

单词 apology
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔abject〕an abject apology 低声下气的道歉剑桥高阶〔abject〕an abject apology 低声下气的道歉朗文当代〔abject〕an abject apology 低声下气的道歉牛津高阶〔apology〕a letter of apology 致歉信剑桥高阶〔apology〕a report that is an apology for capital punishment; 为死刑辩护的报告;美国传统〔apology〕a written apology 书面道歉韦氏高阶〔apology〕an apology for Christianity 对基督教的辩护朗文当代〔apology〕an apology for a letter 一封不像样的信英汉大词典〔apology〕an apology for arriving late 为迟到而道歉牛津搭配〔apology〕demand a public apology from sb.要求某人公开道歉英汉大词典〔apology〕make (或offer) an apology to sb. for hurting his feelings 因为伤害了对方的感情而向某人道歉英汉大词典〔apology〕to offer/make/demand/accept an apology 主动道歉;致歉;要求╱接受道歉牛津高阶〔belated〕a belated apology 为时已晚的道歉麦克米伦高阶〔belated〕a belated apology 迟到的道歉剑桥高阶〔contrite〕a contrite apology 深感悔悟的道歉朗文当代〔contrite〕a contrite apology 痛悔的道歉韦氏高阶〔delicacy〕phrased the apology with delicacy.用老练的措词表示道歉美国传统〔falter〕falter (out) an apology 期期艾艾说出道歉的话英汉大词典〔fulsome〕a fulsome apology 低三下四的道歉牛津高阶〔fulsome〕a fulsome apology 没有诚意的道歉韦氏高阶〔gracious〕a gracious apology 落落大方的道歉朗文当代〔grovel〕a grovelling apology 低声下气的道歉朗文当代〔grovel〕a grovelling letter of apology 一封低声下气的道歉信牛津高阶〔grudge〕a grudging apology 不情愿的道歉朗文当代〔grunt〕grunt one's apology 咕哝着道歉英汉大词典〔handsome〕a handsome apology 客气的陪礼 英汉大词典〔heartfelt〕a heartfelt apology 真诚的道歉朗文当代〔humble〕a humble apology 低声下气的道歉英汉大词典〔humble〕a humble apology 低声下气的道歉麦克米伦高阶〔insincere〕an insincere apology 不诚恳的道歉文馨英汉〔insincere〕an insincere apology 缺乏诚意的道歉韦氏高阶〔insincere〕an insincere apology 虚情假意的道歉剑桥高阶〔insincere〕the insincerity of his apology 他虚情假意的道歉韦氏高阶〔justification〕considered misgovernment to be a justification for revolution.See Synonyms at apology 把对国家治理不当看作是革命的正当理由 参见 apology美国传统〔letter〕a letter of application / apology 申请信/道歉信牛津搭配〔offer〕offer an apology 表示歉意英汉大词典〔public〕a public apology 公开的道歉牛津高阶〔render〕render an apology 道个歉韦氏高阶〔sincere〕a sincere apology 真诚的道歉剑桥高阶〔sincere〕a sincere apology 诚恳的道歉牛津高阶〔sorry〕a sorry attempt at apology 表示歉意的拙劣尝试英汉大词典〔tone〕a tone of apology (command) 道歉(命令)的口气英汉大词典〔unreserved〕an unreserved apology 坦诚的道歉麦克米伦高阶〔write〕wrote in an apology at the end of the note.在纸条末尾加上一句道歉的话美国传统〔writhe〕writhe in apology 深感内疚英汉大词典〔written〕a written apology 书面的道歉文馨英汉〔written〕a written apology 书面道歉牛津高阶a letter of apology 致歉信牛津商务




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