

单词 graciously
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔accede to sth〕He graciously acceded to our request.他通情达理地同意了我们的请求。剑桥高阶〔accept〕She graciously accepted my apology.她很有风度地接受了我的道歉。牛津搭配〔consent〕Mrs Meade has graciously consented to supervise your detention.米德夫人好心答应在你放学后留校时指导你。牛津搭配〔graciously〕He graciously offered us a place to stay.他热情地为我们提供了栖身之所。韦氏高阶〔graciously〕Hospitality at the Presidential guest house was graciously declined.安排下榻总统宾馆的接待被婉拒了。柯林斯高阶〔graciously〕Hospitality at the Presidential guesthouse was graciously declined.总统下榻的宾馆准备殷勤招待, 但被婉言谢绝了。外研社新世纪〔graciously〕May Almighty God graciously vouchsafe to hear the prayers of his people and turn away his judgment from this sinful land!愿全能的上帝仁慈惠赐, 应允听取他的臣民的祷告, 收回他对这片罪孽之地的审判!外研社新世纪〔graciously〕The houses were daintily adorned, graciously windowed, almost scented with wealth.那些房子装饰考究, 窗棂雅致, 几乎散发着富贵的气息。外研社新世纪〔graciously〕They know a thing or two about living graciously.他们很了解什么是高雅的生活。外研社新世纪〔gracious〕She graciously accepted our invitation.她落落大方地接受了我们的邀请。牛津高阶〔offer〕She graciously offered to get pizza so I wouldn't have to cook.她好心地提出去买比萨饼,省得我做饭。牛津搭配〔volunteer〕David graciously volunteered to model for the art class.好心的戴维主动提出为美术课做模特。牛津搭配All the guests were graciously served at the party. 宴会上所有客人都受到殷勤款待。译典通He graciously acceded to our request.他大方地同意了我们的请求。剑桥国际He has lived graciously all his life. 他一辈子生活得很优裕。译典通She graciously (= politely and pleasantly) accepted the flowers that were presented to her.她和蔼可亲地接受了献花。剑桥国际She accepted their tribute graciously. 她慈祥地接受了他们的致意。译典通




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