

单词 intervals
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MEAL〕A young baby needs small feeds at frequent intervals. 婴儿吃东西需要少量多餐。朗文写作活用〔REGULAR/REGULARLY〕Small trees can be planted at regular intervals along a path to create an avenue. 沿小道均距间隔种植小树可以造出林荫道。朗文写作活用〔REGULAR/REGULARLY〕The prison is inspected at regular intervals by government health officers. 政府的卫生检查官定期视察这座监狱。朗文写作活用〔REGULAR/REGULARLY〕There are stations where runners can get water at regular intervals throughout the marathon. 马拉松全程途中平均隔一段就有供水站为运动员提供饮用水。朗文写作活用〔alternating current〕An electric current that reverses direction in a circuit at regular intervals.交流电:电路中在固定间隔时流向倒转的电流美国传统〔at intervals〕The chairs were placed at intervals of two feet.每隔两英尺摆放着一把椅子。韦氏高阶〔at intervals〕There are signs at regular intervals along the outside wall.沿着外墙,每隔一定距离就有一个标志。韦氏高阶〔at〕Check the oil at regular intervals, and have the car serviced regularly.定期检查汽油,并对车辆进行定期维护。柯林斯高阶〔at〕The bells ring at regular intervals through the day.在一天中,这些钟每隔一段时间就会准时鸣响。剑桥高阶〔back up〕Make a point of backing up your files at regular intervals.一定要定期备份文件。柯林斯高阶〔barbed wire〕Twisted strands of fence wire with barbs at regular intervals.有刺铁丝网:在一定间隔有刺的绞丝网美国传统〔baste〕Baste the turkey at regular intervals.每隔一会儿就给火鸡涂一次油脂。剑桥高阶〔casual〕One that serves or appears at irregular intervals, especially a temporary worker.临时工:不定时服务或出现的人,尤其指临时工美国传统〔chronograph〕An instrument that registers or graphically records time intervals such as the duration of an event.记时仪:登记或以图记录时间间隔(如事件期间)的仪器美国传统〔chronoscope〕An optical instrument for the precise measurement of very small time intervals.瞬时计:精确测量很小时间间隔的光学仪器美国传统〔church mode〕Any of eight scales of medieval music, each distinguished by its ending note, its arrangement of pitches in intervals, and its range.教会调式:属于中古音乐的八个音阶的任何一个,各音阶在尾音音符、音调间隔的安排及其音域上均有差异美国传统〔close-order drill〕A military drill in marching, maneuvering, and formal handling of arms in which the participants perform at close intervals.紧密队形操练,近距离军事操练:一种军事操练,包括行军、演习及正式持有武器的操练,参加者在近距离内演习美国传统〔colonnade〕A series of columns placed at regular intervals.列柱:以规则间隔排列的一列柱子美国传统〔colonnade〕A structure composed of columns placed at regular intervals.柱廊:由有规则间隔排列柱子构成的建筑结构美国传统〔compound〕The interest is compounded at regular intervals.利息是定期按复利支付的。韦氏高阶〔contour〕This map has contours marked at 250-metre intervals.这张地图标有等高距为250米的等高线。剑桥高阶〔couch〕To embroider by laying thread flat on a surface and fastening it by stitches at regular intervals.刺绣:在表面上平着缝线并在规律间隔用针角固定来刺绣美国传统〔creep〕To grow or spread along a surface, rooting at intervals or clinging by means of suckers or tendrils.蔓生:间隔一段距离的根或通过吸根或卷须在物体表面上的生长或蔓延美国传统〔dash〕In Morse and similar codes, the long sound or signal used in combination with the dot and silent intervals to represent letters or numbers.长划:在莫尔斯电码和类似的密码中,长音或信号用在写点和无声的间隔中来代表字母或数字美国传统〔disjunct〕Music Relating to progression by intervals larger than major seconds.【音乐】 跳跃的,脱节的:演奏过程中,与比主要的二度音程稍大的间奏有关的美国传统〔dose〕A specified quantity of a therapeutic agent, such as a drug or medicine, prescribed to be taken at one time or at stated intervals.剂量:一种特定的治疗方法的用量,诸如药剂或药物等一次服用或在一定间隔期服用的剂量美国传统〔dot〕In Morse and similar codes, the short sound or signal used in combination with the dash and silent intervals to represent letters, numbers, or punctuation.莫尔斯电码点:在莫尔斯电码或类似电码中,用长划及无音间隔与短音或符号结合起来表示字母、数字或标点美国传统〔equal temperament〕Modification of the intervals of just intonation in the tuning of instruments of fixed intonation to permit the modulation of harmony.平均律:对纯律的音程略加改变以适应乐器调音和转调的和谐美国传统〔equally〕Try to get into the habit of eating at least three small meals a day, at equally spaced intervals.尽量养成每天至少吃3顿小餐的习惯,而且每餐的间隔要相同。柯林斯高阶〔festival〕An occasion for feasting or celebration, especially a day or time of religious significance that recurs at regular intervals.节日,喜庆日:享受或庆贺的时节,尤指在宗教意义上有定期间隔的一天或一段时间美国传统〔fit〕With irregular intervals of action and inaction; intermittently.一阵阵地,间歇地:无规则的行动和静止的交换;间歇地美国传统〔flashlight〕A bright light, as of a beacon or signal lamp, that flashes at regular intervals.闪光信号灯:在规则的时间间隔内闪烁的明亮的灯,象灯塔或信号灯等美国传统〔forecast〕The forecast said there would be sunny intervals and showers.预报间晴,有阵雨。牛津高阶〔fortnightly〕Meetings take place at fortnightly intervals.每两周开一次会。牛津高阶〔frequency〕The property or condition of occurring at frequent intervals.频繁性:有规律间歇出现的特性或情况美国传统〔frequent〕Inspections must be carried out at frequent intervals.定期地麦克米伦高阶〔frequent〕She called her family at frequent intervals.她频繁地打电话回家。牛津搭配〔frequent〕Trains rushed past at frequent intervals .火车频频驶过。朗文当代〔graduate〕To divide into marked intervals, especially for use in measurement.标以刻度:分成带标记的间隔,尤指为了用于测量美国传统〔half-hourly〕Trains depart at half-hourly intervals.列车每半小时发出一班。朗文当代〔heterocyst〕A large, thick-walled, transparent cell that occurs at intervals along the filaments of certain cyanobacteria.异型细胞:间歇地沿某些藻真菌的花丝出现的大型、细胞壁厚的透明细胞美国传统〔hourly〕Buses leave at hourly intervals.公车以每小时的间隔开出。文馨英汉〔hourly〕Buses run at hourly intervals.每小时有一班公共汽车开出。朗文当代〔hourly〕Take two tablets at hourly intervals.每隔一小时服两片药。剑桥高阶〔hourly〕Trains leave at hourly intervals.火车每一小时发出一列。牛津高阶〔impulsive〕Physics Acting within brief time intervals. Used especially of a force.【物理学】 冲击的:短期内做出的行为。特别是在一种力量的驱使下美国传统〔incidental music〕Music composed to accompany the action or dialogue of a drama or to fill intervals between scenes or acts.配乐:为配合戏剧中的人物活动或对白,或是为填补场间或幕间空档而创作的乐曲美国传统〔installment〕A portion of something, such as a publication, issued at intervals.部分:某事物的一部分,如分期出版的印刷品美国传统〔insulin pump〕A portable device for people with diabetes that injects insulin at programmed intervals in order to regulate blood sugar levels.胰岛素注射器:为糖尿病人准备的便携式设备,可以通过预设的间隔注射胰岛素的调整血糖水平美国传统〔interval〕At intervals a bell rings and workers stop for a drink.铃声隔一段时间响起,工人们停下来喝口水。牛津搭配〔interval〕At intervals there were red warning lights.每隔一段距离便有红色警示灯。外研社新世纪〔interval〕At intervals there were red warning lights.红色警示灯一明一灭地闪着。柯林斯高阶〔interval〕Buses to the city leave at regular intervals.开往城里的公共汽车每隔一定时间发出一班。牛津高阶〔interval〕Earth tremors were being felt at regular intervals yesterday.昨天每隔一定时间便感受到地震。外研社新世纪〔interval〕Flaming torches were positioned at intervals along the terrace.沿台阶间隔地插着燃烧着的火炬。牛津高阶〔interval〕He returned home during the day at regular intervals.他一天中每隔一定时间就回一次家。牛津搭配〔interval〕In the event of fire, the alarm will sound at 15-second intervals/at intervals of 15 seconds.发生火灾时,警报每隔15秒就会响一次。剑桥高阶〔interval〕It may be necessary to stop at intervals and go back over key points in the lesson.可能有必要不时停下来复习一下该课的重点。麦克米伦高阶〔interval〕Meetings are held at monthly intervals.会议每隔一个月举行一次。牛津搭配〔interval〕On the top of the low wall were mounted heavy machine guns at intervals.矮墙头上架设着一挺又一挺重机枪。英汉大词典〔interval〕Progress is reviewed at monthly intervals.每月回顾一次取得的进展。麦克米伦高阶〔interval〕Several red and white barriers marked the road at intervals of about a mile.路上设有几处红白相间的路障,相互间隔约一英里。柯林斯高阶〔interval〕She has intervals of freedom from worry.她间或也有摆脱烦恼的时候。英汉大词典〔interval〕She woke him at intervals throughout the night.整个晚上她不时弄醒他。外研社新世纪〔interval〕She woke him for his medicines at intervals throughout the night.她夜里每隔一段时间就叫他起来服药。柯林斯高阶〔interval〕She's delirious, but has lucid intervals.她神志昏乱,但有时清醒。牛津高阶〔interval〕The intervals between his various illnesses grew shorter and shorter.他生病间隔的时间越来越短了。牛津搭配〔interval〕The accounts were updated at irregular intervals.这些账户不定时更新。牛津搭配〔interval〕The day should be mainly dry with sunny intervals.白天大致干燥无雨,间有阳光。牛津高阶〔interval〕The monotonous noise would stop at intervals, then resume after a while.那单调的噪音时而停一会儿,然后又响起。英汉大词典〔interval〕The outlook is for showers with sunny intervals.未来有阵雨, 间有短时晴天。外研社新世纪〔interval〕The phone rang at regular intervals all afternoon.整个下午每隔一定时间电话铃就响一次。朗文当代〔interval〕The plants should be spaced at six-inch intervals.这些植物应该以六英尺的间隔栽种。剑桥高阶〔interval〕The route was marked with yellow paint at intervals along the way.这条路每隔一定距离都被用黄色油漆标记了路线。麦克米伦高阶〔interval〕The runners started at 5-minute intervals.赛跑的人每隔 5 分钟出发一批。牛津高阶〔interval〕The sun shone for brief intervals throughout the day.一整天只短暂地出了几次太阳。韦氏高阶〔interval〕The trains run at half-hourly intervals.火车每半小时开出一班。朗文当代〔interval〕The trees which gave the road its name stood at regular intervals along the kerb.这条道路得名于这些树木,它们沿两边的路缘间隔均匀地排列着。柯林斯高阶〔interval〕There are pillars at 3-foot intervals for reinforcement.每隔3英尺都有梁柱用于加固。麦克米伦高阶〔interval〕There might be long intervals during/in which nothing happens.中间或许会有一些长时间平静的间隔。韦氏高阶〔interval〕There will be two 20-minute intervals during the opera.歌剧演出中有两次20分钟的幕间休息。剑桥高阶〔interval〕Trains run at fixed intervals.火车按固定间隔时间发车。牛津搭配〔interval〕Trees had been planted at regular intervals.树已按均距栽种。朗文当代〔interval〕Trees stood at regular intervals along the kerb.沿着路缘每隔一定距离便种有树木。外研社新世纪〔interval〕Try setting your automatic email checker to 30-minute intervals.把自动邮件检查的间隔设成 30 分钟试试。牛津搭配〔interval〕We see each other at regular intervals - usually about once a month.我们定期见面——通常大约是每月一次。剑桥高阶〔irregularity〕Cars passed at irregular intervals.断断续续地有汽车驶过。柯林斯高阶〔irregular〕Beamish only returned to Britain at irregular intervals .比米什只是不定期地回到英国。朗文当代〔irregular〕Cars passed at irregular intervals.不时有汽车通过。外研社新世纪〔irregular〕He visited his parents at irregular intervals.他不定期地看望父母。牛津高阶〔irregular〕The festival has been held at irregular intervals.这一节庆活动不定期举行。韦氏高阶〔irregular〕They met at irregular intervals.他们不定期会面。剑桥高阶〔isochronal〕Characterized by or occurring at equal intervals of time.有相同的时间隔的美国传统〔just intonation〕A tuning system having intervals that are acoustically pure.单纯音调:拥有干净音调区间的调音系统美国传统〔metronome〕A device used to mark time by means of regularly recurring ticks or flashes at adjustable intervals.节拍器:一种利用间隙可调的有规律地重复出现的拍打或闪光来标记时间的仪器美国传统〔minor scale〕A diatonic scale having an interval of a minor third between the first and third tones and several forms with different intervals above the fifth.小音阶:在第一音和第三音间为小三度音阶、第五音之上有几个不同音程的全音音阶美国传统〔monolith〕Into this embankment, at intervals of a few feet, concrete monoliths each 45ft. square were sunk to great depths.在这座堤岸内部很深的地方, 每隔几英尺便埋有一块45平方英尺大小的巨型混凝土空心方块体。外研社新世纪〔network〕An openwork fabric or structure in which cords, threads, or wires cross at regular intervals.网:绳、线或铁丝按一定间隔交叉形成的网状织品或结构美国传统〔net〕An openwork fabric made of threads or cords that are woven or knotted together at regular intervals.网:用线或绳按有规律的空隙编织或连结而成的透孔织物结构美国传统〔node of Ranvier〕A constriction in the myelin sheath, occurring at varying intervals along the length of a nerve fiber.郎飞氏结:髓磷脂叶鞘上的阻塞物,沿叶脉纤维长度长在不同间隔处美国传统〔nodose〕Characterized by or having many nodes or protuberances, jointed or knobby at intervals.有节的:特征为或在杆上有许多瘤、突起物、关节或隆起物美国传统〔occult〕The beam of the lighthouse occults at regular intervals.灯塔的光隔着一定的间隙一明一暗。英汉大词典〔perfect〕Designating the three basic intervals of the octave, fourth, and fifth.完全音程的:指出八音度、四音度、五音度三个基本停顿的美国传统〔periodical〕A publication issued at regular intervals of more than one day.期刊:以多于一天的周期定期出版的出版物美国传统〔periodical〕Of or relating to a publication issued at such intervals.期刊:属于或关于一种以这种周期出版的美国传统〔periodical〕Published at regular intervals of more than one day.期刊:以长于一天的固定间歇出版的美国传统〔periodicity〕The quality or state of being periodic; recurrence at regular intervals.周期性:周期出现的性质或状态;以固定的间隔而发生美国传统〔periodic〕Happening or appearing at regular intervals.定时的:在一定间歇期出现或发生的美国传统〔portion〕Eat smaller portions at regular intervals.定期吃一小部分。牛津搭配〔rack〕A fast, flashy, four-beat gait of a horse in which each foot touches the ground separately and at equal intervals.小步跑:马的快速、有气派的、四拍的步法,每只蹄子以相同的间隔时间分别接触地面美国传统〔recur〕Certain fevers recur at regular intervals.有些发烧症状会周期性反复出现。英汉大词典〔refrain〕A phrase, verse, or group of verses repeated at intervals throughout a song or poem, especially at the end of each stanza.副句,副歌:一个短语、一句诗或一组诗句在一首歌或诗中每隔一段重复一次, 尤其在每个诗节的结尾处美国传统〔regularly〕The cartridge must be replaced at regular intervals.弹药必须定时更换。柯林斯高阶〔regularly〕The competitors set off at regularly spaced intervals.竞赛者每隔相同的时间出发。剑桥高阶〔regularly〕The council planted trees along the streets at regularly spaced intervals.委员会成员沿着街道按固定的间距植树。麦克米伦高阶〔regular〕A light flashed at regular intervals.一盏灯有规律地闪着亮光。牛津高阶〔regular〕His blood pressure was taken at regular intervals.他的血压每隔一定时间都要量一次。牛津搭配〔regular〕The cartridge must be replaced at regular intervals.弹药必须定时更换。外研社新世纪〔regular〕The flowers were placed at regular intervals of about four inches.花与花之间保持大约4英寸的间隔。麦克米伦高阶〔regular〕The gardeners planted the trees at regular intervals.园丁按照固定的间隔种树。剑桥高阶〔regular〕The pipes were placed at regular intervals .管道按固定的间距排放。朗文当代〔regular〕Trains will run at regular intervals from 11am to 4pm.火车从上午 11 点到下午 4 点每隔一定时间开行。朗文当代〔rent〕Payment, usually of an amount fixed by contract, made by a tenant at specified intervals in return for the right to occupy or use the property of another.租金:通常在合同中确定数额的、由租户每隔一定的时间缴纳的钱款以作为对占据或使用另一人的财产的权利的回报美国传统〔resurface〕George struggled wildly, going under and resurfacing at regular intervals.乔治疯狂地挣扎,不断在水面上浮浮沉沉。柯林斯高阶〔revolve〕To recur in cycles or at periodic intervals.循环往复:在周期中或周期性间隔中重复出现美国传统〔revolving〕Available at regular intervals.周期的:可在有规律的间隔中获得的美国传统〔runner〕A slender, creeping stem that puts forth roots from nodes spaced at intervals along its length.长匐茎,纤匐枝:在分布其上的瘤子上长出根的细匍匐茎美国传统〔scale〕Music An ascending or descending series of tones proceeding by a specified scheme of intervals and varying in pitch arrangement and interval size.【音乐】 音阶的升降:按一定间隔规律、音高变化和间隔大小形成的音调升降序列美国传统〔scatter〕To occur or fall at widely spaced intervals.零落出现:间隔很大地出现或降落美国传统〔scene〕The scenes are changed during the intervals.幕间更换了布景。英汉大词典〔so〕Just as the body needs regular exercise, so too an engine needs to be run at regular intervals.正如身体需要经常锻炼一样,发动机也需要每隔一段时间就运转一下。麦克米伦高阶〔spaced〕The measurements were recorded at equally spaced intervals.每隔一定的时间就记录一次测量结果。麦克米伦高阶〔space〕Music One of the intervals between the lines of a staff.【音乐】 (谱表的)线间的空白美国传统〔space〕One of the intervals during the telegraphic transmission of a message when the key is open or not in contact.空号:当关键码被打开或没接上时电报传送信息的间隔美国传统〔space〕The RAC is calling for rest areas spaced at regular intervals on major roads.皇家汽车俱乐部呼吁:交通主干道上的休息区应均匀分布。柯林斯高阶〔space〕The nails should be spaced at regular intervals.钉子应均匀间隔开。牛津搭配〔stadia〕A telescopic instrument having two parallel lines through which intervals on a calibrated rod are observed, used to measure distances.视距仪:一种用来测量距离的远视仪器,通过远望时从两条平行线中间观察到的刻度杆来测算距离美国传统〔straight-line〕Accounting Of or being a mode of amortization by equal payments at stated intervals over a given period of time.【会计学】 直线偿还的:在一定时期内采取分期偿还,每次金额相同的方法的美国传统〔suspension bridge〕A bridge having the roadway suspended from cables that are anchored at either end and usually supported at intervals by towers.吊桥:其车行道以锚在两端的钢索上悬挂下来并且每隔一段用塔支撑的桥美国传统〔timer〕A timepiece, especially one used for measuring and signaling the end of time intervals, as on a stove.定时器:一种计时器,尤指控制时间间隔并指示间隔结束的那种计时器,如炉子上的计时器美国传统〔time〕Once in a while; at intervals.时时;间或美国传统〔toll〕To sound (a large bell) slowly at regular intervals.敲(钟),鸣(钟):缓慢地有节奏的敲响(一座大钟)美国传统〔trippet〕A cam or projection in a mechanism designed to strike another part at regular intervals.敲击装置:被设计来定期敲击另一机件的机械装置的凸轮或凸出物美国传统〔tuning system〕An ordered collection of intervals that can be precisely expressed by rational numbers.定音系统,调音系统:一连串有次序的音程,可以用有理数字精确表示美国传统〔variable-rate mortgage〕A mortgage that is renegotiable at periodic intervals. The interest rate may be raised or lowered and is indexed to the prevailing market rates.利率可变抵押:在周期性间隔期间可重议定的抵押。利率可能上升或下降并与当前普遍的市场利率相挂钩美国传统〔whoosh〕Kites whooshed above the beach at intervals.风筝在沙滩上空时隐时现。柯林斯高阶〔wolf〕Dissonance in some intervals of a keyboard instrument tuned to a system of unequal temperament.不协调音:适应不规则的音律系统的键盘乐器在某些音程中的不协调音美国传统Back up your work at regular intervals.每隔一定的时间对所做的工作进行备份。牛津商务Baste the turkey at regular intervals during cooking.烤火鸡时每隔一定时间浇油和计一次。剑桥国际Buses leave at short intervals. 公车不时地开出。译典通I'm afraid the bells ring at regular intervals through the day.据我所知,在一天中每隔一定时间铃就响一次。剑桥国际In the event of fire, the alarm will sound at 15-second intervals/at intervals of 15 seconds.发生火灾时,警报每隔15秒会响一次。剑桥国际Take two tablets at hourly intervals (= every hour).每小时服两片药。剑桥国际The comet is in an elliptical orbit which brings it close to the earth at regular intervals 彗星沿椭圆轨道运转,这使它有规律地靠近地球。剑桥国际The competitors set off at regularly spaced intervals.比赛者按一定的间隔出发。剑桥国际The gardeners planted the trees at regular intervals.园丁们定期植树。剑桥国际There were signs saying “school Fair”and “20 June”at irregular intervals along the road.沿路距离不等地竖有“学校义卖会”及“6月20日”的告示牌。剑桥国际There will be two twenty-minute intervals during the opera.歌剧演出中有两次20分钟的幕间休息。剑桥国际This map has contours marked at 250m intervals.这张地图标有等高距为250米的等高线。剑桥国际Trees are standing at intervals along the street. 树木林立。译典通




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