

单词 hatch
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔down the hatch〕a whiskey that goes down the hatch smoothly 能一口气喝完的威士忌韦氏高阶〔escape hatch〕the escape hatch of a submarine 潜艇的紧急出口韦氏高阶〔hatch〕hatch (out) a plot 策划 (出) 阴谋 英汉大词典〔hatch〕hatch (out) chickens 孵出小鸡 英汉大词典〔hatch〕hatch a conspiracy [plot] 策画阴谋文馨英汉〔hatch〕hatch a programme of economic aid 拟订一个经济援助方案 英汉大词典〔hatch〕hatch an assassination plot.密谋暗杀计划美国传统〔hatch〕hatch an egg 孵蛋文馨英汉〔hatch〕hatch eggs 孵蛋英汉大词典〔hatch〕a hatch between the kitchen and the dining room 厨房和餐厅之间的递菜口牛津搭配〔hatch〕a hatch to the attic 通阁楼的门牛津高阶〔hatch〕a hatch to the dining room 朝向餐厅的小窗口牛津搭配〔hatch〕a service hatch 送菜口文馨英汉〔hatch〕a serving hatch 上菜窗口剑桥高阶〔hatch〕a serving hatch 传递饭菜的窗口牛津高阶〔hatch〕an escape hatch 紧急出口牛津高阶〔hatch〕an escape hatch 紧急出口,逃生舱口文馨英汉〔hatch〕an escape hatch 逃生出口剑桥高阶〔hatch〕an escape hatch 逃逸舱口 (或应急离机口,弹射出口)英汉大词典〔hatch〕shop through a hatch in the wall 通过墙上的小窗口购买东西英汉大词典〔hatch〕to hatch a plot.策划阴谋。牛津同义词〔hatch〕to hatch a scheme策划阴谋21世纪英汉〔hatch〕to hatch eggs.孵蛋。牛津同义词〔interest〕the Hatch family, who controlled large dairy interests.掌控大量奶业股权的哈奇家族柯林斯高阶




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