

单词 home
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ATTACK〕the problem of domestic violence and sexual assault within the home 家庭暴力和家庭性侵犯的问题朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕to move to a new home 搬家朗文写作活用〔abroad〕at home and abroad 在国内和国外文馨英汉〔accessory〕a range of furnishings and accessories for the home 各种各样的家居装饰物及配件牛津高阶〔accident〕accidents in the home 家中发生的意外事件牛津高阶〔active〕soldiers returning home from active service 从战场上返家的士兵韦氏高阶〔aged〕a home for the aged 养老院英汉大词典〔batter〕a home for battered wives 弃妇收容所英汉大词典〔care home〕a residential care home for the elderly.敬老院柯林斯高阶〔computer〕the market for home computers 家用电脑市场牛津搭配〔concession〕tax concessions for mothers who stay at home with their children对在家照顾孩子的母亲的税收优惠外研社新世纪〔confinement〕the pros and cons of home versus hospital confinement 在家分娩相对于在医院分娩的各种利弊朗文当代〔constituency〕home constituency 原选(举)区英汉大词典〔device〕electrical labour-saving devices around the home 节省劳力的各种家用电器牛津高阶〔downward〕the downward trend in home ownership自置房产的下滑趋势外研社新世纪〔eat〕eat in=eat at home 在家里吃饭文馨英汉〔eat〕to eat at home instead of in a restaurant 在家吃饭朗文当代〔former〕the former home of Sir Christopher Wren克里斯托弗•雷恩爵士的故居外研社新世纪〔furlough〕be home on furlough 在家(或回国)休假中英汉大词典〔hearth〕a man who leaves his hearth and home to labour as a miner in the inhospitable north.离开温暖舒适的家到荒凉的北方做矿工的男子柯林斯高阶〔home video〕the home video market 影碟市场韦氏高阶〔home〕home remedies 家用疗法 英汉大词典〔home〕home sales 内销 英汉大词典〔home〕a home computer 家用电脑牛津高阶〔home〕a home computer 家用计算机朗文当代〔home〕a home question 击中要害的质问英汉大词典〔home〕a dogs'/cats' home 狗╱猫之家牛津高阶〔home〕a shelter for people with no permanent home 为居无定所者设立的收容所牛津搭配〔home〕going home for lunch.回家吃午饭美国传统〔home〕leave sth. at home 把某物忘在(或留在)家里 英汉大词典〔home〕products for the home market 为国内市场生产的产品牛津高阶〔home〕students who have a difficult home situation 家庭困难的学生剑桥高阶〔home〕the home market 国内市场韦氏高阶〔invade〕invade a neighbour's home 侵占邻居的家英汉大词典〔isolation〕the social isolation of single mothers at home with their babies 在家带孩子的单身母亲与社会的隔绝牛津搭配〔lavish〕a lavish home 豪华的家韦氏高阶〔male chauvinist〕the male chauvinist pig who wants women in the home and in their place.希望女人都足不出户、安分守己的满脑子大男子主义的蠢货柯林斯高阶〔modestly〕the modest home of a family who lived off the land.靠土地过活的一户人家的简朴住房柯林斯高阶〔new〕a new home 新居英汉大词典〔office〕the British Home Office.英国的内政部美国传统〔off〕coming home with make-up all over his clothes — it's a bit off isn't it.衣服上到处沾着化妆品回到家——他这样有点过分了,是不是。柯林斯高阶〔old folk〕an old folks' home 养老院;老人院麦克米伦高阶〔old-fashioned〕good old-fashioned home baking 标准的老式家庭烘烤麦克米伦高阶〔overseas〕when I came home from overseas我从国外回到家时外研社新世纪〔pet〕the Home Secretary's pet 内务大臣的宠儿英汉大词典〔press〕to press home an attack/an argument/a point 把进攻╱论证╱论点坚持到底牛津高阶〔protected〕home to protected animal and plant species受保护动植物的家园外研社新世纪〔ram〕a police video ramming home the dangers of driving fast in fog 一再强调在雾中开快车危险的警方录像带朗文当代〔reasonable〕arrive home at a reasonable hour.在一个还说得过去的时刻回到了家美国传统〔residential〕residential staff in a children's home 儿童养育院的住院职工英汉大词典〔route〕the most direct route home 最直接的回家路线朗文当代〔shear〕come home shorn 蚀(或输)得精光回家英汉大词典〔sick〕be sick for one's home 苦苦想家英汉大词典〔sore〕a racial sore at home 国内种族纠纷英汉大词典〔stadium〕the home stadium of the New York Giants 纽约巨人队的主场体育场牛津搭配〔stadium〕the opening of a new national stadium (= where a country's team plays its home games) 新国家体育场的启用剑桥高阶〔their〕their accomplishments; their home town.他们的成就;他们的家乡美国传统〔turf〕the team's first success of the season on home turf (= in their own stadium) 这个队在主场赢得的本赛季第一场胜利牛津搭配〔user〕a computer intended for business and home users 商务和家庭两用计算机牛津搭配〔visit〕pay the doctor for a home visit 付给医生上门出诊费英汉大词典




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