

单词 landed
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔aristocracy〕the landed aristocracy (=who own a lot of land) 拥有大量土地的贵族朗文当代〔class〕a member of the landed class (=people who own land) 地主阶级的一员朗文当代〔downrange〕landed a thousand miles downrange; the downrange target area.在顺发射方向一千英里处着陆;发射方向的目标区域美国传统〔gentry〕a member of the landed gentry (=gentry who own land) 地主乡绅中的一员朗文当代〔gentry〕the landed gentry 地主乡绅麦克米伦高阶〔gentry〕the landed gentry(= those who own a lot of land) 乡绅牛津高阶〔interest〕the landed interest 地主们英汉大词典〔landed〕landed estate 地产;所有地;不动产文馨英汉〔landed〕landed estates 地产朗文当代〔landed〕landed estates 地产牛津高阶〔landed〕landed gentry 地主阶层文馨英汉〔landed〕landed gentry 拥有土地的绅士们英汉大词典〔landed〕landed prices 卸岸价格文馨英汉〔landed〕landed property 地产英汉大词典〔landed〕landed wealth 不动产麦克米伦高阶〔landed〕landed wealth 大片土地财富韦氏高阶〔landed〕a landed estate 一大片地产韦氏高阶〔landed〕a landed estate 地产麦克米伦高阶〔landed〕a landed proprietor 土地拥有者英汉大词典〔landed〕a landed proprietor 地主文馨英汉〔landed〕a member of the landed gentry 拥有土地的乡绅中的一员麦克米伦高阶〔landed〕the landed aristocracy拥有土地的贵族外研社新世纪〔landed〕the landed classes 地主阶级文馨英汉〔landed〕the landed gentry 拥有世袭土地的士绅剑桥高阶〔landed〕the landed gentry 拥有大量土地的乡绅牛津高阶〔landed〕the landed gentry.拥有土地的绅士们美国传统〔landed〕the landed gentry/aristocracy/class 拥有大量土地的士绅/贵族/阶级韦氏高阶〔landed〕the landed interest 地主方面文馨英汉〔landed〕the erosion of the aristocracy's landed wealth.贵族所拥有的土地财产的日渐消亡柯林斯高阶〔landed〕the erosion of the aristocracy's landed wealth贵族土地财富的流失外研社新世纪〔land〕landed a big catfish.钓上一条大鲇鱼美国传统〔land〕landed a blow on his opponent's head.朝他的对手的头部击了一下美国传统〔land〕landed against the current with great difficulty.顶着逆流费了很大劲才登上陆美国传统〔land〕landed at a crowded dock.在拥挤的码头抛锚美国传统〔land〕landed at the theater too late for the opening curtain.到达剧院时太晚了以致于看不到开幕式美国传统〔land〕a five-man gang which landed the huge shipment on the Cornwall coast.在康沃尔海岸卸下这一大批货的五人团伙柯林斯高阶〔moneyed〕the triumph of moneyed interests over landed interests.金融界战胜了地产界美国传统〔short〕a missile that landed short of the target.一枚在目标前不远停止飞行的导弹美国传统〔splat〕landed splat on the floor.掉在地上啪的一声美国传统〔term〕landed terms 目的港岸上交货价英汉大词典〔the gentry〕a member of the landed gentry (= those who own a lot of land) 乡绅中的一员剑桥高阶〔whither〕landed on the shores whither the storm had tossed them.在暴风雨吹到的海岸登陆美国传统




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