

单词 in our favour
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔balance〕His vote tipped the balance in our favour.他的一票起了决定性作用,使形势有利于我们。英汉大词典〔bias〕The present bias of trade is in our favour.当前贸易的趋势对我们有利。英汉大词典〔favour〕The delay might actually work in our favour.延迟事实上也许对我们有利。麦克米伦高阶〔favour〕The exchange rate is in our favour at the moment.目前汇率对我们有利。牛津高阶〔favour〕The score was 7 to 6 in our favour.比分是7比6,我们获胜。英汉大词典〔find〕The industrial tribunal found in our favour.作出有利于某人的裁决麦克米伦高阶〔operate〕The new law doesn't operate in our favour.这项新法规对我们不利。朗文当代〔operate〕The new law doesn't operate in our favour.那项新法律对我们不利。英汉大词典〔prejudice〕He has a prejudice in our favour.他对我们有偏爱。英汉大词典〔swing〕Some decent publicity could have swung the balance in our favour.一些像样的宣传活动本来可以让结果变得对我们有利。麦克米伦高阶〔turn〕The speech turned the crowd in our favour.这篇演说使群众转而支持我们。英汉大词典It was less tiring running on the way back, because we had the wind in our favour.跑回来不如跑去时累,因为我们是顺风。剑桥国际The strength of the local currency worked in our favour.坚挺的当地货币对我们有利。牛津商务




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