philosophy that kept her going during this difficult period 支撑她度过这一艰难时期的朴素的人生哲学牛津搭配〔posterity〕a priceless work of art that must be kept for posterity 必须保存好留给后人的一件无价艺术品朗文当代〔prisoner〕a bird kept prisoner in a cage 笼中鸟英汉大词典〔profile〕kept a low profile until the controversy had abated.保持低姿态直到争议减少美国传统〔rein〕kept expenses on a tight rein.严格的控制花销美国传统〔right〕kept right on going.一直向前美国传统〔right〕all rights reserved(= protected or kept for the owners of the book, film/movie, etc.) 版权所有牛津高阶〔seed〕be kept for (或as) seed 被留作种子英汉大词典〔sharp〕kept a sharp lookout for shoplifters.留意在商店顺手牵羊的人美国传统〔smoke〕be kept in smoke 被藏起来英汉大词典〔squirt〕an annoying little squirt who kept pestering me 老是缠着我的烦人的小不点儿韦氏高阶〔straight and narrow〕kept strictly to the straight and narrow.严格地按正路做人美国传统〔thing〕the shed where he kept his gardening things 他放置园艺用具的棚子朗文当代〔touch〕kept in touch with several classmates; out of touch with current trends.和几位同学保持联系;对现代潮流不闻不问美国传统〔trot〕be kept on the trot 被弄得忙忙碌碌英汉大词典〔vigil〕protesters who kept vigil at the border last night.昨天夜里在边界静坐的抗议者柯林斯高阶〔watchful〕kept a watchful eye on the clock.See Synonyms at aware ,careful 注意时间 参见 aware,careful美国传统〔wherein〕the box wherein she kept her letters 她把信件保存在其中的那个盒子文馨英汉all rights reserved (= protected or kept for the owners of the book, film/movie, etc.) 版权所有牛津商务




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