

单词 images
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-saving〕Import your scanned images from the scanner and save as a JPG file.从扫描仪导入扫描后的图像,并保存为 JPG 文件。柯林斯高阶〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕The images of Mars sent back by the Voyager satellite are amazingly clear. 由“旅行者”号卫星发回的火星照片清晰得让人不敢相信。朗文写作活用〔Cinerama〕A trademark used for a motion-picture process designed to produce wide-screen, realistic images.西尼拉玛系统全景电影,超银幕立体电影:一种电影制作法的商标,该法设计用来产生宽银幕逼真图象美国传统〔GUI〕An interface for issuing commands to a computer utilizing a pointing device, such as a mouse, that manipulates and activates graphical images on a monitor.图片使用者界面:利用某种指示设备对计算机发出指令的一种界面,例如鼠标,可以操纵并启动屏幕上的图片影像美国传统〔Gothic〕The images were Gothic or Byzantine rather than classical.这些形象属哥特式或者拜占庭式而非古典式。柯林斯高阶〔JPEG〕JPEG images.JPEG格式的图像柯林斯高阶〔JPEG〕The standard algorithm for the compression of digital images.压缩数字影像的标准算法美国传统〔ORGANIZE〕Newscasts continued to broadcast images of the chaotic minutes after the shooting. 新闻节目里继续播放着枪击事件发生后现场一片混乱的画面。朗文写作活用〔PICTURE〕The images on a computer screen are made up of thousands of tiny dots. 电脑屏幕上的影像是由成千上万个小点组成的。朗文写作活用〔REAL〕The directors wanted the computer-generated images to look as lifelike as possible. 导演要求电脑制作的画面越逼真越好。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Kodak brought out a camera which stores up to 100 images on a computer disc. 柯达公司推出一款相机,在一张电脑磁盘上能储存多达100张图片。朗文写作活用〔VCR〕An electronic device for recording and playing back video images and sound on a videocassette.盒式磁带录像机:用来录制和放送盒式录像带上的图像和声音的一种电子仪器美国传统〔VDT〕An output device using the screen of a cathode-ray tube to display data and graphic images.图像显示终端,视频显示终端:使用阴极射线荧光屏显示数据和图像的输出装置美国传统〔abound〕The book abounds with close-up images from space.这本书里有大量拍自太空的特写照片。柯林斯高阶〔accommodation〕Physiology The automatic adjustment in the focal length of the lens of the eye to permit retinal focus of images of objects at varying distances.【生理学】 眼调节:眼睛瞳孔对焦距的自动调节,以获得不同距离的物体在视网膜上的成像美国传统〔achromatic lens〕A combination of lenses made of different glass, used to produce images free of chromatic aberrations.消色差透镜:不同的镜片组成的透镜用以产生无色差的影像美国传统〔adjoin〕I have attempted to adjoin some images to the existing file.我试图给现有文件加上一些图像。外研社新世纪〔agnosia〕Loss of the ability to interpret sensory stimuli, such as sounds or images.失认,辨识不能:失去辨别感觉刺激,如声音或图象的能力美国传统〔bank〕The images flashed up on a bank of television screens.图像闪现在一排电视屏幕上。外研社新世纪〔bigoted〕These bigoted attitudes with their stereotypical images are totally out.他们刻板的形象和这些狭隘的看法彻底过时了。外研社新世纪〔bit-mapped〕Of or relating to the representation of graphic images as bit maps.位图的,位映象的:用位图、位映象表示的图象的或与其相关的美国传统〔bombard〕The media bombards all of us with images of violence and drugs and sex.媒体上关于暴力、毒品和性的画面充斥着我们的视线。柯林斯高阶〔bombard〕The media bombards all of us with images of violence.媒体强加给我们大量的暴力画面。外研社新世纪〔brand image〕Few products have brand images anywhere near as strong as Levi's.像李维斯一样拥有强大品牌效应的产品屈指可数。外研社新世纪〔brand image〕Few products have brand images anywhere near as strong as Levi's.没有多少产品能拥有像“李维斯”那么深入人心的品牌形象。柯林斯高阶〔canal〕Astronomy One of the faint, hazy markings resembling straight lines on early telescopic images of the surface of Mars.【天文学】 火星运河:在早期用望远镜所看到的火星表面图象上的类似于直线的、暗弱的模糊印记美国传统〔capture〕The images were captured by TV crews filming outside the base.这些影像是电视剧组人员在外景地拍摄的。柯林斯高阶〔carnival〕Shakespeare's carnival of images 莎士比亚笔下丰富生动的意象朗文当代〔catoptric〕Of or relating to mirrors and reflected images.反射的:镜子和反射图象的或与之相关的美国传统〔characteristic〕Violent images are a defining characteristic of his work.暴力形象是他作品的一个鲜明特征。朗文当代〔cineradiography〕A diagnostic technique in which a movie camera is used to film the images, as of internal body structures, produced through radiography or fluoroscopy.射线电影摄制:一种诊断技术,通过放射线照相或X光透视法,用电影摄影机拍摄图象,如人体内部结构的图象美国传统〔claw〕Television images showed people desperately clawing through mud to reach friends and loved ones under the mass of earth.电视画面显示, 人们拼命在烂泥中向前挖, 去营救被埋在大堆泥土下的朋友和亲人。外研社新世纪〔colour〕All too often it is only the negative images of Ireland that are portrayed, colouring opinions and hiding the true nature of the country.媒体往往描绘的只是爱尔兰的负面形象,影响了大家的看法,掩盖了这个国家的真实面貌。柯林斯高阶〔confront〕The photographs confront the viewer with images of desperate poverty.这些照片向观众展现了一幅幅赤贫的画面。韦氏高阶〔conjure sth up〕The glittering ceremony conjured up images of Russia's imperial past.辉煌的典礼让人联想起俄罗斯帝国昔日的景象。剑桥高阶〔conjure up〕When we think of adventurers, many of us conjure up images of larger-than-life characters trekking to the North Pole.一想到探险者,我们很多人脑海中浮现的便是长途跋涉前往北极的非凡人物形象。柯林斯高阶〔conjure up〕When we think of adventurers, many of us conjure up images of larger-than-life characters trekking to the North Pole.想到冒险, 我们很多人脑海里浮现出的是长途跋涉前往北极的非凡人物形象。外研社新世纪〔conjure〕Dieting always seems to conjure up images of endless salads.节食似乎总是让人联想到无穷无尽地天天吃色拉。朗文当代〔conjure〕For many, the word “Greenland” conjures up images of vast, icy plains.对很多人来说,“格陵兰”这个词使人联想到茫茫冰原的场景。韦氏高阶〔continually〕These negative images are continually being reinforced by the media.媒体反复强化这些负面形象。外研社新世纪〔counterpoint〕The music works in counterpoint to the images on the screen.音乐与屏幕上的画面相得益彰。韦氏高阶〔crowd in〕She tried to sleep, but thoughts crowded in and images flashed into her mind.她想睡觉,但头脑中想法不断涌现,画面一一闪现。柯林斯高阶〔crowd in〕She tried to sleep, but thoughts crowded in and images flashed into her mind.她想要睡觉, 但是头脑中却涌现出各种想法和画面。外研社新世纪〔crowd〕Images of the accident kept crowding my head.我满脑子都是那次事故的情景。麦克米伦高阶〔crystal ball〕A globe of quartz crystal or glass in which images, especially those believed to portend the future, are supposedly visible to fortune tellers.水晶球:一种石英水晶球或玻璃球,占卜者被设想可以看到其中的图象,尤指那些被认为能预示未来的图象美国传统〔database〕The new database contains 200 000 images.新数据库包含 20 万张图片。牛津搭配〔deeply〕A crowd three deep seemed paralysed by the images on these monitors.里里外外三层的人群看到显示屏上的画面似乎全都惊呆了。柯林斯高阶〔demean〕Such images demean women.这些形象有损妇女尊严。牛津高阶〔denigrate〕The Canadian Supreme Court ruled that the State can ban pornographic images which 'denigrate women'.加拿大最高法院裁定国家有权查禁“侮辱女性”的色情图片。柯林斯高阶〔desensitize〕People can become desensitized to violence by endless images of war.人们看了连续不断的战争影像后可能对暴力行为就变得麻木了。韦氏高阶〔display〕They started out by looking at the computer screens which display the images.他们开始在显示那些图像的电脑屏幕上寻找。柯林斯高阶〔dream〕Images of the crash still haunted his dreams years later.多年以后,撞车的情形还在他的睡梦中萦回。牛津搭配〔dream〕A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.梦:在睡眠的一定阶段在头脑中不自然地出现的一系列形象、想法、情感和感觉美国传统〔duplicate〕Digital images can be duplicated in seconds.数码图像在几秒钟内就能复制好。麦克米伦高阶〔eidetic〕Of, relating to, or marked by extraordinarily detailed and vivid recall of visual images.异常清晰的:与异常详细、生动的视觉形象的回忆有关的或以这种回忆为特征的美国传统〔enhanced〕Digitally enhanced video images might help identify the suspects.经过数码改进过的录像图像也许有助于确认嫌疑犯。麦克米伦高阶〔enhance〕The images have been digitally enhanced.这些图像经过了数码处理,清晰多了。牛津搭配〔enlarge〕The images were enlarged to the size of a wall of a room.这些图像被放大到跟房间内一面墙一样大。牛津搭配〔enthral〕The child watched, enthralled by the bright moving images.这孩子看着那明亮的移动的影像,被迷住了。牛津高阶〔epidiascope〕A machine for projecting the images of opaque objects or transparencies on a screen.透反射两用幻灯机:用于将不透明或透明物体的影象投影到屏幕上的机器美国传统〔eye candy〕Most of the images on the website are not more than eye candy.网页上大多数图片虽然吸引眼球,却毫无意义。剑桥高阶〔fade out〕You'll need to be able to project two images onto the screen as the new one fades in and the old image fades out.你得能将两个图像投射到屏幕上, 新的淡入, 旧的淡出。外研社新世纪〔faded〕You'll need to be able to project two images onto the screen as the new one fades in and the old image fades out.你得能将两个图像投射到屏幕上,让新的渐渐淡入,旧的渐渐淡出。柯林斯高阶〔fantasy〕An imagined event or sequence of mental images, such as a daydream, usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need.幻想,空想:心理想象的虚幻的事,如白日梦,通常满足心愿或心理的需要美国传统〔fax machine〕A device that sends and receives printed pages or images over telephone lines by converting them to and from electronic signals.传真机:将影像数据转换为电子讯号,藉由电话线传送或接收打印出来的文件或是影像的机器美国传统〔feed〕The images are fed over satellite networks to broadcasters throughout the world.图像通过卫星网络传送给全世界的广播公司。剑桥高阶〔feed〕The camera feeds the images to a monitor.相机把图像传送到显示器上。韦氏高阶〔flash〕Images of the war flashed across the screen.电视屏幕上闪过那场战争的画面。朗文当代〔flipbook〕A small book consisting of a series of images that give the illusion of continuous movement when the edges of the pages are flipped quickly.动画书:一种装订有一系列插图的小书,当迅速翻动书页时,给人以一种连续活动的幻觉美国传统〔flit〕Images and memories of the evening flitted through her mind.关于那个晚上的影像和记忆在她脑海中一一闪现。柯林斯高阶〔flit〕Images and memories of the evening flitted through her mind.那天晚上的情景在她的脑中一幕幕闪现。外研社新世纪〔focus〕The images are blurred because the telescope is out of focus.望远镜没有对准焦点, 图像模糊不清。外研社新世纪〔focus〕The images were grainy and out of focus.图像有麻面, 模糊不清。外研社新世纪〔formless〕A series of largely formless images rushed across the screen.一连串相当混乱的影像在屏幕上闪过。柯林斯高阶〔ghosting〕The appearance of one or more false images on a television screen.幻影:电视荧屏上出现的一个或多个虚幻的假象美国传统〔graphic arts〕The fine or applied visual arts and associated techniques in which images are produced from blocks, plates, or type, as in engraving and lithography.版画:精美的或应用的视觉艺术及与其相联系的技术,其中图象由印版、铅版或印模制得,如在雕刻和石版印刷术中那样美国传统〔hand in hand〕In a film, the images and sounds go hand in hand.一部影片中的图像和声音是紧密关联的。韦氏高阶〔haunt〕Images from the war still haunt him.战争的影像仍萦绕在他的脑海里。麦克米伦高阶〔high-resolution〕Computer Science Relating to an output device, such as a printer, whose images contain a large number of pixels and are therefore sharp and detailed.【计算机科学】 高分辨率的,高解晰度的:输出设备的(如打印机)或与之有关的,该图象含大量象素,因此图象清晰逼真美国传统〔home theater〕A system of sophisticated electronic equipment for the presentation of theater-quality images and sound in the home.家庭电影院:为复杂的电子仪器系统,用以在家中即能展现电影院所能展现的影音质量美国传统〔hook〕The images are used as a hook to get children interested in science.这些图像用以吸引孩子们对科学产生兴趣。牛津高阶〔iconic〕His photographs have become iconic images of war.他的照片已经成为表现战争场面的典型形象。麦克米伦高阶〔iconolatry〕Worship of icons or images.对偶像或画像的崇拜美国传统〔illusory〕The mirror is an instrument for creating illusory images.镜子是用来制造幻象的工具。外研社新世纪〔imagery〕A group or body of related images, as in a painting or poem.意象:例如在绘画或诗歌中使用的一系列互相关联的图象美国传统〔imagery〕A set of mental pictures or images.影象:一系列脑海中的形象或一系列画像美国传统〔imagery〕The art of making such images.塑像术:制造这种图象的一门艺术美国传统〔imagery〕The use of expressive or evocative images in art, literature, or music.象征:在美术、文学或音乐上运用象征手法进行的表达或宣传美国传统〔image〕Images of strange-looking animals are carved into the rocks.外形奇特的动物图像被刻在岩石上。麦克米伦高阶〔image〕Advertisers have given permission to post these digital images.广告商已经允许发布这些数字图像。牛津搭配〔image〕He started to recall images from his past.他开始回想自己对过去的印象。牛津搭配〔image〕He was a painter who produced convincing images of life in America.他是一位画家, 创作的美洲生活图景令人信服。外研社新世纪〔image〕It leaves indelible images imprinted on your mind.它在你的头脑中留下难以忘怀的印象。牛津搭配〔image〕The book contains many striking/startling images.这本书中有大量令人惊叹的/震惊的生动描述。韦氏高阶〔image〕The charity is trying to promote positive images of mental handicap.该慈善机构正在努力提升智障者的正面形象。麦克米伦高阶〔image〕The display juxtaposed images from serious and popular art.这次展览将严肃艺术和通俗艺术的图片并列展出。牛津搭配〔image〕The kids sat staring at the images on the TV screen.孩子们坐在那里,注视着电视屏幕上的图像。韦氏高阶〔image〕The natural images in the poem are meant to be suggestive of realities beyond themselves.诗中描绘的自然景象意在让人联想到景象以外的现实。柯林斯高阶〔image〕The poem is full of images of birth and new life.诗中充满了新生和新生活的意象。剑桥高阶〔image〕Their name conjures up images of shiny new office buildings.产生某种形象麦克米伦高阶〔image〕These images are used for marketing purposes.这些图像用于营销。牛津搭配〔image〕Visitors can view live radar images and listen in to the control tower.参观者可以观看实时的雷达图像并监听控制塔指令。牛津搭配〔image〕You can store these images in a separate computer file.你可以把这些图像单独存在一个电脑文件里。牛津搭配〔imagination〕The ability or tendency to form such images.想象力:形成上述形象的能力或趋势美国传统〔imprint〕He could not dislodge the images imprinted on his brain.他难以把刻在脑海中的形象抹去。柯林斯高阶〔infrared〕Their pilots are guided by an infrared optical system that shows images clearly even at night.他们的飞行员使用红外光学系统导航,即便在夜晚也能清楚地显示影像。剑桥高阶〔intercut〕The film is set in a night club and intercut with images of gangland London.这部电影的故事背景是一家夜总会, 穿插了关于伦敦黑帮的许多镜头。外研社新世纪〔jump〕The screen(=the images on the screen) on this computer keeps jumping.这台计算机屏幕上的画面在不停地抖动。麦克米伦高阶〔latitude〕A range of values or conditions, especially the range of exposures over which a photographic film yields usable images.安全曝光的时限:价值或情况的范围,尤指曝光范围,在此期限内摄影用的底片能产生可用的影象美国传统〔legitimize〕Images which glorify violence and cruelty serve to legitimize such behaviour.这些美化暴力和暴行的图片会让人们认可这种行为。外研社新世纪〔legitimize〕Images which glorify violence and cruelty, serve to legitimise such behaviour.这些美化暴力和暴行的图片,就是要使此等行为合理化。柯林斯高阶〔lifetime〕The images are part of a lifetime's worth of photographs from Cohen's long career.那些图像是科恩漫长摄影生涯中倾注毕生心血的作品的一部分。牛津搭配〔line up〕When the images line up exactly, the projectors should be fixed in place.图像完全对齐时,投影仪的位置就应该固定下来。柯林斯高阶〔magnification〕The electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to produce images at high magnifications.电子显微镜利用电子束形成高倍影像。外研社新世纪〔magnify〕The telescope magnifies images 11 times.这个望远镜将像放大11倍。外研社新世纪〔magnify〕This version of the Digges telescope magnifies images 11 times.这种型号的迪格斯望远镜可将图像放大11倍。柯林斯高阶〔manipulate〕You can integrate text with graphics and manipulate graphic images.你可以把文本和图形拼接起来进行图像处理。朗文当代〔metadata〕Digital cameras can tag images with useful metadata.数码相机能够在图片上加上有用的元数据。剑桥高阶〔metaphor〕She uses some wonderful images and metaphors in her writing.她在作品中用了很多出色的意象明喻和暗喻。朗文当代〔microdot〕Microdot cameras produce images so small that they can be hidden in the full stop of this sentence.微点相机可以把图片制得极小,可以藏在标点句号里。剑桥高阶〔microform〕An arrangement of images reduced in size, as on microfilm or microfiche.缩微成像,缩微复制:缩小了的图象的排列,如在缩微胶卷或缩微平片上的美国传统〔montage〕A rapid succession of different images or shots in a movie.蒙太奇:电影中不同影像或镜头的快速连接美国传统〔montage〕The ads feature a montage of images - people surfing, swimming, and playing basketball.这些广告是一组剪辑在一起的画面——人们在冲浪、踢足球和打篮球。剑桥高阶〔montage〕The use of such successive images as a cinematic technique.剪辑:这种连续影像作为一种电影技术的运用美国传统〔music video〕A filmed or videotaped rendition of a recorded song, often portraying musicians performing the song or including visual images interpreting the lyrics.音乐节目录像:歌曲经胶片或者录像带记录的演出版本,通常内容是音乐人表演这首歌,有的还附有体现歌曲词内容的形象生动的画面美国传统〔norm〕Computer-generated images will become an accepted norm in films.计算机生成的影像将成为电影中被人们所接受的常见事物。麦克米伦高阶〔observer〕A trained observer can scan the images in minutes.一个训练有素的观测员能在几分钟内将这些图像浏览一遍。麦克米伦高阶〔on-screen〕The images appear on-screen.影像出现在屏幕上。韦氏高阶〔opaque projector〕A projector used to view images of nontransparent materials, such as printed sheets or drawings.实物投影机:用来投射不透明物品,如印刷纸或图画等的投影机美国传统〔optical scanner〕A device that converts printed images and text into digital information that can be stored as a computer file and processed by graphics software.光学扫瞄器:可将印刷图像与文字转化为数字数据并储存成计算机文件以供影像软件进行处理的装置美国传统〔photographically〕I reduced the images photographically.我用照相的办法把这些图像缩小了。韦氏高阶〔photographically〕The machine will be able to 'paint' photographically realistic images.这台机器将能够逼真地“画出”真实形象。外研社新世纪〔photographic〕The software allows you to scan photographic images on your personal computer.用这个软件,你可以在自己的个人计算机上浏览照片。朗文当代〔photography〕The art or process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces.摄影:在感光表面产生物体影像的技术或过程美国传统〔poetic〕Deanne Sokolin creates abstract, mournfully poetic black-and-white images of wrapped objects.迪恩•索科林围绕包裹起来的物体创造了抽象、忧伤而充满诗意的黑白影像。剑桥高阶〔potent〕Images from the war are still potent today.战争中的景象如今依然有强大的影响力。麦克米伦高阶〔pride〕Businesses rushed to include images of patriotic pride in their marketing.各企业在营销中纷纷将爱国自豪感的意象包括在内。牛津搭配〔print out〕The images of the moon's surface were transmitted back to earth and printed out.月亮表面的图像被传回到地球并打印出来。柯林斯高阶〔printing press〕A machine that transfers lettering or images by contact with various forms of inked surface onto paper or similar material fed into it in various ways.印刷机:通过与各种油墨表面接触而把字母或图像转移到以各种方式放入其中的纸或类似材料上的机器美国传统〔print〕The images are scanned onto computers and digitally printed.图像扫描到电脑后再数字打印出来。牛津搭配〔project〕Images are projected onto the retina of the eye.影像被投射到眼睛的视网膜上。牛津高阶〔project〕Laser images were projected onto a screen.激光图像被投射到了屏幕上。剑桥高阶〔real-time〕The images are created in real time.图像即时产生。朗文当代〔record〕Something, such as magnetic tape, on which sound or visual images have been recorded.录制品:上面记录有声音或视觉图像的东西,如磁带美国传统〔relay〕Images of the war were relayed around the world.战争场面转播到了全世界。麦克米伦高阶〔relief〕The images of the children are carved in high relief.高/浅浮麦克米伦高阶〔reload〕If the images don't display, reload the page.如果图像不显示,就重新载入这个页面。韦氏高阶〔remote sensing〕It can translate data from maps or remote sensing instruments into images.它可以把从地图或遥感设备中得到的数据转化成为图像。柯林斯高阶〔report〕Our next report contains images that some viewers might find upsetting.我们下一则报道出现的画面可能会令一些观众感到不安。麦克米伦高阶〔rhythm〕The pattern of development produced in a literary or dramatic work by repetition of elements such as words, phrases, incidents, themes, images, and symbols.文学作品的节奏:通过例如单词、短语、插曲、主题曲、形象及象征等成分的重复在文学或戏剧作品中产生的展开的形式美国传统〔rotate〕The software allows you to rotate images.这款软件能让你旋转图像。韦氏高阶〔routinely〕Satellite images are routinely used in weather forecasting.卫星图像通常用于天气预报。麦克米伦高阶〔satellite〕Images of the planet are sent by satellite.人造卫星发送了该行星的图像。韦氏高阶〔satellite〕American reconnaissance satellites provide images of the earth.美国侦察卫星提供地球影像资料。牛津搭配〔saturate〕Images of the war saturated the news.新闻里到处都是战争的画面。韦氏高阶〔screen〕He was horrified at some of the images he saw on the screen.在屏幕上看到的一些图像让他感到很恐怖。朗文当代〔seductive〕Television confronts the viewer with a succession of glittering and seductive images.电视为观众展现一连串光彩夺目引人入胜的影像。剑桥高阶〔shock〕The public is becoming sickened by these images of violence and death.公众看到这些充满暴力和死亡的画面大为震惊。牛津高阶〔sketchy〕The ideas seem sketchily developed, the textures thin, the images vague.观点阐述不充分,结构单薄,意象也模糊不清。柯林斯高阶〔snap〕The images were snapped by a satellite camera.这些图片是由卫星上的照相机拍摄的。韦氏高阶〔snarf〕He hacked into the computer system and snarfed some images.他用黑客方法攻入电脑系统,盗取了一些照片。剑桥高阶〔soul〕His poetry contains many beautiful images, but it lacks soul.他的诗歌有很多美丽的意象,但缺少内涵。麦克米伦高阶〔steal〕Images of Africa already began to steal upon my brain.非洲的形象已渐渐在我头脑中形成。英汉大词典〔stimulate〕Erotic images are often more sexually stimulating to men than to women.色情影像在性方面对男性的刺激作用大于女性。剑桥高阶〔stream of consciousness〕Psychology The conscious experience of an individual regarded as a continuous, flowing series of images and ideas running through the mind.【心理学】 意识:个人的意识体验,被认为一系列连续不断的在脑海中掠过的形象或想法美国传统〔subordinate〕It was an art in which words were subordinate to images.这是一种形象胜于语言的艺术。柯林斯高阶〔surveillance〕The images were covertly captured on surveillance tape.监控录像带偷偷记录下了这些影像。牛津搭配〔telefacsimile〕A method for the electronic transmission and reproduction of graphic images or printed matter via signals sent over telephone lines.电话传真:通过电话线传送的信号进行电子传送和复制图像或印刷材料的方法美国传统〔television〕An electronic apparatus that receives electromagnetic waves and displays the reconverted images on a screen.电视机:接收电磁波并在屏幕上显示已还原的图像的电子设备美国传统〔tomography〕Any of several techniques for making detailed x-rays of a predetermined plane section of a solid object while blurring out the images of other planes.X线体层照相术:一种X线照相技术,能够照出某确定物体上事先规定好的某层部分,而不会照下其它部分的像美国传统〔translucent〕Transmitting light but causing sufficient diffusion to prevent perception of distinct images.半透明的:能透过光但却引起大量的散射,从而不能看到清楚的影像美国传统〔trendsetting〕That advertising agency has produced a series of trendsetter images.那家广告社制作了一系列开创新潮流的影像广告。文馨英汉〔unbidden〕At night, images would come unbidden into her mind.晚上种种形象会自动浮现在她的脑海里。剑桥高阶〔unsettling〕One of the documentary's many unsettling images is of a child playing with her father's gun.纪录片中最令人不安的镜头之一是一个小孩在摆弄父亲的枪。剑桥高阶〔videotape〕A relatively wide magnetic tape used to record visual images and associated sound for subsequent playback or broadcasting.录像磁带:一种比较宽的磁带,用来记录图像和对应的声音以进行复放或者播放美国传统〔video〕Of or relating to television, especially televised images.视频的,电视的:电视的或与电视有关的,特别是电视图像的美国传统〔viewpoint〕Different viewpoints produce different images.角度不同,产生的画面也不同。朗文当代〔visual〕Artists translate their ideas into visual images.画家把自己的思想转换成视觉画面。朗文当代〔visual〕Television news brings us visual images from around the world.电视新闻给我们带来了世界各地的视觉图像。麦克米伦高阶〔word〕The word 'cruise' conjures up images of a luxury.* cruise (巡游)这个词使人想起奢华的场景。牛津搭配〔yore〕The images provoked strong surges of nostalgia for the days of yore.这些影像勾起了对昔日时光的强烈怀念。外研社新世纪〔zap〕The images can be zapped into our homes from anywhere via satellite.图像可以通过卫星从任何地方传送到我们家中。韦氏高阶All moving images before the 1950s were shot on nitrate film, a highly inflammable medium which inevitably tends to self-destruction.二十世纪五十年代以前,所有的活动影像都摄在硝酸盐胶片上,这是一种极为易燃、难免自毁的媒质。剑桥国际Computer graphics can produce images on a video screen or directly onto film.电脑制图能在电视荧屏上产生出图像,或直接将图像录制在胶卷上。剑桥国际Computer graphics produce hallucinatory images (=pictures that look like hallucinations) which are projected onto the walls of the nightclub.计算机绘图制作幻象似的形象投影到夜总会墙上。剑桥国际If a person is short-sighted, images are focused in front of their retina, and if a person is long-sighted, images are focused beyond their retina.人如果近视的话,图像就会聚焦在视网膜前方,如果远视的话,图像就会聚焦在视网膜之后。剑桥国际Many images of the Buddha are enshrined in the temple.庙里供着许多佛像。剑桥国际One of the film's many unsettling images is of a child playing with her father's gun.这部电影中许多令人不安的形象之一是一个玩弄她父亲手枪的孩子。剑桥国际Part of the display involves the projection of a series of images.这次展览的一部分包括一系列图象的放映。剑桥国际She painted/photographed images of all the poorest parts of New York.她将纽约最贫困的部分都画成了画/拍成了照。剑桥国际The images are being fed over satellite networks to broadcasters throughout the world.图像正在由卫星网络向全世界的广播公司传送。剑桥国际The images are of variable quality (= some are good, some bad).这些图像质量参差不齐。牛津商务The images are stored in a digital format.影像以数字格式贮存。牛津商务The camera produces sharp, high-resolution images.这种照相机产生出清晰、高解析度的影像。牛津商务The children's bedrooms are mirror images of each other.孩子们的卧室互相都一样。剑桥国际The digital images can then be transferred to/onto disk.数字图像可以转存到磁盘上。牛津商务The poem is full of images of birth and new life.这首诗充满出生和新生命的比喻。剑桥国际Their pilots are guided by an infrared optical system that shows images clearly even at night.他们的飞行员由甚至在夜晚也清楚地显示图像的红外光学系统导航。剑桥国际To include the images on a website would be in violation of copyright restrictions.在网站上附加图像将会违犯版权限制。牛津商务When I awoke, a few impalpable images and sensations were all I could remember of the dream.当我醒后,我只能记起梦中一些难以理解的图像和感觉。剑桥国际




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