

单词 commit
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Bible〕the Wicked (或 Adulterous) Bible 1631年版基督教《圣经》(指漏印 Thou shalt not commit adultery 句中的not一字的那种版本)英汉大词典〔adultery〕commit adultery with 与…通奸英汉大词典〔affront〕commit an affront to sb.'s authority 冒犯某人的权威英汉大词典〔bail〕offenders who commit crimes while out on bail 在保释期间犯罪的罪犯麦克米伦高阶〔blasphemy〕commit blasphemy 犯大不敬之罪韦氏高阶〔brain〕commit money and some of the best brains to a task 将资金和一些最佳智力人才投入一项任务英汉大词典〔breach〕commit a breach of protocol 做违反礼仪的事英汉大词典〔bribery〕commit bribery 行[受]贿文馨英汉〔cardinal sin〕politicians who commit the cardinal sin of ignoring public opinion 犯下忽视公众舆论这个大错的政治家朗文当代〔committed〕the temptation to commit adultery.与人通奸的诱惑柯林斯高阶〔commit〕commit a bill to a committee 把议案提交委员会英汉大词典〔commit〕commit adultery 通奸英汉大词典〔commit〕commit murder 凶杀英汉大词典〔commit〕commit sb. to do (或 to doing) sth.使某人承诺做某事英汉大词典〔commit〕commit sb. to five years' imprisonment 判处某人5年徒刑英汉大词典〔commit〕commit sb. to prison 把某人关进监狱英汉大词典〔commit〕commit sb.'s body to the earth (或grave) 埋葬某人的尸体英汉大词典〔commit〕commit suicide/murder/rape/adultery 自杀;犯谋杀/强奸/通奸罪韦氏高阶〔commit〕commit the papers to the fire 将文件付之一炬英汉大词典〔commit〕commit the verse to memory.将诗句存入脑海中美国传统〔commit〕commit two million dollars worth of commodities in foreign barter activity 拨出价值200万美元的商品与外国进行物物交换英汉大词典〔commit〕conspiracy to commit murder 谋杀的阴谋麦克米伦高阶〔commit〕felt that he was too young to commit fully to marriage.感到他太年轻不能完全承担结婚的义务美国传统〔commit〕to commit a crime.犯罪。牛津同义词〔commit〕to commit an offence 犯法剑桥高阶〔commit〕to commit valuables to someone’s safekeeping.把值钱的东西交託某人妥善保管。牛津同义词〔conspire〕a defendant convicted of conspiring with his brother to commit robberies.被判与其兄弟合谋抢劫的被告柯林斯高阶〔conspire〕a defendant convicted of conspiring with his brother to commit robberies一名被判与其兄弟合谋抢劫的被告外研社新世纪〔crime〕commit a high crime 犯下重大罪行英汉大词典〔crime〕commit crime 犯罪朗文当代〔crime〕to commit a crime(= do sth illegal) 犯罪牛津高阶〔disembowelment〕commit disembowelment 剖腹自杀文馨英汉〔entrust〕entrusted his aides with the task.See Synonyms at commit 他把这项任务委托给了他的助手们 参见 commit美国传统〔folly〕commit a folly 做荒唐事文馨英汉〔fornicate〕commit fornication 犯通奸罪韦氏高阶〔impeachable〕commit an impeachable crime 犯可能遭致检举[弹劾]的罪文馨英汉〔impeachable〕commit an impeachable offence 犯可能招致弹劾的罪行英汉大词典〔incest〕commit incest 乱伦韦氏高阶〔incest〕commit incest with one's daughter-in-law 与儿媳通奸文馨英汉〔incest〕commit incest with one's daughter-in-law 与儿媳通奸英汉大词典〔incite〕a person who incites others to commit an offence 教唆他人犯罪的人朗文当代〔infringement〕sympathy for people who commit minor infringements 对轻微触犯法规者的同情牛津搭配〔kill〕the feeling of hopelessness that led him to commit suicide 导致他自杀的绝望感朗文当代〔litany〕commit a litany of crimes 犯一系列的罪英汉大词典〔misconduct〕commit misconduct with sb.与某人通奸英汉大词典〔misdeed〕commit misdeeds 犯罪(或干违法勾当)英汉大词典〔misdemean〕commit misdemeans 干不规矩的事英汉大词典〔mortal sin〕commit a mortal sin 犯下弥天大罪韦氏高阶〔murder〕a murder weapon (= a weapon used to commit a murder) 凶器剑桥高阶〔murder〕to commit (a) murder 犯谋杀罪牛津高阶〔offence〕commit an offence against traffic regulations 违反交通规则英汉大词典〔offense〕to commit an offense 犯罪牛津高阶〔perjury〕commit a perjury 犯伪证罪英汉大词典〔persistent〕a persistent offender(= a person who continues to commit crimes after they have been caught and punished) 惯犯牛津高阶〔sin〕to commit a sin 犯罪牛津高阶〔solecism〕to commit a social solecism 社交上失礼剑桥高阶〔suicide〕a suicide letter/note(= written before sb tries to commit suicide) 绝命书牛津高阶〔suicide〕to commit suicide 自杀牛津高阶〔transgression〕commit a transgression of college rules 违犯大学校规英汉大词典〔venial sin〕commit a venial sin 犯了轻罪韦氏高阶




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