

单词 laborers
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Gibeon〕An ancient village of Palestine near Jerusalem. In the Old Testament, its inhabitants were condemned by Joshua to serve as manual laborers for the Israelites.直贝恩:靠近耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦的一个古老村庄。旧约中它的居民被乔舒亚定罪作为劳力去侍候以色列人美国传统〔Sudra〕The fourth of the four Hindu classes, comprising artisans, laborers, and menials.第四种姓:古代印度四个社会种姓中的第四个种姓,包括工匠、劳工和奴仆美国传统〔assign〕The hardest work was assigned to the strongest laborers.最繁重的工作分配给最强壮的劳工。美国传统〔collective farm〕A farm or a group of farms organized as a unit and managed and worked cooperatively by a group of laborers under state supervision.集体农庄:一个或一组被一组劳动者在政府监督下组织成一个整体进行管理和协作生产的农庄美国传统〔condescension〕He spoke to the laborers with kindness and understanding, with no condescension.他和蔼而善解人意地对工人谈话,不带故示亲切的优越感。文馨英汉〔day laborer〕They hire day laborers to pick the apples.他们雇了些临时工摘苹果。韦氏高阶〔gaberdine〕Chiefly British A loose smock worn by laborers.【多用于英国】 工作服:工人穿的宽松工作服美国传统〔overseer〕One who keeps watch over and directs the work of others, especially laborers.监工:监督或指导他人工作的人,尤指工人美国传统〔peasant〕A member of the class constituted by small farmers and tenants, sharecroppers, and laborers on the land where they form the main labor force in agriculture.小农,佃农,农民:由小农、佃农、土地劳动力等构成的阶级中的一员,他们形成农业部门的主要劳动力美国传统〔poor white〕Used as a disparaging term for a member of a class of low-income white farmers and laborers, especially in the southern United States.穷白人:尤指美国南方用来称呼低收入的白人农民或对体力劳动者的底层的人的轻蔑用语美国传统〔press for〕Laborers are pressing for higher wages.劳工们正在要求涨工资。韦氏高阶〔press home〕Laborers are pressing their case for higher wages.劳工们正在要求涨工资。韦氏高阶〔workfolk〕Laborers, especially farm workers.劳动者:劳动者,尤指农场工人美国传统〔working class〕The part of society consisting of those who work for wages, especially manual or industrial laborers.工人阶级:包括那些为工资而工作的社会的一部分人,尤指体力或工业劳动者美国传统




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