

单词 gossip
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVERTISING〕Hollywood gossips were saying that the studio lacked the funds to publicize its new film properly. 好莱坞有传闻说制片公司缺少资金,未能好好地宣传它的新片。朗文写作活用〔BETRAY〕I'm not sorry to be away from the gossip and backstabbing of the office. 离开办公室内的流言飞语及暗箭伤人,我一点也不感到遗憾。朗文写作活用〔BOAST〕The book is full of name-dropping and gossip, but not much else. 这本书满是名人的名字以及流言飞语,除此以外没有什么内容。朗文写作活用〔CAREFUL〕People might gossip if we arrived together. It would be much more discreet for us to go there separately. 我们要是一起到达那儿会让人说闲话的。还是慎重一点,分头去吧。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕Mingling genuine news with gossip, she made a lively companion. 她的言谈结合了真实新闻与流言蜚语,是个充满活力的同伴。朗文写作活用〔RECENTLY〕The girls spent the evening catching up on the latest gossip. 女孩子们整个晚上都在聊一些最近流传的闲言碎语。朗文写作活用〔ROAD/PATH〕Women in white aprons gossiped in the alley between the apartment blocks. 系着白色围裙的妇女们在公寓大楼间的小巷里说着东家长西家短。朗文写作活用〔RUMOUR〕I don't believe Liz had an affair with him. That's just malicious gossip. 我不相信莉兹和他有染。那只是恶毒的闲言碎语。朗文写作活用〔RUMOUR〕I got back from my vacation eager to hear all the latest gossip. 我度假回来,迫不及待地想听到所有的最新的传闻。朗文写作活用〔RUMOUR〕Recently her name has showed up a lot in gossip columns. 最近她的名字常在漫谈栏里出现。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕It's a small place, so news and gossip gets around pretty quickly. 这是一个小地方,所以有什么新闻和流言都传得很快。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕Don't tell him anything private - he's a terrible gossip. 别告诉他任何私事一他是个极爱说人闲话的人。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕I heard an interesting piece of gossip about Beth Ann. 我听说了有关贝丝·安的一段有趣的闲话。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕The town gossips had been spreading rumours about Bruce for months. 镇上爱说闲话的人几个月来一直在散播有关布鲁斯的流言飞语。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕Those two old ladies sit there every day, gossiping about everyone in town. 那两个老太太每天坐在那里,聊着镇上的每一个人的闲话。朗文写作活用〔TIRED/TIRING〕It exhausted him to talk for too long, but he loved hearing all the theater gossip. 过长时间的谈话让他精疲力竭,但他喜欢听所有戏剧界的小道消息。朗文写作活用〔above〕She is above petty gossiping.她不屑于散布流言蜚语。21世纪英汉〔according to〕He and his father, according to local gossip, haven't been in touch for years.当地风传,他和父亲已多年未联系了。柯林斯高阶〔appetite〕The public's appetite for celebrity gossip seems insatiable.公众获取名人小道消息的欲望似乎永远难以满足。麦克米伦高阶〔around the water cooler〕He tried to avoid the water cooler gossip at the office.他尽量回避办公室里的八卦。韦氏高阶〔bad〕Gossip had it that she was a bad girl.有流言说她是个不正经的姑娘。英汉大词典〔bare〕The bare truth is that people love gossip, for all sorts of reasons.人们出于各种原因爱传闲话, 这是明摆着的事实。外研社新世纪〔bear〕She bore gossips.她散布流言蜚语。21世纪英汉〔bespatter〕His reputation was bespattered by malicious gossip.他的声誉遭到恶意中伤的诋毁。21世纪英汉〔catch〕Let me catch you up on all the gossip.让我把所有的流言蜚语简要地说给你美国传统〔chitchat〕To engage in small talk or gossip.聊天或传播流言蜚语美国传统〔circulate〕Gossip tends to circulate quickly.流言传播迅速美国传统〔claver〕To gossip or talk idly.闲谈或愚蠢地谈话美国传统〔consist〕Their conversation consisted almost entirely of gossip.他们的谈话几乎全是些闲言碎语。牛津搭配〔crack-up〕People gossiped about his crack-up.大家都在闲谈他的精神崩溃。文馨英汉〔deal in〕We don't deal in rumor or gossip.我们不造谣传谣。韦氏高阶〔delicious〕I have some delicious gossip to tell you.我有一些有趣的小道消息要告诉你。剑桥高阶〔descend〕Other people may gossip, but don't descend to their level.别人可能会有闲言碎语,但不要和他们一般见识。朗文当代〔despise〕She despised gossip in any form.她对任何形式的流言蜚语都嗤之以鼻。牛津高阶〔die〕Don't worry, the gossip will soon die down.别担心,流言蜚语不久就会平息的。朗文当代〔dirt〕Malicious or scandalous gossip.流言,诽谤:恶意的或诽谤性的闲话美国传统〔discredit with〕He discredited my good name with gossip.他用流言蜚语败坏我的好名声。21世纪英汉〔discredit〕She discredited his good name with ugly gossip.她散布恶毒的流言蜚语,破坏他的好名声。英汉大词典〔discussion〕We had a good gossip about the boss.我们讲了好一会儿老板的闲话。牛津高阶〔dish〕To talk idly, especially to gossip.闲谈,尤指讲闲话美国传统〔drive〕This malicious gossip has driven her out of the village.这些恶意中伤的谣言迫使她离开了村子。麦克米伦高阶〔earful〕Gossip, especially of an intimate or scandalous nature.诽谤:闲话,常是亲密的或带丑闻的中伤他人的言谈美国传统〔false〕The gossip about her later proved to be entirely false.后来证明有关她的传言都是假的。牛津搭配〔fearful〕She's a fearful gossip.她极爱说闲话。麦克米伦高阶〔feed〕Gossip and speculation are constantly fed to us by the media.媒体不断把流言蜚语和猜测臆断灌输给我们。牛津高阶〔field〕In our absence the office gossips are probably having a field day.我们不在的时候,办公室里大概谣言四起了吧。柯林斯高阶〔fill sb in〕I filled her in on the latest gossip.我告诉了她最新的小道消息。剑桥高阶〔fluff〕Her latest article has the usual fluff about movie stars and gossip.她最近的文章和以往一样,都是些有关影星和八卦的无聊内容。韦氏高阶〔fodder〕His antics always make good fodder for the gossip columnists.他滑稽可笑的举止总是成为八卦专栏作家的好素材。韦氏高阶〔fodder〕This story will be more fodder for the gossip columnists.这个传闻会是闲谈专栏作家的又一素材。牛津高阶〔force〕He is always in (great) force and full of gossip.他总是精神抖擞,满肚子的街谈巷议。英汉大词典〔frightful〕What frightful gossips people are, even one's best friends.人们最爱散布流言蜚语,哪怕是自己最好的朋友也不例外。柯林斯高阶〔gad〕He gadded about [around] gossiping.他四处游荡说闲话。文馨英汉〔gossip columnist〕The jet-setting couple made frequent appearances in the gossip columns.这对穿梭于各国的富豪夫妇经常出现在八卦专栏。柯林斯高阶〔gossip mill〕According to the gossip mill, she has had his name tattooed on her shoulder.据坊间传闻, 她把他的名字文在了肩上。外研社新世纪〔gossip〕A piece of silly gossip was going around the school.校园内流传着一则荒唐的谣言。牛津搭配〔gossip〕Don't believe all the gossip you hear.别对那些道听途说都信以为真。牛津高阶〔gossip〕Don’t listen to gossip.别听信流言蜚语。牛津同义词〔gossip〕Don’t listen to him — he’s a real gossip.别听他的话——他最爱散布流言。牛津同义词〔gossip〕Eva gossiped with Sarah.伊娃和萨拉闲聊。外研社新世纪〔gossip〕He had been spreading gossip about his coworkers.他以前总是散布同事的是非长短。韦氏高阶〔gossip〕He spent the first hour talking gossip.他头一个小时都在闲聊。柯林斯高阶〔gossip〕He was a vicious gossip.他总是喜欢说别人的坏话。柯林斯高阶〔gossip〕He was a vicious gossip.他爱讲别人的坏话。外研社新世纪〔gossip〕He's a terrible gossip.他是个很爱说三道四的人。韦氏高阶〔gossip〕Her letter was full of gossip.她信里讲的都是些闲言碎语。剑桥高阶〔gossip〕Here's an interesting piece of gossip about Mrs Smith.这里有一则关于史密斯夫人的有趣传闻。朗文当代〔gossip〕I don't intend to gossip about my sickness.我不想随便谈我的疾病。英汉大词典〔gossip〕I don't like all this idle gossip.我讨厌这些无聊的流言蜚语。剑桥高阶〔gossip〕I heard an interesting bit of gossip yesterday.我昨天听到一条有趣的传闻。牛津搭配〔gossip〕I like having a good gossip now and then.我偶尔喜欢闲聊一番别人的家长里短。韦氏高阶〔gossip〕I mustn't stay gossiping any longer.我不能再闲聊下去了。外研社新世纪〔gossip〕I never listen to office gossip.我从来就不听办公室里的闲言麦克米伦高阶〔gossip〕I phoned up Mum for a gossip.我给妈妈打电话闲聊了一通。外研社新世纪〔gossip〕I saw it in the gossip column of the local newspaper.我在当地报纸上的漫谈专栏看到过此事。牛津搭配〔gossip〕It was common gossip how he felt about her.他对她的看法,大家都在议论纷纷。朗文当代〔gossip〕Jane and Lyn sat in the kitchen having a good gossip about their friends.简和琳恩坐在厨房里大聊特聊自己的那帮朋友。剑桥高阶〔gossip〕Mrs Lilywhite never gossiped.利利怀特夫人从来不说长道短。柯林斯高阶〔gossip〕Mrs Lilywhite never gossiped.莉莉怀特太太从不说三道四。外研社新世纪〔gossip〕My uncle Michael was a great gossip.我的叔叔迈克尔是个非常喜欢对别人品头论足的人。麦克米伦高阶〔gossip〕One day Sam heard an interesting piece of gossip.一天萨姆听到一段有趣的流言。麦克米伦高阶〔gossip〕People have started to gossip about us.人们已经开始说我们的闲话了。剑桥高阶〔gossip〕Phil's in there, having a gossip with Maggie.菲尔在那里面跟玛吉闲聊。朗文当代〔gossip〕Rick's a terrible gossip.里克就爱说三道四。朗文当代〔gossip〕She had no time for idle gossip .她没有时间说三道四。朗文当代〔gossip〕She is above gossiping about her neighbours.她不会在背后议论她的邻居。英汉大词典〔gossip〕She was far too busy to gossip with her neighbours.她太忙了, 没工夫跟邻居闲聊。外研社新世纪〔gossip〕She's a terrible gossip.她是个很要命的长舌妇。剑桥高阶〔gossip〕She's been gossiping about you.她一直在说你的闲话。牛津高阶〔gossip〕Someone has been spreading malicious gossip about me.有人一直在恶意散布关于我的谣言。牛津搭配〔gossip〕Stop gossiping and do your work.别再闲扯了,继续干点活去。剑桥高阶〔gossip〕The gossip was that he had lost a fortune on the stock exchange.有小道消息说他在股票交易中赔了一大笔钱。牛津高阶〔gossip〕The whole town was gossiping about them.全镇的人都在议论他们。朗文当代〔gossip〕Their children aren't old enough to understand the salacious gossip about their father.他们的孩子还不够大, 不能理解那些关于他们父亲的下流传言。外研社新世纪〔gossip〕There has been much gossip about the possible reasons for his absence.关于他缺席的原因有许多闲话。外研社新世纪〔gossip〕There's been a lot of gossip about it.关于这件事有过很多流言。外研社新世纪〔gossip〕They gossiped about her when she wasn't there.她不在的时候, 他们对她说三道四。外研社新世纪〔gossip〕They just stood gossiping.他们只管站着说闲话。牛津同义词〔gossip〕They often gossip with each other about their neighbors.他们常常彼此说自己邻居的闲话。韦氏高阶〔gossip〕They spent the afternoon gossiping on the phone.他们打电话闲聊了一个下午。韦氏高阶〔gossip〕They were always gossiping.他们老是在说长道短。外研社新世纪〔gossip〕We don't think twice when gossiping about a neighbour who's having an affair.闲聊一个邻居的风流韵事时, 我们从不思前想后。外研社新世纪〔gossip〕We had a good gossip about the boss.我们私下里把老板评头论足了一番。牛津搭配〔gossip〕We spoke, debated, gossiped into the night.我们交谈着,争论着,闲聊着,一直持续到晚上。柯林斯高阶〔gossip〕We spoke, debated, gossiped into the night.我们说说吵吵, 一直聊到天黑。外研社新世纪〔gossip〕What he really enjoys is a good gossip.他真正喜欢的是说三道四。外研社新世纪〔go〕It just goes to show how gossip can get out of hand.这正好说明流言蜚语是会弄得不可收拾的。外研社新世纪〔go〕There was a lot of gossip going around the village.村子里流言蜚语很多。朗文当代〔half-truth〕The newspaper reports are a mixture of gossip, lies and half-truths.报纸的这些报道尽是些流言蜚语、谎言和真假参半的内容。牛津高阶〔hard〕TV news programs seem to be more interested in gossip than in hard news.电视新闻节目似乎对小道消息比对严肃新闻更感兴趣。朗文当代〔harm〕She's a terrible gossip but she means no harm.她很饶舌,不过她没有恶意。朗文当代〔have〕So gossip has it.流言蜚语就是这么说的。英汉大词典〔hot〕Do you want to hear about all the latest hot gossip ? 想不想听听最新的小道消息?朗文当代〔hot〕I've got some hot gossip for you! 我要告诉你一些最新的传闻!牛津高阶〔innuendo〕The president was brought down through gossip and innuendo.总统在流言蜚语和暗讽之中被拉下了台。麦克米伦高阶〔insinuation〕Gossip and insinuations may make things difficult for you.流言蜚语和含沙射影也许会让你举步维艰。外研社新世纪〔intriguing〕The magazine carries an intriguing mixture of high fashion, gossip and racing.这本杂志内容丰富有趣,时尚、茶余饭后话题和赛马都有。朗文当代〔invention〕All that gossip about Linda was just pure invention.有关琳达的所有流言都纯属虚构。剑桥高阶〔invention〕All that gossip he told me about Melanie was pure invention.他对我说的所有关于梅拉尼的闲话纯属编造。麦克米伦高阶〔jealousy〕He quickly discovered the petty jealousies and gossip of village life.他很快就发现了乡村生活中人们狭隘善妒,好传播流言。朗文当代〔juicy〕I've got some really juicy gossip for you.我有些有趣的小道消息要告诉你。剑桥高阶〔juicy〕It provided some juicy gossip for a few days.它制造了一些非常八卦的流言蜚语, 够说上好几天的。外研社新世纪〔juicy〕It provided some juicy gossip for a few days.这制造了一些非常八卦的流言蜚语,足够说上几天的。柯林斯高阶〔keen〕She was always keen to hear the local gossip.她总是热衷于打听当地的街谈巷议。牛津搭配〔lighten〕Her existence was lightened by bits of gossip.她的生活因为一些传闻而变得轻松些。外研社新世纪〔lighten〕Her existence was lightened by bits of gossip.她的生活靠了飞短流长才不那么乏味。柯林斯高阶〔line〕Sometimes it's difficult to draw a line between backbiting and malicious gossip.背后中伤和歹毒的流言蜚语,有时很难区别。英汉大词典〔live〕We were laughing and gossiping, oblivious to the fact that we were on live TV.我们笑着、聊着, 忘记了我们正在做电视直播。外研社新世纪〔log in〕Customers pay to log in and gossip with other users.顾客付费登录后和其他用户聊天。外研社新世纪〔lose〕As soon as he heard the gossip, he lost no time in spreading it round the office.他一听到这个流言, 就马上在办公室里四处散播。外研社新世纪〔maliciously〕She gossiped maliciously about staff.她居心不良, 对员工们的事情说长道短。外研社新世纪〔malign〕She has recently been maligned in the gossip columns of several newspapers.她最近受到几家报纸漫谈专栏的污蔑。剑桥高阶〔mind〕You mustn't mind about their gossiping.对于他们说闲话你千万不要放在心上。英汉大词典〔mischief-maker〕One who causes mischief, especially one who makes trouble by spreading gossip.搬弄是非者:制造麻烦的人,尤指散播小道消息而制造麻烦的人美国传统〔mole〕There is gossip in Westminster that there is a mole in the Cabinet.威斯敏斯特有传言说内阁中有一名卧底。外研社新世纪〔morsel〕I love the morsels of gossip that float around the tabloids and periodicals.我喜欢读小报和期刊上流传的那些八卦消息。外研社新世纪〔mutate〕Overnight, the gossip begins to mutate into headlines.一夜之间, 流言开始变成了报纸的头条。外研社新世纪〔newsmonger〕One who spreads news, especially a gossip.饶舌的人:散布消息的人,尤其是谣言美国传统〔pawn〕The tabloids often pawn off gossip and trivia as real news.通俗小报经常把闲言碎语和鸡毛蒜皮之事当成真正的新闻刊登出来。朗文当代〔percolate〕Gossip percolated through the country at large.全国各地都传得沸沸扬扬。英汉大词典〔petty〕Village life is full of gossip and petty jealousies.乡村生活中满是闲言碎语和微不足道的争风吃醋。麦克米伦高阶〔plentiful〕She kept them plentifully supplied with gossip.她不断向他们散播大量的流言蜚语。牛津高阶〔policy〕It's always been my policy not to gossip.不说人是非是我一贯的处事原则。朗文当代〔prattle〕The villagers are prattling on about the village gossip.村民们正在闲扯些村里的事。21世纪英汉〔prurient〕We read the gossip written about them with prurient interest.我们翻看他们的八卦时带着不洁的想法。外研社新世纪〔prurient〕We read the gossip written about them with prurient interest.我们翻看他们的八卦时带着不洁的想法。柯林斯高阶〔rampant〕Gossip has run rampant.流言已四处传开。英汉大词典〔round〕The news quickly made the rounds. A piece of juicy gossip is going the rounds.消息很快就传开了;生动的闲话正传播开去美国传统〔run across〕She often runs across to the neighbour's house to have a good gossip.她经常跑到邻居家去闲聊。21世纪英汉〔satiate〕Nothing seems to satiate people's need for gossip.似乎没什么能完全满足人们对传言的需求。麦克米伦高阶〔scandal sheet〕A periodical, such as a newspaper, that habitually prints gossip or scandalous stories.黄色报刊:习惯刊登造谣或猥亵故事的期刊,如报纸等美国传统〔scandalmonger〕One who spreads malicious gossip.传播丑闻者:散布恶意中伤言语的人美国传统〔scandalously〕A jealous colleague could spread scandalous gossip about you.一个心怀嫉妒的同事可能会散播有关你的丑闻谣言。柯林斯高阶〔scandal〕He loved gossip and scandal.他喜欢说三道四,散布谣言。柯林斯高阶〔scandal〕Some magazines contain nothing but scandal and gossip.有些杂志专门报道丑闻,散播小道消息。剑桥高阶〔scandal〕Talk that is damaging to one's character; malicious gossip.恶意诽谤:讲对某人品质有损的话;恶意的流言蜚语美国传统〔scandal〕The gossip magazine is filled with rumors and scandal.花边杂志充斥着谣言和绯闻。韦氏高阶〔scandal〕The magazine is full of gossip and scandal.这本杂志全是一些大小八卦。朗文当代〔shred〕If Myra gossips about this, my reputation will be in shreds.如果迈拉把这事说出去,那我就名誉扫地了。朗文当代〔site〕At this site you'll find all the latest news and gossip.在这个网站你会找到所有最新的新闻和八卦消息。牛津搭配〔sit〕She really sat up when I told her the gossip about Tom.我把有关汤姆的闲话告诉她时,她确实大吃一惊。英汉大词典〔slake〕Nothing will slake the public's appetite for celebrity gossip.没有什么能满足公众对于名人八卦消息的兴趣。麦克米伦高阶〔so-and-so〕She always keeps me up to date with the latest gossip - you know, so-and-so from down the road is having a baby and so-and-so's just bought a car.她总会把最新的小道消息及时告诉我——你知道吗,路那头的某某人怀上了孩子,某某人刚买了汽车。剑桥高阶〔soil〕Malicious gossip can soil a person's reputation.恶意的流言蜚语会损害一个人的名誉。英汉大词典〔stir〕There's a lot of gossip about me going around. Have you been stirring? 有关我的流言蜚语满天飞,是你在搬弄是非吗?剑桥高阶〔string〕They strung out their gossip for a long time.他们把聊天的时间拖得很长。英汉大词典〔stroke〕She's been gossiping and hasn't done a stroke (of work) all morning.她整个上午都在闲聊,一点儿活都没干。剑桥高阶〔stuff〕His marital troubles have made the stuff of gossip.他在婚姻问题上遇到的麻烦成了人们的谈资。英汉大词典〔substance〕It was malicious gossip, completely without substance.这是恶意造谣,完全没有事实根据。牛津高阶〔tabby〕A prying woman; a gossip.爱探隐私的女人;长舌妇美国传统〔tale〕A malicious story, piece of gossip, or petty complaint.一个恶意的故事、一段流言蜚语或琐碎的怨言美国传统〔thing〕Gossips made a big thing about him going on shopping trips with her.流言蜚语把他和她出去购物这件事闹得沸沸扬扬。外研社新世纪〔thing〕Gossips made a big thing about him going on shopping trips with her.风言风语把他和她出去购物这件事闹得沸沸扬扬。柯林斯高阶〔titillate〕Carter's biography is only spoiled by the fact that he refuses to titillate (= interest) his readers with any gossip.卡特的传记减色不少,只是因为他拒绝以小道消息来取悦读者。剑桥高阶〔tittle-tattle〕To talk idly or foolishly; gossip.闲聊:闲散或傻乎乎地谈话;闲谈美国传统〔town crier〕Informal A gossip.【非正式用语】 闲言碎语美国传统〔trivia〕She was not interested in the trivia of gossip.她对鸡毛蒜皮的流言蜚语不感兴趣。英汉大词典〔waste〕He didn't want to waste valuable time in idle gossip.他不想把宝贵的时光浪费在说长道短中。牛津搭配〔weary〕Gossip, after all, soon wearies.流言蜚语终不能长久。英汉大词典〔whisper〕To speak quietly and privately, as by way of gossip, slander, or intrigue.私语:暗中秘密地及私下里说,如通过说闲话、诽谤或搞阴谋的方式美国传统Gossiping about her neighbors fanned them into resentment. 背后议论她的邻居激起了他们的忿恨。译典通A gossip has a petty mind. 长舌妇往往心胸狭窄。译典通All this talk that she's going to leave her husband is just gossip.她将离开她丈夫的说法只是流言蜚语而已。剑桥国际Go to the water cooler to catch up on office gossip.去饮水冷却器那里听点办公室闲话。牛津商务Her letter was full of gossip.她的信里全是小道消息。剑桥国际I don't like all this idle gossip.我不喜欢所有这些无聊的闲谈。剑桥国际I love reading the gossip columns (= the parts of newspapers in which the private lives of famous people are written about).我爱读漫谈栏(报纸上刊登名人私生活故事的栏目)。剑桥国际I'm just repeating what I heard from Patrick Campbell, the fount of all salacious gossip.我只是重复了从帕特立克·坎贝尔那里听来的话,一切黄色的流言都是打他那儿来的。剑桥国际I've got some really juicy gossip for you.我有一些真有趣的内幕新闻要告诉你。剑桥国际My husband meets a few actors in his job, so I get to hear lots of little snippets of gossip that you don't get in the magazines.我丈夫在工作中可以见到一些演员,因此我能知道很多杂志以外的趣闻。剑桥国际My next door neighbour's a real gossip merchant (= She enjoys talking about people's private lives).我的隔壁邻居真是个喜欢传播流言蜚语的人。剑桥国际People have started to gossip about us (= talk about our private lives).人们开始对我们说长道短。剑桥国际She discredited his good name with ugly gossip. 她散布恶毒的流言蜚语,坏败他的好名声。译典通She loves to peddle gossip. 她喜欢搬弄是非。译典通She's a real gossip.她真是个长舌妇。剑桥国际Some magazines contain nothing but scandal and gossip.有些杂志专门发表丑闻报道和小道新闻。剑桥国际Stop gossiping (= having an informal conversation) and get on with some work.停止闲聊,开始工作。剑桥国际The malicious neighbor spread the gossip. 那个不怀好意的邻居散布了流言蜚语。译典通They have been maligned in the gossip columns of several newspapers.他们受到几家报刊的漫谈专栏的污蔑。剑桥国际We filled them in on the gossip.我们告诉了他们那条小道消息。剑桥国际




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